摘 要
作为一个另类文学天才,奥斯卡·王尔德(1854-1900) 这位文坛怪杰不论是在
其春风得意或是声名狼藉、锒铛入狱的时候,都是评论界热衷的研究对象。 在文
蕴涵的同性恋倾向和寓意往往是批评性地一笔带过。酷儿理论是 20 世纪 90 年代
关键词 酷儿理论 同性爱情 性别结构
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................ii
摘 要 ............................................................................................................................. iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview of Researches in China ........................................................................2
1.2 Overview of Researches on Oscar Wilde Abroad ................................................4
1.3 Researches on Oscar Wilde Involved with Queer Theory ................................... 6
Chapter 2 About Queer Theory .......................................................................................10
2.1 Origin of Queer Theory ......................................................................................10
2.2 Main Principles .................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Queer Theory and Literary Criticism .................................................................13
2.4 Michel Foucault’s Queer Theory ....................................................................... 14
Chapter 3 Queer Behaviors in Wilde’s Personal Affairs ................................................ 17
3.1 Brave Love with Douglas .................................................................................. 17
3.2 Bitter Love from Douglas--Indulged Child ....................................................... 19
3.3 Unchangeable Love ........................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 Queer Theory in Wilde’s Works .................................................................... 24
4.1 Queer Behavior in The portrait of Mr. W. H. ..................................................... 24
4.2 Queer Behavior in The Portrait of Dorian Gray ............................................... 26
4.3 Queer Behavior in other Tales ............................................................................30
Chapter5 Deconstruction of Gender Binaries in Salome ................................................ 32
5.1 Traditional Gender Binaries ............................................................................... 32
5.2 Salome–Image Breaking through the Gender Binaries ..................................... 33
5.3 Womanly Men ....................................................................................................38
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 43
References ................................................................................................................45
在读期间公开发表的论文 .............................................................................................47
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Oscar Wilde was an outstanding, hot-discussed genius. His works are the
manifestation of his extraordinary talent. He has always been the object of critics,
whether when he was famous for his successful writings or when he was notoriously put
into prison because of his love for beautiful boys. This thesis is hence to explore the
connection between Wilde himself, his works and queer theory, to point out some queer
characteristics in Wilde and his works, with the purpose of studying the writer from
another point of view. Through the analysis of the writer himself and the protagonists in
his creations, many principles and characteristics of queer theory are shown in two
aspects as deconstructing the heterosexual hegemony and gender binary.
Queer theory is a new theory about sex, gender, and social categories. With the
purpose of pursuing a freer life, Queer theory challenges boldly traditional norms about
sexuality, gender and social categories, it also was applied in literary criticism. Although
there were no chance to say that Wilde have consciously created this novel within the
particular framework of queer theory, many actions of the writer himself and his works
proved to be in accordance with the main principles of queer theory, such as Wilde’s
homosexual love to those beautiful boys, hidden homosexual love of the three
characters in The Portrait of Dorian Gray, man-like Salome and woman-like
In Wilde’s time, that is, Victorian time, love between two men or two women was
forbidden and even dangerous, just as Wilde called --- it was “the love that dare not
speak its name” (Ellmann, 1987, p.388). We can find a rebellious spirit in Wilde life and
works. Like a gorgeous dandy, he never concealed his preference to beautiful young
boys. His later notorious prison life still could not change his contempt for social rules.
In this sense, Oscar Wilde leads an example to shake off the fetters that normal society
imposes on “queer” people.
Gender issue is a core point that queer theory concerns about. Regarded as the
attachment to men and supposed to behave submissively, women were traditionally
controlled by men and were confronted with oppression in the relationship with men.
