
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 1.31MB 66 页 15积分
In the field of second language acquisition, the studies of vocabulary acquisition
and its related areas of lexical research have been underestimated for long periods of
time. In recent decades, however, a gradual but striking shift has taken place with
greater attention focused on vocabulary learning and teaching in applied linguistics.
Studying different approaches in vocabulary learning, the author of the present
thesis has found that the association approach and the chunk approach are two popular
approaches, while little attention has been paid to the effectiveness of the combination
of these two approaches. Therefore, the author decides to acquire the verification that
this combined approach in vocabulary teaching and learning would prove to be more
efficient than each of the two approaches stands alone.
The author organizes the paper in this way: first, a brief introduction concerning
the importance of vocabulary and vocabulary teaching is given; the past and present
status of vocabulary teaching is sketched. Literature and theories of the association
approach and the chunk approach, as well as relevant research findings are laid out as
the theoretical foundation. With a view to obtaining scientific statistics, three
experiments are conducted aiming at testifying the effectiveness of the proposed
Empirical studies show that the combined approach does improve English
vocabulary learning. Through the analysis of the data collected from the experiments, it
could be concluded that the combined approach, that is, the association-chunk approach,
has much more significant effect on vocabulary learning than the two approaches used
separately. Finally, some tentative suggestions are put forward for English vocabulary
teaching based on the results. The limitations of the paper are also listed for future
It is hoped that the paper will give some insights for future studies in vocabulary
teaching and learning.
Key wordsVocabulary Acquisition, the Association-Chunk Approach,
摘 要
关键词: 词汇习得 联想词块组合法 教学效果
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... II
....................................................................................................................... III
Chapter I Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
§1.1 Importance of Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching ......................................1
§1.2 The Historical Development of Vocabulary Learning and Teaching .............. 2
§1.3 L2 Vocabulary Learning and Teaching in China .............................................3
§1.4 Organization of This Paper ............................................................................. 5
Chapter II Literature Review .......................................................................................7
§2.1 Theories Concerning Association Approach ...................................................7
§2.1.1 Brief Introduction of Association Approach ......................................... 7
§2.1.2 Classification of Association .................................................................9
§2.1.3 The Cognitive Supporting Evidence of Association Memory ............ 10
§2.1.4 Researches of the Application of Associative Approach .....................11
§2.2 Theories Concerning Chunk Approach .........................................................13
§2.2.1 Brief Introduction of Lexical Chunks ................................................. 13
§2.2.2 Classification of Lexical Chunks ........................................................ 16
§2.2.3 Psycholinguistic Supporting Evidence of Chunk Theories .................17
§2.2.4 Empirical Study on Lexical Chunks in Second Language Acquisition
§2.3 Summary ....................................................................................................... 18
Chapter III Survey Design .........................................................................................20
§3.1 Hypotheses .................................................................................................... 20
§3.2 Design of the Questionnaire ..........................................................................21
§3.3 Design of the Experiments ............................................................................21
§3.3.1 Subjects ............................................................................................... 23
§3.3.2 Scoring ................................................................................................ 24
§3.3.3 Statistical Instrument .......................................................................... 25
Chapter IV Data Analysis ..........................................................................................26
§4.1 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire ...............................................................26
§4.2 Findings of the Questionnaire ....................................................................... 29
§4.3 Analysis of the Results of the Three Experiments ........................................ 30
§4.3.1 Analysis of the Results of Experiment I ............................................. 30
§4.3.2 Analysis of the Results of Experiment II ............................................ 36
§4.3.3 Analysis of the Results of Experiment III ...........................................40
§4.4 Findings of the Experiments ......................................................................... 46
Chapter V Conclusions ..............................................................................................47
§5.1 The Summary of the Study ........................................................................... 47
§5.2 Pedagogical Implications .............................................................................. 47
§5.2.1 Application of the Association-Chunk Approach to Teaching ............47
§5.2.2 Application of the Association-chunk Approach to Exercise Designing
§5.3 Limitations of the Paper ................................................................................52
Appendix I ...............................................................................................................53
Appendix II ..............................................................................................................55
Appendix III .............................................................................................................. 56
Appendix IV .............................................................................................................. 57
Appendix V ............................................................................................................. 58
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................60
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................................................................ 63
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter I Introduction
§1.1 Importance of Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching
It is universally acknowledged for most linguists and those who are dedicating to
applied linguistic studies that the relationship between vocabulary and language is one
crucial part of linguistic research.
As a fundamental component of any language, vocabulary is of critical importance
to language learners. One of the most important parts of learning a new language is
learning new words. Just imagine how a building could be a building without bricks and
how the forest could be a forest without trees? Similarly, how a language could be a
language without vocabulary? The fact has already been demonstrated by many
well-known linguists:
“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed.” (Wilkins, 1972, p.111).
“Native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utterances with accurate
vocabulary than those with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary.” (Widdowson,
“The lexicon may be the most important component for learners.” (Gass and
Selinker, 1994, p.198).
It is clearly illustrated that without the mastery of words, no one can use a language
appropriately in communication. “No matter how well the student learns grammar, no
matter how successfully the sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a
wider range of meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any
meaningful way.” (McCarthy, 1990, p. 91).
It is really an embarrassing experience in using our language when we are not able
to find the proper words to express our thoughts and unable to recognize or use the
words we meet. And a lack of sufficient vocabulary will ultimately affect people’s
understanding of the language and communicating in the language.
Just as Vermeer said in 1992, “Knowing words is the key to understanding and
being understood. The bulk of learning a new language consists of learning new words.”
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Association and Chunk Approach on Vocabulary Teaching
(p. 147). Krashen and Terrel held the same view in The Natural Approach in 1983:
“Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of
the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the
conversation. If they wish to express some idea or ask for information they must be able
to produce lexical items to convey their meaning.”(p. 291).
As a key element, vocabulary also plays a leading role in the development of the
basic skills of language learninglistening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.
None of the above can be improved without the dependence on vocabulary. Stahl (1983)
has pointed out “an improvement in reading comprehension can be attributed to an
increase in vocabulary knowledge”, because he finds 90% of difficulty in reading can be
attributed to the lack of vocabulary competency (p.72).
Therefore, vocabulary acquisition is crucial for language learners in the sense that
words are basic units composing larger linguistic items; it is the very first step of the
whole learning process. Hence, vocabulary teaching and learning, especially in a second
or foreign language, is an indispensable part of language teaching and learning. Krashen
and Terrel had clearly indicated this point: “Vocabulary is of prime concern in L2
settings because it plays a dominant role in classroom success. (p.292)”
§1.2 The Historical Development of Vocabulary Learning and
However, in second language teaching and learning, vocabulary was seldom
mentioned and had been neglected during much of the 20th century.
In the early 20th century, language was often regarded as a structured system, and
most linguists focused their attention almost entirely on phonology and grammar
because those aspects of language could be systematically analyzed.
The schools of structuralism and contrastive analysis emphasize the mastery of
syntactic structure, while opposing the teaching of too much vocabulary. Thus, the
role of vocabulary had been undervalued and degraded, while grammar and phonology
were considered to be central to linguistic theory and more essential to language
teaching. As a matter of fact, teachers were sometimes encouraged not to emphasize too
much on vocabulary before their students had mastered grammar or phonology.
In the late 1970s, even when the “communicative approach” became the trend,


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:66 页 大小:1.31MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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