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There is an increasing recognition among Chinese companies to explore the
international market via the Internet against the backdrop of globalization and
information explosion. As a brief description of the differentiating features of a given
company, a corporate profile (CP) represents an integral part of its advertising strategy.
An overview of the online CP translation from Chinese to English, however, reveals
that its quality, as a whole, is far from satisfactory. Apart from the common language
mistakes, one of the biggest concerns goes to the fact that a considerable number of
English CPs are nothing but a word-for-word translation of their Chinese resources
while such factors as textual features and changed readers are often ignored, leading to
the limited advertising functions of CPs. One of the root causes behind these
phenomena can be traced to the lack of an appropriate translation concept.
In this case, it’s recommended that Skopostheorie be applied, the core theory of
German Functionalist Translation Schools in recent history to the CP translation. In
Skopotheorie, translation is a purposeful activity and that the purpose of translation
determines the needed ways and means or “the end justifies the means.” This theory can
be further broken down into three rules—Skopo rule, intertextual coherence rule (or
coherence rule) and intratextual coherence rule (or fidelity rule). While intertextual
coherence rule is subject to intratextual coherence rule, both of which are in turn subject
to Skopo rule, the first and foremost rule in translation. Besides, the translator should
conform to the genre conventions, carry out the text classification, take the target
readers into account and judge his work by adequacy rather than equivalency. The
translator is an active agent in translation. He is supposed to act as an expert on the
translation brief by his clients, decide on the contents and means needed and hold
accountable for the function of the target text.
This thesis begins with a literature review of Skopotheorie, a research review of the
theory in China and an introduction of some basic concepts of Skopotheorie. Then, it
clarifies the advertising nature of a CP, explains the differences between a Chinese CP
and an English CP in terms of the textual features of an ad, the context cultures they
belong to and the general language features they have. This step is done by comparison
and contrast with ample examples from the official websites of Fortune 100 world
enterprises (2008) and Forbes 100 Chinese enterprises (2008). Accordingly, it is argued
that rewriting of the source text shall be called out before translation on the basis of
Skopostheorie, its three rules in particular, and the interactivity of the Internet.
Rewriting is usually divided into three ways: abridgement, addition and reengineering.
Rewriting is not in opposition to the traditional principle of fidelity but in the interest of
the function of the target text and therefore is loyal to the aim of the source text author
in the target culture in a real sense. Being an international advertisement, the English
version of a Chinese CP should be creative as well. Finally, the significance of
Skopostheorie to translation teaching and translator training is discussed and
suggestions in this regard are brought up. The limitations of the current research are
mentioned in an attempt to shed light on translation researches in the future.
Key words: Skopostheorie corporate profile advertising
text classification rewriting translator
the end justifies the means)。目的论常可分为三大法则—目的法则 (Skopos
rule),语intratextual rule则(intertextual rule,
诚法,fidelity rule。语际一法则受制于语内一致法制,两者同时受到
法则”(genre conventions) 进行文本分析、充分考虑对象读者的特点并以适当原则
语境特征以及中英语言差异等三个角度出发,以 2008 年财富 100 强企业的英文简
介和 2008 年中国 100 顶尖企业的企业简介为例,通过比分析的方法说明了中英
键字:目的论 企业简介 广告 文本分析 译者
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS…..……………………………………………………………………….v
Chapter One Introduction..............................................................................................1
1.1. Background Information and Significance of the Study…………..……………..1
1.2. Methodology.……………………………………………………………………..4
1.3. Structure of the Thesis……………………………………………………………4
Chapter Two Literature Review....................................................................................6
2.1. Background and Development of Skopostheorie………………………………...6
2.2. Research Review of Skopostheorie in China...………………………...…………9
2.3. Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie….…….……...……………………………….10
2.3.1. Translation as a Purposeful Activity….…….………….……..………….....10
2.3.2. Agents of Translation…....………………………………..…………...........11
2.3.3.Translation Brief……….....………...………….………..…………..….........12
2.3.4. Genre Conventions……...…..….…………….……………………………...13
2.3.5. Culture and Translation..........….…………….…..……………………….....14
2.3.6. Three Rules of Skopostheorie…..……...………….………............................16 Skopo Rule……………………………………………..………….........16 Intratextual Coherence Rule and Intertextual Coherence Rule……..…..17
2.3.7. Adequacy More than Equivalence....................................................................18