An Analysis of Oscar Wilde and His Works from the Perspective of Queer Theory
However, queer theory holds that one’s social gender should not be decided by his or
her physiological gender. According to the famous queer theorist Butler, no one can be a
standard, typical,and exclusive male or female(Butler, 1990, p. 138). That means, any
man could maintain some female qualities, any women could have some male
characteristics. The sufferings Salome was confronted with were deeply rooted in
long-term ideas in a male-orientated society. Only through deconstruction of gender and
sex, can women live a happy and free life. In Salome, regardless of the traditional
patriarchal notions, Salome struggles like a man. She could be regarded as a perfect
ideal of queers.
Wilde despised the mainstream of social moral rules, which coincidently reflect the
soul of queer theory-- challenging the obsolete traditional norms and opposing social
hegemony that categorizes people with specific labels. Queer theory deconstructs all
strict binary classifications and advocates people to live in a free world. From this view,
Oscar Wilde can be seen as a pioneer and a martyr.
This thesis is composed of five parts. Chapter 1 serves as an overview of research
on Wilde in China and abroad. Chapter 2 provides readers with the origin, principles of
queer theory. Moreover, application of queer theory in literary criticism will be
discussed briefly. Chapter 3 explores the Queer Behaviors in Wilde’s Personal Affairs,
his love for boys especially for Douglas, which almost costs Wilde’s whole life. Chapter
4 analyzes the main characters from the perspective of queer theory by deconstructing
sex binary oppression, that is, anti- sexism in Wilde’s works including The portrait of
Mr. W. H, The portrait of Dorian Gray and some other works. Chapter 5 explores the
anti-tradition character mainly expressed in Salome and The Importance of Being
Important in terms of deconstructing gender binary, which is also a principle of queer
theory, In the conclusion of the thesis, it is given a positive affirmation of the
significance of queer theory, which questions the leading position of heterosexual
hegemony and male-leading rules, and appeals people to speak out their feelings boldly.
1.1 Overview of Researches in China
Oscar Wilde, the eccentric genius of aestheticism, whose works range from poems,
Chapter 1 Introduction
essays, fairy tales, and novels to plays, has again become a popular project in literature
research in these years. New research results on him appear on the newspapers and
magazines every now and then. Under such circumstances, an overview of Wilde
research becomes very necessary.
Oscar Wilde has always been a hot name in China since his works were firstly
introduced to China in the early 20th century. And now, many Chinese critics have made
a synthetic study of him. A Chinese writer, Sun Yixue has translated and edited a series
of books about Wilde. They show us a lot of valuable historic materials such as his
letters and diaries. These books give us a lot of information of the last years of Wilde,
especially his two miserable years in Reading Gaol.
In the 1980s,
the research on Wilde has gained prosperous,
the achievements were
mainly research papers,
which were obviously more diversified than the ones before.
first ,they were mostly introductions to Wilde and his works without deep
exploration,and they also called for right evaluation of the author and aestheticism;
with the deepening of Wilde research ,critics realized their being partial in the
evaluation of his works and turned to affirm Wilde’s creation value by the analysis of
his specific work. They began to analyze his ideology and artistic skills by interpreting
his single work,such as the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. At the same time,they
began the overall comprehensive survey of all his works in order to better grasp his
and they also began to study his influence in China.
From the 90s,
the research’s
outcome was more fruitful than the former years ,which made great progress in the
depth and extent in Wilde research.The research angles have been broadened to many
brand new fields,
not only the content and the aesthetic features,
but the culture.
once evasive topics of Wilde in China, such as his homosexuality, have been openly
studied deep as a major aspect of Wilde’s writing (Wu Xueping,2003).The researchers
have explored his aestheticism and his aesthetic paradox, more deeply from different
aspects--philosophy, and sociology, and the like ,especially on his only novel The
Picture of Dorian Gray,such as,A Paradoxical Aesthetic-on Wilde’s The Portrait of
Dorian Gray (Song ,2003)by Song Han ,Beyond Aestheticism: Oscar Wilde and
Consumer Society (Zhou, 2002 )by Zhou Xiaoyi ,and Comparison between
Aestheticism and Psychoanalysis (Wang, 2001) by Wang Hui, and so on.Unfortunately,
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