Enter the period of the post-industrial society, the social division of deepening and
extension of the product value chain and changes, directly on the manufacturing
enterprises increasingly serious impact. Both from a technical renovation or from
manufacturing operations to, is decreasing and weaken the manufacturing process of the
formation of the profits. Manufacturing enterprise value chain links are greatly changes,
high value links to industry chain and downstream ends over, one of the "service" as a
separate commodity form in manufacturing margins are squeezed, but during the
manufacturing process of the weighting of the greater and greater. In order to adapt to
production- manufacturing value chain distribution changes, production- manufacturing
enterprises are transforming into service-manufacturing company.
Now China is conducting the history of industrialization, and the manufacturing
industry is in emerging and growing course. It is one of the important strategic
initiatives of China's development of modern services and changes in the way of
economic growth to accelerate transforming into service-manufacturing company in the
production manufacturing company of our country.
This article is based on the above background, combined with the Shanghai
Mitsubishi Elevator Company, Ltd. in the elevator industry take the lead in the
production areas to service transformation of case studies, to manufacturing industry
trends change, research and analysis service of the cause of manufacturing,
development processes, combined with the business value chain activity and user value
theory on service-manufacturing strategy transformation in-depth study, study includes
the following aspects:
First, analysis of the current manufacturing enterprise development experience of
the pressing problems, as the product manufacturing sprawl formation of excess,
consumers actually needs change and grow, manufacturing companies need more with
services to explore space.
Second, on service-manufacturing concepts and characteristics for the illustrations,
key analysis service of manufacturing from producer services evolve to provide
products and services of the complex.
Third, at the same time the article analyses the current manufacturing company
enterprise value chain trends and characteristics, as well as through user value theory to
reveal the service-manufacturing transition.
Forth, This article use strategic analysis, strategy, strategic implementation of
empirical methods on Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Company, Ltd. in a new era in the
face of competition changes and their own development needs of individual strategic
transformation for case studies.
Fifth, the last ever use project investment income assessment model on Shanghai
Mitsubishi service-manufacturing strategies into the implementation of specific
measures and access to the stage of the evaluation of the effect.
This article around Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator’s service-the transformation of