In those years, FX structured deposits play the important role in
inflation-proofing and appreciations of FX, the development of the the Banks’ middle
services and so on. Then, the development speed of the FX structured is swift and
violent. But, along with American loan crisis’s eruption, because of the disadvantage
changes of the linkage currency interest rate, many FX structured deposits can not
realize the expected income and cause the capital crisis. Simultaneously, compared
with the overseas bank, the domestic banks play the dealer’s role in the business of
the FX structured deposits. The own designed deposits are almost identical among the
domestic banks. So, the domestic banks have been in the inferiority situation in the
competition with the foreign banks in the future. In the research of the theory pricing
method, the computation process is more complex considering the stop of the deposits
in many times and the redeem ahead of time and the Libor market model under
stochastic volatility process when we use the analytic solution, the binomial tree
method, the finite difference methods and so on. Therefore, the monte carlo method
have the important theoretic and practical significance in the pricing and the risk
management in the FX structured deposits.
In this dissertation, we use the arranged accumulated FX structured deposits with
the character of the redeemed ahead of time as the pricing research objects. We
decompose these products into the combination of the interest derivative products and
we get those analysis formulas. Then, we use the MCMC method to estimate the
parameters in the Libor market model with stochastic volatility process and use the
improvement LSM to price this FX structured product. On the basis of the sensitive
analysis, we get the influence of the changing of the parameters to this product and
put forward the corresponding countermeasure proposal to the investors and the
publishers both sides of the FX structured products.
Firstly, in the former paper, the writers get the value constitutions of the FX
structured deposits through the contract provision and get the analysis formulas. But,
in this dissertation, we use the decomposition duplication principle to get the algebra
analysis formulas. We get the conclusion in this part: the value of the FX structured
products is decided by the value of the zero-rate bond, the floated-rate bond and the
option of redeems ahead of time.
Secondly, on the basis of the analysis value of the FX structured deposits; we
analyze the Libor market model with stochastic volatility process. On the basis of the
market price of the cap and swap rate and the historical data, we join the information
of the market, the historical data and the subjective idea into the model and use the
inverse the BS option formula to calibrate the local volatility. Then, we use the
MCMC method to estimate the parameters of the stochastic volatility process. Finally,
we compare the simulation results between the normal Libor market model and the
Libor market model with the Libor market model with the stochastic volatility process.
Then, we get the conclusions: the Libor market model with stochastic volatility is
much more fitting than the normal Libor market model. It makes the price of the