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Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
§1.1 Henry James and The Aspern Papers
Henry James is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest novelists and
critics in American literary history, although he spends most of his time in Britain. He is
a diligent and prolific writer and keeps writing during all his life. He has left the
descendants wealthy literary heritages which covers many fields of literature, including
novels, tales, travels, literary criticism, dramas, biographies, letters and reading notes.
As one of the three greatest American realists in the 19th century (the other two are
William Dean Howells and Mark Twain), he attempts to carry out reforms on novel
writings. Laying stress on the characters’ psychological description and analysis, James
achieves a special recognition to human being’s behavior and initiates a new era of
modern novels represented by James Joyce and William Faulkner; consequently he is
regarded as one of the inaugurators of psychological novels, a forerunner of modern
novels in the early 20th century and enjoyed the name of “the father of modern novels”.
Yale professor William Lyon Phelps calls him “the best example of the psychological
realist that we have in American literature (Phelps 788).” Joseph Conrad observes that
James is the “historian of fine consciences”(Conrad 44). Ezra Pound shows great
enthusiasm for James’s international quality for “string in every way to bring American
on the side of civilization (Pound 28).” F. R. Levis, in his The Great Tradition, places
Henry James with Jane Austin, George Eliot, Joseph Conrad and D.H. Lawrence as the
“great English novelists”, who stand as the representatives of the great tradition of
English literature (Levis 39). James is also the major concern of many critics, like W.C.
Booth, Geoffrey N. Leech. Indeed, Henry James is such an indispensable figure in
English literature that no critics can afford to neglect him.
What most exhibits James’s sophisticated and finished literary achievements is his
novel writing. During his fifty-year writing career, James has written twenty-one long
novels and more than one hundred novellas and short novels all told. Henry James’s
novels have profound themes, extremely visual characters and distinctive language style.
His narrative technique shows his originality and creativity. Critics tend to focus on his
early periods and late period, considering the fact that the middle period of his literary
Psychological Realism and Gender Consciousness — A Critical Study
of Henry James’s The Aspern Papers
career comes out as an absolute failure when he shifts his interests to playwriting.
However the tales in the middle period shouldn’t be ignored. Many of them make
preparations for the later novels. The Aspern Papers and The Turn of the Screw are the
superb examples. Distinguished literary critic, poet and professor R.P. Blackmur wrote
the introduction for The Aspern Papers and considered The Aspern Papers, “which one
might say was an early, or primitive” novella for the late great novels (Blackmur,
Introduction 6). Henry James is famous for his psychological analysis. He attaches great
importance to the inner awareness and inward movement of his characters in face of
outside occurrences rather than merely delineates their environment in any detail. He
has become “probably the first of the modern psychological analysts in the novel and
anticipated in his works the modern stream-of-consciousness technique so widely
employed in the first decades of this century ( 128).” As the masterpiece of his
novella, The Aspern Papers is a distinctive representative of his psychological novels.
After his first period on the international novel writing, James began to shift into a new
experimental writing period and tried to write some new subjects. During 1886 to 1887,
he stayed in Italy, and later he wrote a series of short novels, which was called James’s
“Italian phase” (Edel 214). Among these novellas, The Aspern Papers is one of his
The Aspern Papers was written in 1888, originally published in Atlantic from
March to May in serialized form. Later in the early 20th century, when Henry James was
in his sixties, he spent four years to re-anthologize his novels and published his New
York Edition The Novels and Tales of Henry James (from 1907 to 1909). The Aspern
Papers was selected into the twelfth volume of New York Edition. American famous
scholar and well-known Henry James’s biographer Leon Edel called The Aspern
Papers Henry James’s masterpiece of short novels of his 1880’s”(Edel, Critical 172)
and “Henry James’s most brilliant of all of Henry’s tales”(Edel, Middle 217). With a
poetic narrative style, the novella tells us a seemingly simple story, which is actually
rich in content. An American critic came to Venice with disguise as a traveler in order to
look for the deceased great romantic poet Jeffrey Asperns papers, which belonged to
two elderly ladies, Juliana and Tina Bordereau, the former, the others aunt and guardian,
having been Aspern’s mistress. He successfully lodged in their house and began the
dramatic fights with Juliana. At the same time he used Tina to approach the papers step
by step. But finally the precious papers were just destroyed with the old times. The
Chapter One Introduction
narrator suffered defeat on the verge of victory and had to leave Venice with
disappointment. Because of James’s successful psychological depiction and unique
narrative style, he knits an exquisite plot and portrays characters successfully in a
limited length. This novella has enjoyed popularity ever since its appearance and drawn
critics’ attention as well.
