
3.0 韩鲁英 2024-09-24 4 4 210.49KB 23 页 150积分
Marlow’s Confusion and Solution
-- A New Historicist Reading of Heart of Darkness
Abstract: This thesis is to probe into Marlow’s confusion and his solution, and to delve
into the relations between text and history as well as the subversion and consolidation on the
writers part, along the journey toward the darkness of the Earth and human heart through
textual analysis from a new historicist perspective, putting forward its own ideas that
Marlow’s confusion is also the process of subversion from the misconception that
imperialism is a benevolent project of “civilization” at that time, and that Marlow’s solution
is to resort to human introspection and self-discipline, which is more or less served as
consolidation of colonialism because Conrad could not entirely break free from the restraint
of his times, and that subversion and consolidation is a perfect circle insinuating the
interactive relationship between text and history.
Key words: New Historicism, Heart of Darkness, subversion, containment
关键词新历史主义;《黑暗的心》; 颠覆;巩固
0H ................................................................................................................................32HI
1H马洛的困惑与出路 ——从新历史主义看《黑暗的心》...........................................................................33HI
3H1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 35H1
4H1.1 About the Author.................................................................................................................. 36H1
5H1.2 About Heart of Darkness...................................................................................................... 37H2
6H1.3 About New Historicism........................................................................................................ 38H3
7H2. Marlow in Europe................................................................................................................................... 39H5
8H2.1 The 19th century Europe............................................................................................................. 40H5
9H2.1.1 History and Politics...................................................................................................................... 41H5
10H2.1.2 Cultural Issues.............................................................................................................................. 42H6
11H2.2 Marlow’s image in Europe........................................................................................................... 43H7
12H3. Marlow’s Confusion – Subversion......................................................................................................... 44H8
13H3.1 The Concept of Subversion in New Historicism............................................................................ 45H8
14H3.2 Marlow’s Subversion against his Times......................................................................................... 46H9
15H4. Marlow’s Solution – Containment ....................................................................................................... 47H16
16H4.1 The Concept of Containment in New Historicism ....................................................................... 48H16
17H4.2 Marlow’s Solution – Introspection...............................................................................................49H17
18H5. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................... 50H18
19HReferences ................................................................................................................................................... 51H20
1. 0BIntroduction
New Historicism is a theory applied to literature that suggests literature must be studied
and interpreted within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic.
The theory arose in the 1980s, and with Stephen Greenblatt as its main proponent, became
quite popular in the 1990s. Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness when British Empire was
in the heyday. Such historical background undoubtedly exerted tremendous influence on
Conrad. This thesis is to probe into Marlows confusion as well as his solution along his
journey toward the darkness of the Earth and human heart through textual analysis from the
perspective of New Historicism.
1.1 About the Author
Joseph Conrad was a Poland-born English writer who enjoyed world fame. He was born
on December 3 in 1857 in Russian-controlled Poland. Conrad’s father, a Polish patriot and
political activist, took part in a movement to free Poland from Russian control and was
arrested and imprisoned soon after the family arrived. After his parents’ death of disease, he
lived with his relatives in Krakow where he received education.
As a boy, he embraced the dream of sailing the high seas. His fascination with the
unknown led him to pinpoint Africa in an uncharted map and declared, “When I grow up, I
will go there.”(Conrad, 1999:9) His dream later came true. He traveled to Marseilles when he
was seventeen and spent the next twenty years on the deck as a sailor. He signed on to an
English ship in 1878, and eight years later he became a British subject. In 1889, he began to
write his first novel, Almayers Folly, and began actively searching for a way to fulfill his
boyhood dream of traveling to the Congo. In 1890, out of work, broke, and eager for a chance
to realize his boyhood dream of exploring unknown central Africa, he accepted an assignment
to command a steamboat up the Congo River for the Belgian Company for Upper-Congo
Commerce. This company ranked as one of the late-nineteenth-century Europe’s most
successful and greedy traders in ivory. Steaming a thousand miles upriver from Kinshasa,
Conrad reached the company’s inner station. There he met an ailing agent named Georges
Antoine Klein, who may have been a model for the character Kurtz in Heart of Darkness.
Conrad’s time in Africa not only wreaked havoc on his health but also exerted profound
influence on his attitude towards colonialism. Then, he returned to England to recover. This


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作者:韩鲁英 分类:高等教育资料 价格:150积分 属性:23 页 大小:210.49KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-24


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