
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 1.97MB 91 页 15积分
摘 要
链的管理模式研究为切入点,以一家具体男装公司——K 男装为研究对象,提出
析法对百余篇国内外服装行业供应链的研究文献进行筛选,选取了 30 篇代表文献
后,本文以 K男装公司为案例对象,从终端表象切入,剖析其供应链管理存在的
问题,再探索可行的供应链管理模式,最终提出了适合 K男装供应链管理情况的
新供应链计划体系,尽可能详尽的描述了该计划体系和内容,从而优化了 K男装
实践表明,该论文所研究的新供应链计划体系模型已帮助 K男装公司成功地
优化其原有的供应链,在供应商货品供应环节将原有的周期提前了 10-15 天,并解
决了 K男装诸多管理问题。
关键词:计划体系 快速供应链 品牌男装 服装行业
Compared with international clothing brands, domestic clothing brands have a lot
of particularities, and the supply chain system is relatively backward and uncompleted,
which leads to the appearance of the bottlenecks in the domestic clothing brands,
especially, men’s clothing brands face the most apparent problems in their supply chains.
As the competition of international men’s clothing brands becomes more and more
intensified, the supply chains of domestic clothing brand are on the critical moment of
optimization and upgrading. On this basis, this paper started with the supply chain
management model, using a practical case study as the research object and raised out a
planning system to optimize the supply chain. Perfect plan system can not only help
enterprise accurate calculation of production, demand plan volume, but also can better
grasp of delivery, add order and fill with order, so as to improve the supply chain of the
indirect meet the demand of the market rate, reached the purpose of establishing a rapid
supply chain, and finally directly increase enterprise benefit.
This paper firstly started with the explanation of the source, meaning and some
related items of this thesis and used literature analysis method to summarize the mean
ideas of 30 papers after hundred papers’ sifting as the foundation of the following
contents. Secondly, when analyzing the current status of domestic and international
clothing industry, the paper used some typical case studies to compare different supply
chain optimizing ways of different enterprises and compared the difference of domestic
and international business mode creatively and systematically in order to state the
planning systems can solve the problems. Thirdly, the paper had a detailed research in a
practical company K as the research object, based on not only the theoretic researches
but also much data information, flow chats and different views to analyze the problems
and reasons in K men’s clothing company. On this basis the paper explored the feasible
supply chain management model and created a new ‘planning system which was
suitable for K by detailed description of the planning system. Finally the planning
system could help to optimize the manufacturing and demands’ foreseeing capabilities
and accuracy of productions, improving company’s core competitiveness.
The practical experiment showed that the new planning system had helped
company K to optimize the original supply chains successfully and especially in
warehouse of the headquarters, it helped to improve the circle in 10-15 days quicker
than before and slove lots of K management problems.
The ultimate purpose and meaning of this paper is to explore how to collaborate
with the suppliers in order to improve and optimize company‟s supply chain systems by
a case study of a typical clothing brand and provided some new ways and methods for
some related enterprises by analysis, discussion and summary of the new mode. This
paper combined theory and practice, because it began with the theoretical research and
ended with a specific enterprise case study, which make the content richer and avoided
the shortcomings of low practical value of a simple theoretical papers. On this basis, the
paper can offer some practical new ideas, methods and research basement for the supply
chain construction of domestic men‟s clothing brands which want to optimize and
upgrade their supply chains.
Key Word: Planning system, Fast-responsed supply chain, Men’s
clothing brands, Clothing industry
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 课题概况 ...................................................... 1
1.1.1 课题来源和背景 ............................................ 1
1.1.2 课题研究意义 .............................................. 2
1.1.3 课题研究内容、方法与难点 .................................. 3
1.1.4 论文结构安排 .............................................. 3
1.2 文献综述 ...................................................... 5
第二章 相关理论与方法概述 .......................................... 10
2.1 供应链理论概述 ............................................... 10
2.1.1 供应链的概念 ............................................. 10
2.1.2 供应链管理概念 ........................................... 11
2.1.3 快速供应链概念 ........................................... 12
2.2 供应链计划体系与快速供应链的关系 ............................. 12
2.2.1 计划体系概念 ............................................. 12
2.2.2 通过建立供应链计划体系达成快速供应链 ..................... 14
2.3 本文所运用方法论——流程细化与优化的方法 ..................... 15
2.3.1 一个诊断 ................................................. 15
2.3.2 三次优化 ................................................. 16
2.3.3 两个落实 ................................................. 16
2.3.4 一个推动 ................................................. 16
2.3.5 小结 ..................................................... 16
2.4 本章小结 ..................................................... 17
第三章 国内外服装行业供应链管理模式研究与分析 ...................... 18
3.1 国外服装行业现状分析 ......................................... 18
3.1.1 国外服装行业的现状分析 ................................... 18
3.1.2 国外服装行业所面临的挑战 ................................. 19
3.2 国外知名服装品牌供应链分析 ................................... 19
3.2.1 H&M 的双供应链满足不同计划制定模式 ........................ 19
3.2.2 ZARA 的极速供应链 ......................................... 21
3.3 国内男装行业现状分析 ......................................... 23
3.4 国内知名服装品牌供应链分析 ................................... 27
3.4.1 销一补一经典供应链 ....................................... 27
3.4.2 森马产销协同供应链 ....................................... 28
3.4.3 九牧王产销协同供应链 ..................................... 29
3.4.4 雅戈尔“喝酒”模式供应链 ................................. 29
3.5 国内外服装企业经营模式对比分析 ............................... 30
3.6 国内品牌男装企业供应链管理问题分析与解决方案 ................. 32
3.6.1 我国男装企业供应链管理问题剖析 ........................... 32
3.6.2 通过建立供应链计划体系解决供应链管理问题的初步解决思路 ... 34
3.7 本章小结 ..................................................... 35
第四章 K 男装公司的供应链特点及面临的问题分析 ....................... 36
4.1 K 男装公司背景 ................................................ 36
4.2 K 男装公司供应链现状分析 ...................................... 37
4.2.1 表象问题——货品到货不及时,无结构 ....................... 37
4.2.2 表象问题——货期执行率及各环节延误率高 ................... 37
4.2.3 根本问题——K男装计划体系现状混乱 ........................ 40
4.3 K 男装公司供应链混乱的影响因素分析 ............................ 43
4.3.1 期货执行率因素 ........................................... 43
4.3.2 供应链上各环节的利益及绩效因素 ........................... 45
4.3.3 企业内部组织结构因素 ..................................... 46
4.4 本章小结 ..................................................... 46
第五章 K 男装公司新供应链计划体系模式研究与设计 ..................... 48
5.1 K 男装快速供应链整体优化策略——新供应链计划体系概述 .......... 48
5.1.1 新供应链计划体系设计原则 ................................. 48
5.1.2 新供应链计划体系与原有供应链计划体系关键改进点与区别 ..... 49
5.1.3 新供应链计划体系总体描述 ................................. 51
5.2 K 男装快速供应链整体优化策略——新供应链计划体系明晰 .......... 52
5.2.1 新供应链计划体系第一阶段:订货会前规划 ................... 52
5.2.2 新供应链计划体系第二阶段:产品季计划 ..................... 58
5.2.3 新供应链计划体系第三阶段:计划执行 ....................... 62
5.2.4 新供应链计划体系第四阶段:货品分配 ....................... 66
5.2.5 新供应链计划体系的落地保障系统——评价指标体系 ........... 69


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:91 页 大小:1.97MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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