§1.2 Literature Review of Henry James and The Aspern Papers
Until now it has been more than 100 years about Henry James’s studies. James is
perhaps the most thoroughly commented-on novelist of the nineteenth or twentieth
centuries, and one of the most volubly written-about authors of any time (Freedman
248). In the 19th century, the critics about James and his works were fragmentary. Most
of them were the critics about his single works, among which there were critics who
opposed his literary style and his attitude towards American culture or praised his
experimental and creative literary techniques (such as Howells critics about Henry
James). Most of these critics were collected in The Critical Heritage (by Gard)
published in 1968. Since 1920s, immediately after James’s death, some of the most
elegant responses towards his work emerged from the classic high modernist – Eliot,
Pound, etc. Yet the critical tide quickly turned against him, as Van Wyck Brook in his
work The Method of Henry James (1918) and Verson Parrington’s The main Currents in
American Thought: An Interpretation of American Literature from the Beginning to
1920 (1930) showed disparaging views on him.
With the appearance and development of the western modern literature the
essences of Henry James’s works were re-dug out. From 1940s, He became the center of
critical practice undertaken via New Criticism. James works were closely read. The
theme and imagery, the method and the manner, as well as critics of the formalistic
method were well treated. F. O. Matthiessen wrote Henry James: The Major Phase
(1944). British biographer F.W. Dupee finished Henry James in 1951. Later the
American scholar and famous biographer Leon Edel won The Pulitzer Prize and
National Book Awards in 1963 for his compilation of Henry James with 5 volumes.
Moreover, Edel compiled The Selected Letters of Henry James (1956) and Henry James:
A Collection of Critical Essays (1963). All these works laid a foundation for the study of
Henry James. Thence, many critics like W. C. Booth, Oscar Cargill, Dorothea Krook,
Psychological Realism and Gender Consciousness A Critical Study
of Henry James’s The Aspern Papers
Laurence Holland began to make Jamesian studies in a variety of issues.
From 1970s, Jamesian studies were theorized under the impact of the turn to theory.
At the time, although the study of Henry James was still formalistic orientation, the
narrative theory, psychoanalysis and deconstruction theory were introduced to Jamesian
studies. In the 1980s and 1990s, James’s work has been theoretically reread. The power
of the society in the making of literary form and values, the construction, deconstruction
and reconstruction of gender identities, the role of the author in the literary marketplace
were all stressed. Judith Fetterley’s The Revising Reader (1978) was a forceful
interpretation of James’s fiction from the feminist point of view. Virginia Fowlers
Henry James’s American Girl (1984) was another feminist reading of James’s
interpretation of women. Mark Seltzer, in his work Henry James and the Art of Power
(1984) demonstrated that Henry James’s aesthetic art was a discursive weapon contrived
within the power of representation. John Carlos Rowe’s The Theoretical Dimensions of
Henry James (1984) was a postmodern analysis of Henry James. Daniel Mark Fogel’s
Covert Relations called attention to James’s influence on James Joyce and Virginia
Up to the end of 20th century, more than one hundred academic works about
Jamesian studies have been produced, and the symposia about Henry James were also
convened frequently. The studies of Henry James, just like the studies of Shakespeare,
has become not only an academic work to dig out James’s literary achievements, but
also a mirror to reflect different cultural and theoretical viewpoints by the scholars from
one generation to another. It has become a media for the scholars’ intellectual
In China, according to Dr. Dai Xianmei’s work Between Tradition and Modernness:
Henry James’s Theory of Fiction, Henry James’s study in China began in the 1980s and
could be divided into three aspects ( 4). The first one is the general and overall
introduction of Henry James’s writing features in the American literary history and
some of his critical articles. The second one is about the studies of James’s single works
in 1990s. The third is some masters theses and doctoral dissertations in the universities
about the studies of Henry James in 1990s. With the introduction of James’s works into
China, recently there had appeared a lot of critical papers, such as On Henry James’
Culture Psychology by Wu Caiya, Structuralism and Henry James’s Theory of Fiction
by Cui Shaoyuan, An Initial Study of Henry James’s Theories on Novel by Chen Ping,
Chapter One Introduction
and Henry James: Realism, Psychological Realism and Stream of Consciousness by
Wen Liya etc. They made analysis towards James’s writing theory from different
The Aspern Papers, as an excellent novella of Henry James, has its own undeniable
influence although the quantity of the critical essays on the novella cannot compare with
his famous long novels. In the western world, some critics showed interests in the
