
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-19 4 4 706.94KB 71 页 15积分
In modern society, the development of intercultural communication gives rise to a
growing need for soft news and its translation. Trans-editing, which contains both
editing process and translating process, has been frequently applied to the
Chinese-English (C-E) translation of soft news. As a special translational activity,
trans-editing in the C-E translation of soft news has been researched and significant
insights have been gained through different approaches. However, previous studies have
failed to discuss this translational activity in a systematic and integrated way: they are
mainly confined to researches on lexical and syntactic level and certain unsystematic
translation skills. Studies on text level and the integration of the editing process and
translating process leave much to be desired.
The text-type analysis of soft news and the retrospection of the functionalist
theory make the author recognize that how specific this field of translation is and how
appropriate the functionalist approach is to be applied. So taking German Functionalist
Translation Theory as the framework and adopting the methodology of Descriptive
Translation Studies (DTS), the thesis seeks to open a new perspective for the C-E
trans-editing of soft news by constructing an operational chart for trans-editing of soft
news. The trans-editing process of soft news features a two-stage procedureediting
and translating, which accords with the methodology of two-stage procedure adopted
for analysis: discovery and justification. That is, the preliminary findings of the editing
stage are tested in the translating stage where translation problems are solved. After
analyzing the two stages and four key steps in the trans-editing process, the author puts
forward the strategies adopted in the trans-editing of soft news. Furthermore, the
operational chart and the trans-editing strategies are applied to a case study. Lastly
limitations of this thesis may reveal some perspectives for future research and
With the German Functionalist Translation Theory as the rationale, this thesis
attempts to testify the feasibility of applying the theory to trans-editing in the C-E
translation of soft news, and probe into various strategies to deal with the complicated
problems appearing in the translating process. Moreover, the tentative proposal of the
operational chart for trans-editing of soft news in terms of functionalist translation
approach may offer a guideline for trans-editing practices.
Key words: trans-editing of soft news, Functionalist Translation
Theory, an operational chart for trans-editing of soft news,
trans-editing strategies
摘 要
:软新闻编译 功能主义翻译理论 软新闻编译的流程图 编译
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................ii
..................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter One Introduction ..............................................................................................1
§1.1 Research Background ........................................................................................ 1
§1.2 Research Objectives ...........................................................................................2
§1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection ..................................................... 3
§1.4 Structure of the Thesis ....................................................................................... 4
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Literature Review ................................... 6
§2.1 Relevant Translation Theories ........................................................................... 6
§2.1.1 Traditional Equivalence-based Approaches .............................................6
§2.1.2 Nida’s Dynamic/Functional Equivalence ................................................ 7
§2.1.3 Inadequacy ............................................................................................... 8
§2.2 German Functionalist Translation Theory ......................................................... 8
§2.2.1 Text Typology Theory ..............................................................................9
§ Reiss’s Text Typology and Translation ......................................... 9
§ Nord’s Translation-oriented Model of Text Functions ................10
§2.2.2 Skopostheorie ......................................................................................... 11
§2.2.3 Translation-oriented Text Analysis Model .............................................13
§ Translation Brief ......................................................................... 14
§ Source Text Analysis ...................................................................14
§ Translation Problems .................................................................. 14
§2.3 Trans-editing in Variation Translation Theory ................................................. 15
§2.3.1 Review of Variation Translation Theory ................................................15
§2.3.2 Trans-editing .......................................................................................... 16
§2.4 Approaches of Functionalism and Trans-editing to Translation ...................... 20
§2.4.1 Approach of Functionalism to Translation .............................................20
§2.4.2 Approach of Trans-editing to News Translation .................................... 21
§2.4.3 Application of Functionalism to Trans-editing ...................................... 23
§2.5 Summary .......................................................................................................... 23
Chapter Three An Operational Chart for Trans-editing of Soft News from the
Functionalist Perspective ..............................................................................................25
§3.1 A Text-type Analysis of Soft News .................................................................. 25
§3.1.1 Hard News vs. Soft News ...................................................................... 25
§3.1.2 Functions of Soft News ..........................................................................26
§3.1.3 Special Features of Soft News ............................................................... 28
§3.2 An Operational Chart for Trans-editing of Soft News Based on the
Functionalist Approach ............................................................................................ 29
§3.3 Specific Trans-editing Strategies ..................................................................... 31
§3.3.1 Selective Translation .............................................................................. 31
§3.3.2 Integrative Translation ........................................................................... 34
§3.3.3 Abstract Translation ............................................................................... 36
§3.3.4 Interpretative Translation ....................................................................... 38
§3.4 Summary .......................................................................................................... 40
Chapter Four Trans-editing in C-E Translation of Soft News from the
Functionalist Perspective: A Case Study .....................................................................41
§4.1 Key Steps in Trans-editing Process ..................................................................41
§4.1.1 Analyzing Translation Brief ................................................................... 41
§4.1.2 Comparing ST with TT via Translation Brief ........................................ 42
§4.1.3 Identifying Translation Problems ...........................................................44
§4.1.4 Solving Translation Problems with Trans-editing Strategies .................45
§4.2 A Case Study .................................................................................................... 48
§4.3 Summary .......................................................................................................... 59
Chapter Five Conclusion .............................................................................................. 60
§5.1 Findings: An Operational Chart for Trans-editing of Soft News .....................60
§5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research ..........................................62
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 64
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................................................................ 67
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
As the world has well been into the information era, intercultural communication
demonstrates a growing intensification among global villagers. Soft news, both as
information and culture carrier, has proved an increasingly important medium in the
intercultural communication. As trans-editing is commonly used in soft news translation,
this thesis carries out a research on the study of trans-editing in the Chinese-English
(C-E) translation of soft news by applying the German functionalist theory of
translation to find out the underlying principles and strategies. The introduction part
mainly consists of the four aspects: the research background, the research objective, the
research methodology and data collection, and the structure of the thesis.
§1.1 Research Background
By nature of the events, news can be classified into “hard news” and “soft news”.
A news story can be hard, chronicling as concisely as possible the who, what, where,
when, why and how of an event. Or it can be soft, standing back to examine the people,
places and things that shape the world, nation or community (Richard, 1998:35 qtd. by
Itule & Anderson, 2003:12). Thus, the translation strategy for various news types also
differs accordingly.
In modern society, with the inspiration of the strengthened intercultural
communication, soft news attracts more and more readers worldwide thanks to its
flexible style and vivacious language. The emerging popularity of soft news calls for
more translation in this field.
With the implementation of China’s reform and opening-up policy, international
exchanges are increasing. To introduce China and Chinese culture to the world, we have
witnessed a flourishing of translation activities since 1980’s, and the C-E translation of
soft news has been playing an extremely important part in the international
communication and understanding, and at the same time, has become a bridge that
enables readers in different countries and cultures to learn more from each other. With
China’s entry into the WTO and Beijing’s hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, soft news
will play a more and more significant role in letting the world know about China.
Therefore, the study on the C-E translation of soft news is extremely useful and


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:71 页 大小:706.94KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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