
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-11 4 4 2.46MB 85 页 15积分
面最大温度差都为 5.8℃,温度差异性分别为 25%27%同时还模拟分析了隔板
各状态点参数。模拟分析结果为:标准工况(回风温度 27℃,相对湿度 60%下,
该热回收除湿机的理论除湿量为 0.66kg/h
度:15℃、20℃、27℃、32℃、35℃,相对湿度:40%50%60%70% 下的共
20 组工况。实验结果显示:标准工况下的热回收除湿机的除湿量为 0.6kg/h,与
回风相对湿度和温度分别对本样机性能参数:MER SMER 的影响。最后,对热
冷量 1157w压缩机提供的冷量为 714w板式热交换器回收的冷量为 442.8w,热
回收比例为 38.3%低温工况下该除湿机热回收的比例在 24%左右,高中温工况下
关键词:板式热交换器 热回收除湿机 数学模型 除湿量 MER SMER
Energy problem is becoming more and more serious in nowadays society,advocating
to save energy and reduce energy consumption have became a necessary means.This
article designed a set of dehumidifier with heat recovery which applied cross-flow plate
heat exchanger with heat recovery effect to traditional refrigeration dehumidifier. Heat
recovery dehumidifier can besides reduce indoor air humidity, also can greatly save
energy consumption.Based on the characterstics of the heat recovery dehumidifier, this
article did a series of research.
In the palte heat exchanger, the cold and hot fluid flows through the heat transfer
channel in the form of positive cross-flow. Due to the cold and hot fluid temperature are
changing in the process of flowing, this changer not only happened in along the flow
direction, there is also existence temperature difference perpendicular to the direction of
fluid flow, even in the same class on the surface temperature is not evenly distributed.
Determined the distribution of temperature in the palte played a vital role of
simulating the machine/s accuracy performance. This article modles the distribution of
temperature in the palte of the plate heat exchanger, simulates and analysis the
distribution of temperature in the palte, including the hot and cold fluid temperature
distribution in the cross section of the channel exit. Found that the maximum
temperature difference of the hot and cold fluid outlet section is 5.8, the temperature
difference were respectively 25% and 27%; simulation analysis the influnce of plate
size ,flow velocity and flow temperature on its heat transfer efficiency.
Established the model of air treatment of heat recovery dehumidifier
dehumidification ,including the condenser and evaporator air side heat transfer
mathematical model. Because the air flow the evaporator is the return air flow of the
plate heat exchanger., so mainly studied the evaporator air side heat transfer analysis of
the non-uniform flow temperature conditions, it/s essential for the accuracy of the model
of the dehumidification systerm , can more accurately determine the dehumidifier
theory capacity and each state point parameter of air handling. Results of the simulation
analysis is: the standard operating mode (the return air temperature is 27 , relative
humidity 60%), the theory dehumidification quantity of heat recovery dehumidifier is
0.66 kg/h.
Taken the experiment for the machine, under the experimental conditions allow,
respectively test the corresponding return air temperature: 15 , 20 , 27 , 32 ,
35 , relative humidity: 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% under the working condition of a total
of 20 groups. Experiment results show that the dehumidification capacity of the heat
recovery dehumidifier was 0.6kg/h, same with theoretical results, verified the accuracy
of the established model. At the same time, according to the experimental results
respectively analysis the influence of the return air relative humidity and temperature
for this prototype performance parameters: MER and SMER. Finaly analyz the energy
saving characteristics of heat recovery dehumidifier. Experimental results shoe that:
under the standard conditions, the dehumidifier system total cold quantity is 1157 w,
compressor provided the cold quantity is 714 w, the cold recycling of plate heat
exchanger is 442.8 w, heat recovery ratio is 38.3%. Under the low temperature
condition, the dehumidifier heat recovery ratio is around 24%, Under the middle and
high temperature conditions, the dehumidifier heat recovery ratio is around 38%. Thus
the plate heat recovery dehumidifier this paper besides can reach the designed
dehumidification effect, also energy saving features is obvious.
