
3.0 高德中 2024-11-19 4 4 759.32KB 90 页 15积分
摘 要
司”),探讨上格公司在精益生产的思想指导下的 ERP 系统的设计与实施。
何将精益生产的思想融合到 ERP 系统中的基础上,对上格公司目前的生产经营
格公司实施 ERP 的业务需求、功能需求和信息需求进行了探讨。
本课题对公司现有的业务流程进行了分析,并根据基于精益生产的 ERP 系统
根据重组后的业务流程,进行了公司 ERP 系统的设计。
鉴于目前 ERP 实施成功率低的现实问题,本文提出了应用项目管理的手段对
上格公司的 ERP 系统进行实施。在分析了公司 ERP 实施的主要困难和国内企业应用
项目管理进行 ERP 实施的成败得失以后,提出了应对策略:分阶段实施(5P 策
略)。本文对应用项目管理实施的 5P 策略进行了详细地阐述。
构建了整个系统的体系结构,设计出基于精益生产 ERP 系统模型,提出应用项
目管理进行 ERP 实施的策略,并进行了详细地阐述,为上格公司成功实施 ERP 系
关键词:消防车制造 企业资源计划 精益生产 流程再造 项目管理
Fire truck is a high-tech product with many kinds of technology rolled into one. It
differs from car production which in mass production way using production line, fire
truck production can be small batch production, single production or custom-made. So
the fire truck production organization is complex. The fire equipment manufacturing in
our country is almost in traditional ways at the present day. The one who takes the lead
in using advanced means of modern managementthe one who can win a head start in
the fierce market competition. This paper studied on the design and implementation of
ERP system based on lean product (LP) after making a depth research to Shanghai
Graman International Fire Equipment Co., Ltd (simply referred to as “ShangGe Co.”
below) whose main production is fire engines.
This paper analyzed the thinking, features and the system constitution of lean
production, narrated the concept, the course of development and the management
thinking of ERP, and studied the relations between LP and ERP and how to put LP into
ERP. And than the paper made an in-depth investigation to the current situation of
production and operation management, dissects the main problem in resources
management and also made a detailed analysis of business needs, functional
requirements and information needs of ShangGe Co..
This paper analyzed the corporation's existing business processes, made the
business process reengineering (BPR) according to the demand of ERP system based on
LP, described a few of these business processes using business flow chart, and designed
it’s ERP system according to the business process after BPR.
Given the current practical problem the of low success rate of ERP
implementation, the paper gave the way of project management in ShangGe’s case.
After analyzing the main difficulties in corporation and the success or failure of the
implementation of ERP of domestic enterprises carrying out project management, the
paper worded out the strategy: be implemented in phases (5-phase strategy). It made a
detailed description of 5-phase strategy of the implementation carrying out project
To sum up, this paper made a comprehensive analysis of the scope and the process
of business of ERP system of ShangGe Co. under the guidance of lean production. It
reengineered the business process, built up the system structure, and designed the ERP
system model based on lean production, raised the ERP implementation strategy of
applying project management and made a detailed description. All of these the paper put
forward its views to the successful implementation of ShangGe’s ERP system.
Key Words: Fir truck manufacturing, Enterprise Resources
Planning(ERP) Lean Production(LP) Business Process
Reengineering(BPR), project managementimplementation
目 录
第一章 绪论..........................................................1
§1.1 课题背景和意义.............................................1
§1.1.1 行业发展状况.........................................1
§1.1.2 企业概述.............................................3
§1.1.3 研究意义.............................................3
§1.2 国内外技术发展现状.........................................4
§1.3 论文工作及章节安排.........................................6
第二章 精益生产、ERP BPR 理论.......................................8
§2.1. 精益生产..................................................8
§2.1.1 精益生产的形成.......................................8
§2.1.2 精益生产的特征.......................................8
§2.1.3 精益生产的体系构成..................................10
§2.2 ERP 系统...................................................10
§2.2.1 ERP 的发展历程.......................................10
§2.2.2 ERP 在宏观和微观上的发展.............................11
§2.2.3 ERP 系统的管理思想...................................15
§2.3 业务流程再造(BPR).......................................16
§2.3.1 流程再造的基本原则..................................17
§2.3.2 业务流程再造的主要程..............................17
§2.4 ERP 与精益生产及 BPR 之间的关系.............................18
§2.4.1 ERP 与精益生产的关系.................................18
§2.4.2 ERP BPR 的关系.....................................20
上格公司现状 ERP 系统需求分...............................22
§3.1 上格公司现状概述..........................................22
§3.2 基于精益生产的 ERP 系统需求分析............................22
§3.2.1 上格公司信息化现状分析..............................22
§3.2.2 存在的问题..........................................25
§3.3 实施 ERP 系统的分析..................................27
§3.3.1 业务需求............................................27
§3.3.2 功能需求............................................28
§3.3.3 信息需求............................................30
章 公司业务流程重组.............................................31
§4.1 业务流程分析手段与公司业务流程要求........................31
§4.1.1 业务流程分析手段....................................31
§4.1.2 公司精益生产业务流程要求............................31
§4.2 公司业务流程分析与重组....................................32
§4.2.1 生产管理工作流程分析与重组..........................32
§4.2.2 销售管理工作流程分析与重..........................36
§4.2.3 采管理工作流程分析与重..........................37
§4.2.4 存管理工作流程分析与重组..........................39
章 系统结构与功能设计...........................................41
§5.1 系统结构..................................................41
§5.2 系统功能设计..............................................42
§5.2.1 存管理系统......................................42
§5.2.2 生产管理系统......................................45
§5.2.3 销售管理系统......................................46
§5.2.4 采管理系统......................................46
章 系统的实现...................................................48
§6.1 应用系统配置..............................................48
§6.1.1 应用系统整体配置....................................48
§6.1.2 系统的实现....................................48
§6.2 用管理系统............................................49
§6.2.1 用管理系统概述..................................49
§6.2.2 用管理系统设计..................................50
§6.3 存管理系统功能实现....................................52
章 上格公司应用项目管理进行 ERP 系统实施.........................54
§7.1 ERP 实施与项目管理的概念...................................54
§7.1.1 ERP 实施概念.........................................54
§7.1.2 项目管理............................................54
§7.1.3 ERP 实施程项目管理的体应用.......................57
§7.2 应用项目管理进行 ERP 实施中的问题与对策....................58
§7.2.1 应用项目管理进行 ERP 实施中出现的问题................58
§7.2.2 有实施 ERP 系统项目管理要........................59
§7.3 上格公司 ERP 实施中的问题与对策............................61
§7.3.1 上格公司 ERP 实施中面的困难........................61
§7.3.2 上格公司 ERP 系统实施主要策略........................62
§7.4 上格公司 5P 程的项目管.................................64
§7.4.1 建实施策略阶段的项目管..........................64
§7.4.2 业务流程设计阶段的项目管理..........................69
§7.4.3 建应用系统阶段的项目管..........................71
§7.4.4 系统上线阶段的项目管理..............................72
§7.4.5 维护阶段的项目管理..............................73
§7.4.6 阶段项目管理的衔接..............................74


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作者:高德中 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:90 页 大小:759.32KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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