2.3.8. Role of Text Classifications…....…….….……………………………….…..19
2.4. Summary……..……………………….…….……………………………………...20
Chapter Three English and Chinese Corporate Profiles...........................................22
3.1. An Overview of a Corporate Profile…………………………………………….22
3. 1.1. Advertising Feature of a Corporate Profile………………...…….………….22
3. 1.2. Features of a Great Corporate Profile……………………………………......24
3.1.3. An Internet-based Corporate Profile in the Age of Globalization……………25
3.2. Native English and Chinese Corporate Profiles………………………………....26
3.2.1. Informativeness vs. Appellativeness….……………………………………..26
3.2.2. LCC vs. HCC………………………………………………………………..28
3.2.3. Language Styles……………………………………………………………..29 Lexical Differences……………………………………………………..29 Brevity vs. Heavy Modifiers…..……………………………………29 Stative vs. Dynamic………………………………………………....30 Syntactical Differences……………………………………….…………31 SV Structure vs. Flowing Chunks….……..………………….……….31 Simple and Colloquial Sentences vs. Long and Stylized Sentences….33
v Diversification vs. standardization in Textual Framework……..………..34
3.3. Summary……………………………………………………….……….……….34
Chapter Four CP Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie....................36
4.1. Rewriting…………………………………………………….……………..……36
4.1.1. Abridgement………………………………………………………………...37
4.1.2. Addition……………………………………………………………………..39
4.1.3. Reengineering……………………………………………………………….40
4.2. Intratextual Coherence Rule and Good English Corporate Profile……………...42
4.2.1 Mistake-free Language………………………………………………………42
4.2.2. Simple and Sweet language of Corporate Profiles….....……………………43
4.3.Intertextual Coherence Rule and CP Translation ….……..………………………45
4.4. Summery……………………………..………………………………………… ...46
Chapter Five Conclusion..............................................................................................48
Appendix I CP of Baili Group......................................................................................50
Appendix II CP of Shell................................................................................................51
Appendix III CP of Xiuzheng Group...........................................................................52
Appendix IV CP of P&G..............................................................................................54
Corporate Profile Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie
Chapter One Introduction
1.1. Background Information and Significance of the Study
Thanks to the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up, China has
gradually become part of the world economy and its status in the world community has
been greatly enhanced as a result. This momentum gains speed following China’s entry
into WTO. Although the current global financial crisis has delivered a heavy blow to the
world economy, China included, leading to a great number of embattled companies. Yet
China by far is the top contributor of the global economic growth, 19.2% of the world
totals in 2007, up from merely 2.3% in 19781 and from a long-term perspective, opening
will continue to dominate the business life around the world.
In this context, how to secure a place in the world arena has been a major concern
of all Chinese companies as the globalization2, once only the subject of theoretical
speculation is now a reality. Even small and medium-sized companies find it necessary
to have some international expertise in order to survive. Not only are Chinese
companies faced with stiff competition from their domestic counterparts, but their
international rivals as well, multinational corporations (MNCs) in particular.
The information age, notably the introduction of the Internet, has made it crucial for
Chinese companies to make the most of this powerful medium. According to a survey3,
over the past two decades or more since the Internet came into being, the number of
Internet users worldwide has multiplied at an amazing speed. It was estimated 1.35
billion by the end of 2007. The number of Chinese netizens ranked second in the world
at 162 million following the USA. More and more Chinese companies have relied on
this channel to publicize news, enhance their customer service, showcase their new
products and technological advancement and above all to enhance their corporate image
(CI). As a matter of fact, the Internet is so vital that it was listed as the fourth major
medium by the UN Press Commission in May, 1998. Among the different and varied
features, this awesome communication tool may be best-known for its interactivity,
which suggests it is the netizens concerned who are given more power than customers
of newspaper, TV set and broadcast to decide the fate of an ad, including a corporate
1 Retrieved October 3, 2009, from http://www.chinadaily.com
2.Stegler, p. ix. (1999) defines globalization as “an unprecedented compression of time and space reflected in the
tremendous intensification of social, political, economic, and cultural interconnections and interdependencies on a
global scale.”
3 互联网应用发展的趋势. Retrieved Dec 1, 2009, from http://blog.sina.cn/s/print_4945191d1000bxb.html


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