narrator and commented the novella from the narrative point of view. W.C. Booth in his
famous book The Rhetoric of Fiction took The Aspern Paper as an example to illustrate
the unreliable narrator of fiction. He made a detailed analysis on the narrator in The
Aspern Papers and found that the narrator “I” was an unreliable one, so James couldn’t
provide a reliable narrator for the whole development of the story, which left some
unanswered questions for the readers. While Danniel J. Schneider in his article The
unreliable Narrator: James’s the Aspern Papers and the Reading of Fiction brought
forward an idea contrary to Booth’s. He thought The Aspern Papers contained clear and
definite meanings and James had provided the readers with enough necessary
information to promote the production of meaning. The problem with Booth was that
his reading method couldn’t truly understand James’s image pattern and the opposite
relations among the characters in the novella (Schneider 43). The different versions of
The Aspern Papers also attracted critics’ interest. Ellen Brown made a comparison
between the 1888 version and the later New York Version in his article Revising Henry
James: Reading the Spaces of The Aspern Papers and thought that the New York
Edition was not a simple revision of the original version. James’s re-tailoring of the tale
became a new narrative in itself: a narrative in which the author tried to control his text
and to direct his readers’ responses to it (Brown 64). About the three main characters in
the novella, the narrator, Juliana Bordereau and her niece Miss Tina, their relationships
were always the focus of the readers and the critics. Edward Wagenknect analyzed their
fighting and contradictory relationship in his The Tales of Henry James. Jeremy
Tambling talked about the monomania and the American past in The Aspern Papers in
his book Critical Issues-Henry James.From the feminist perspective Jeanne Campbell
Reesman argued that The Aspern Papers attacked the women and the reality at that time.
From the same perspective, John Carlos Rowe in his book The Theoretical Dimensions
of Henry James made a judgment that The Aspern Papers,The Bostonians and The
Spoils of Poynton could be the representatives of Henry James’s feminist works, which
Psychological Realism and Gender Consciousness A Critical Study
of Henry James’s The Aspern Papers
reflected the women’s fate, status, oppression they received and their rebellions.
Laurence Holland made his research toward The Aspern Papers and its New York
Edition preface. He reckoned that the form of James’s novels had deep historical and
cultural meanings. Susanne Kappler used Olric epic law and archetype theory to analyze
The Aspern Papers in Writing and Reading in Henry James (1980). From the above, it
is obvious to see that its unique charms attract the critics to make comments from
different perspectives despite the fact that The Aspern Papers is only a novella.
In China, The Aspern Papers as a novella hasn’t received sufficient attention since
what most of Chinese readers and critics are familiar with are the long novels in his
early and later periods. But there are still some scholars who have interests in this
novella. The famous scholar Mr. Zhu Wan published his Chinese translating version of
The Aspern Papers in World Literature in 1982, which provided more opportunities for
Chinese readers to know and read this excellent novella. After Mr. Zhu’s translation
work, the famous scholar Mr. Zhao Luorui also wrote The Central Idea of The Aspern
Papers in the same volume to illustrate the central idea of the novella. When Chinese
translating version The Aspern Papers was published as a book in 1983, Zhu Wan wrote
his postscript in order to help more readers to know the writing background of the
novella better. With the introduction of The Aspern Papers into China, in the special
column Essays on the Art of Foreign Novels, the famous scholar Li Zhi published On
the Artistic Space of The Aspern Papers to give high praise to the novella. He thought
that “this masterly and profound novella showed the authors artistic style and features
fully and perfectly; it also showed his practice on his art and theory of novels
completely. At the same time, it was the direct exhibition of authors quality”(10).
He explored the unique artistic space in The Aspern Papers. Xiong Yi and Yin Lijun
analyzed the hidden gender sense in the novella in their paper Interpretation of Sense of
Gender in “The Aspern Papers” and found that the sense of gender in The Aspern
Papers was not stated directly but it was implied through the “implied writer” in the
novella (92-94). Shen Weiwei published A Narrative Perspective on Indeterminacy in
The Aspern Papers on World Literature Criticism, analyzing the indeterminacy of The
Aspern Papers from the narrative perspective and revealing James’s complex attitude
towards first-person’s limited point of view and his ambivalent writing style. Mao
Liang’s article Henry James: The Ethnical Imagination in Literary Reading on Foreign
Literature Review tried to find James’s literary and cultural ethics through analyzing


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