Key Word: palte heat exchanger, heat recovery dehumidifier,
mathematical model, dehumidification capacity, MER, SMER, energy
第一章 绪论 ...................................................... 1
1.1 课题背景与意义 ............................................ 1
1.1.1 建筑节能 ............................................... 1
1.1.2 空气湿度问题 ........................................... 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................. 4
1.2.1 通风余热回收装置的概况 ................................. 4
1.2.2 板式热交换器国内外研究现状 ............................. 8
1.2.3 除湿机国内外研究现状 .................................. 10
1.3 本课题的研究内容及主要工作 ............................... 13
第二章 板式热回收除湿系统空气处理数学模型 ....................... 14
2.1 板式热交换器简介 ......................................... 14
2.1.1 板式热交换器工作原理 .................................. 14
2.1.2 热工性能 .............................................. 15
2.2 热回收除湿机系统原理分析 .................................. 17
2.2.1 热回收除湿机工作原理 .................................. 17
2.2.2 除湿、节能原理分析 .................................... 19
2.2.3 除湿机性能评价指标[33,26] ................................ 20
2.3 板式热交换器板间温度场分布数学模型 ....................... 21
2.3.1 传热过程分析 .......................................... 21
2.3.2 建立数学模型 .......................................... 22
2.3.3 模型求解 .............................................. 26
2.4 除湿系统空气处理数学模型 .................................. 26
2.4.1 冷凝器空气处理数学模型 ................................ 27
2.4.2 冷凝器空气处理模型求解 ................................ 29
2.4.3 来流温度不均匀时蒸发器空气处理数学模型 ................ 29
2.4.4 蒸发器空气处理模型求解 ................................ 33
2.5 热回收除湿机系统数学模型 ................................ 33
2.6 matlab 控制仿真软件介绍 ................................... 34
2.7 设计工况下除湿量的计算 ................................... 35
2.8 本章小结 .................................................. 37
第三章 板式热回收除湿机机组设计 ................................. 38
3.1 热回收除湿机结构原理 ..................................... 38
3.2 部件设计及选型 ........................................... 38
3.2.1 制冷系统热力参数的确定 ................................ 38
3.2.2 制冷循环的热力计算 .................................... 40
3.2.3 热力计算 .............................................. 41
3.2.4 压缩机选型 ............................................ 43
3.2.5 冷凝器的设计计算 ...................................... 44
3.2.6 蒸发器设计计算 ........................................ 48
3.2.7 节流元件的选择 ........................................ 49
3.2.8 板式热交换器的选择 .................................... 50
3.2.9 风机的选择 ............................................ 50
3.3 板式热回收除湿机装配图 ................................... 51
3.4 本章小结 ................................................. 52
第四章 板式热回收除湿机实验设计 ................................. 53
4.1 实验目的及内容 ........................................... 53
4.2 实验系统介绍 ............................................. 53
4.2.1 焓差实验室简介 ........................................ 53
4.2.2 实验测量系统简介 ...................................... 54
4.3 板式热交换除湿机实验设计 .................................. 58
4.3.1 实验工况及参数确定 .................................... 58
4.3.2 测点布置 .............................................. 58
4.3.3 实验步骤 .............................................. 59
4.4 本章小结 ................................................. 60
第五章 模拟计算和实验研究结果分析 ............................... 61
5.1 板式热交换器板间温度场模拟计算和实验研究对比分析 ......... 61
5.1.1 标准工况下板间温度场模拟结果分析 ...................... 61
5.1.2 隔板尺寸对热交换效率的影响 ............................ 64
5.1.3 风速对热交换效率的影响 ................................ 65
5.1.4 来流温度差对热交换效率的影响 .......................... 66
5.2 板式热回收除湿机系统模拟计算和实验研究结果分析 ........... 67
5.2.1 回风相对湿度对单位时间除湿量(MER)的影响 ............. 67
5.2.2 回风温度对单位时间除湿量(MER)的影响 ................. 68
5.2.3 回风相对湿度对单位能耗除湿量(SMER)的影响 ............ 69
5.2.4 回风入口温度对单位能耗除湿量(SMER)的影响 ............ 70
5.2.5 节能分析 .............................................. 71
5.3 本章小结 ................................................. 72
第六章 结论与展望 ............................................... 74
6.1 主要研究成果 ............................................. 74
6.2 需要进一步开展的工作及展望 ............................... 76
参考文献 ........................................................ 77
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担的科项目及取得成果 .................. 80
.......................................................... 81


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:85 页 大小:2.46MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-11


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