
3.0 赵德峰 2025-01-09 7 4 3.12MB 75 页 15积分
阶段、经济信用化阶段、经济证券化阶段和经济虚拟化阶段选取 M2社会融资规
标和 GDP 之比描述了我国经济金融化各阶段的趋势。文章选取 M2年增长率、社会
自变量,GDP 年增长率作为因变量(样本区间 1990 年至 2012 年),利用 Eviews
关键词:经济金融化 经济发展 金融结构 金融创新
Our country has entered the ranks of middle-income countries, and the key period
of economic development. According to international experience, if the economy
continues to be stable and fast growth , our country can across the "middle-income trap",
become a moderately developed countries , if the economy is not stable and rapid
development, the development of the whole country will be stalled. Therefore, analyze
the factors affecting the development of the economy is very necessary. In the global
economy, economic growth is closely connected with the development of financial
industry , the trend of economic financialization obviously. Therefore, analysis of the
relationship between economic financialization and China's economic development is
First of all , the author analyzed and compared the process of the main countries
economic financialization from economic monetization ratio, economic credition ratio
and economic securitization ratio, the countries include the United States, Japan and
other major developed countries and major emerging countries such as China, Brazil,
Russia. come to the conclusions : our country's economy monetization rate is higher and
is slowly improving, the overall financialization of enough; financialization degree is
not enough; economic financialization, on the whole, to promote the economic
development of China; our country's economy financialization still exist many
Secondly , in order to verify the relationship of the "economic financialization" and
economic development , the author selected four indexes from the stage of economic
monetization, creation, securitization and virtualization including M2 , the total social
financing scale, securities, futures trading volume . The ratio of four indicators and the
GDP is used to describe the trend of our country's "economic financialization" Article
selected annual growth rate of the M2, social financing scale securities, futures trading
volume as the independent variables, annual growth rate of GDP as the dependent
variable (sample interval between 1990 and 2012), checked the relationship between the
"economic financialization" and the economic development, draw the conclusion:
economic monetization play an important role in promoting the economy, the effect of
economic creation, securitisation and virtualization is not obvious .Finally, the article
draw on the experiences and lessons of developed countries, and in combination with
the actual situation of China's economic development, this paper expounds the
economic financialization development direction and expatiates on how to better serve
our country's economy.
Key words: economic financialization, economic development,
financial structure, financial innovation
第一章 ....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................. 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................ 2
1.2 文献综述 ................................................... 2
1.2.1 国外文献综述 ........................................ 3
1.2.2 国内文献综述 ........................................ 3
1.3 研究内容及研究方法 ......................................... 6
1.3.1 研究内容 ............................................ 6
1.3.2 研究方法 ............................................ 7
1.4 创新与不足 ................................................. 7
1.4.1 创新点 .............................................. 7
1.4.2 不足之处 ............................................ 8
第二章 经济金融化的理论依据 ........................................ 9
2.1 经济金融化相关概念界定 ..................................... 9
2.1.1 金融化与过度金融化的定义及特征 ...................... 9
2.1.2 金融结构的概念界定及评价标准 ....................... 10
2.2 经济金融化的理论依据 ..................................... 14
2.2.1 马歇尔和庇古的现金余额数量论 ....................... 14
2.2.2 马克思主义金融资本理论 ............................. 14
2.2.3 戈德˙史密斯金融结构理论 ........................... 15
2.2.4 金融抑制和金融深化理论 ............................ 16
2.3 本章小结 ................................................. 18
第三章 主要国家的经济金融化进程分析 ................................ 19
3.1 经济金融化的成因及表现形式 ............................... 19
3.1.1 经济金融化的成因 ................................... 19
3.1.2 经济金融化的表现形式 ............................... 19
3.2 主要国家经济金融化进程分析 ................................ 20
3.2.1 美国经济金融化进程分析 ............................. 21
3.2.2 日本和欧洲三国经济金融化进程分析 ................... 22
3.2.3 新兴国家经济金融化进程分析 ......................... 26
3.2.4 我国经济金融化现状分析 ............................. 29
3.3 经济金融化对我国经济发展影响分析 ......................... 32
3.3.1 经济金融化对我国经济结构调整的影响 ................. 32
3.3.2 经济金融化对我国实体经济影响 ....................... 33
3.4 本章小结 .................................................. 34
第四章 经济金融化与我国经济发展相关性检验 .......................... 36
4.1 经济金融化评价指标 ........................................ 36
4.1.1 经济货币化指标 ..................................... 36
4.1.2 经济信用化指标 ..................................... 38
4.1.3 经济证券化指标 ..................................... 40
4.1.4 经济虚拟化指标 ..................................... 43
4.2 模型的构建 ................................................ 45
4.2.1 模型建立的说明 ..................................... 46
4.2.2 变量选取 ........................................... 46
4.2.3 模型的设定 ......................................... 46
4.3 模型的估计 ................................................ 47
4.3.1 数据说明 ........................................... 47
4.3.2 一元线性回归 ....................................... 48
4.3.3 多元线性回归 ....................................... 49
4.4 模型的检验 ................................................ 50
4.4.1 经济意义检验 ....................................... 50
4.4.2 统计检验 ........................................... 51
4.5 实证结果分析 .............................................. 52
4.5.1 我国正处于经济信用化阶段 ........................... 52
4.5.2 经济金融化促进了我国经济发展 ....................... 53
4.6 本章小结 .................................................. 53
第五章 政策建议 .................................................... 54
5.1 金融工具创新与金融监管同步发展 ........................... 54
5.1.1 金融工具创新 ....................................... 54
5.1.3 金融监管创新 ....................................... 55
5.2 稳步推进金融深化改革 ...................................... 56
5.2.1 加快各层次资本市场的发展 ........................... 56
5.2.2 放宽民间资本投资金融领域限制 ....................... 56
5.2.3 建立存款保险制度 ................................... 57
5.2.4 严密防范金融风险 ................................... 57
5.3 金融支持下的产业结构升级 .................................. 57
5.3.1 推动重点领域与行业转型和调整 ....................... 57
5.3.2 整合金融资源支持小微企业发展 ....................... 58
5.3.3 加大对“三农”领域的信贷支持 ....................... 59
5.3.4 消费金融保障下的消费升级 ........................... 59
5.4 完善基本经济制度和现代市场体系 ............................ 59
5.4.1 坚持和完善基本经济制度 ............................. 59
5.4.2 加快完善现代市场体系 ............................... 60
第六章 ...................................................... 61
6.1 .................................................... 61
6.2 研究展望 .................................................. 62
............................................................. 63
参考文献: ......................................................... 69


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:75 页 大小:3.12MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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