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Politeness has always been a hot research topic of much concern and is still
enjoying much popularity with people specializing in the areas of pragmatics,
sociolinguistics, and inter/intra-cultural communication.
In the year of 1978, P. Brown & S. C. Levinson published the influential article
Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. Central to the politeness
theory is the notion of face. What are politeness and face and how can they be realized
in daily communications? According to Brown and Levinson, certain kinds of acts
intrinsically threaten face of the addressee and/or of the speaker, thus called face
threatening acts (FTAs). In order to make a clear picture of the studies in this field, the
author of this thesis has done much work on the original major theories, namely, E.
Goffman’s (1959, 1967) face theory, P. Brown and S. C. Levinsons (1978,1987)
politeness framework, and G. N. Leech’s (1983) Politeness Principle as well as some
famous Chinese scholars’ perspectives in this realm, such as Gu Yueguo, L. R. Mao,
Wang Jianhua and Xu Shenghuan. The present study is based on the frameworks
proposed by those pioneering researchers.
This thesis is an analytical study on the topic of politeness and special focus is put
on the analysis of FTAs. Though researchers have made considerable studies on this
topic, there is still much space to be explored. In this article, much emphasis will be put
on the material, esp. in Chinese, gathered in daily life in order to try to find some
decisive factors and influencing complications in doing an FTA.
Key words: Politeness, Face, Face Threatening Acts, Decisive Factors
and Influencing Complications
摘 要
1978 年,布朗和列文森发表了一篇著名的富有影响力的文章 Universals In
Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. 那么礼貌和面子到底是什么?他们又是
Brown and Levinson (1978,1987)的礼貌框架, 以及 Leech(1983) 的礼貌理论, 以
关键词:礼貌 面子 面子威胁行为 影响因素 决定条件
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................ii
Chapter One Introduction .............................................................................................1
§1.1 A Brief Overview of the Study ......................................................................... 1
§1.2 Objectives and Significance of the Thesis ........................................................ 2
§1.2.1 Research Status of Politeness and Face Studies .........................................2
§1.2.2 The Necessity of the Study .........................................................................2
§1.2.3 Objectives and Purposes of the thesis ........................................................ 3
§1.2.4 Organization of the Thesis ......................................................................... 3
§1.3 Methodology and Procedure .............................................................................4
Chapter Two Literature Review ................................................................................... 5
§2.1 Previous Studies of Politeness Abroad ............................................................. 5
§2.1.1 Goffman’s Concepts of Face and Face-Work .............................................5
§2.1.2 Brown and Levinson’s Universal Politeness Theory ................................. 5
§2.1.3 Leech’s Politeness Principle .......................................................................7
§2.1.4 Other Scholars Views on Politeness ........................................................10
§2.2 Previous Study of Politeness in China ............................................................ 11
§2.2.1 Earlier Studies on Politeness .................................................................... 12
§2.2.2 Chinese Politeness Principles ...................................................................13
§2.2.3 Revised Chinese Politeness Principle ...................................................... 14
Chapter Three Description of FTAs ........................................................................... 18
§3.1 The Notion of Face ......................................................................................... 18
§3.2 Face Threatening Acts .................................................................................... 19
§3.2.1. Classifications of FTAs ........................................................................... 20
§3.2.2 Strategies for Doing FTAs ........................................................................25
Chapter Four Extending FTA s ................................................................................30
§4.1Further Considerations on FTAs ......................................................................30
§4.2 Influencing Factors of FTAs from Different Angles .......................................30
§4.2.1 Context ..................................................................................................... 31
§4.2.2 Interpersonal Relationships ...................................................................... 33
§4.2.3 Institution ................................................................................................. 34
§4.2.4 The Use of Deixis .....................................................................................35
Chapter Five Conclusions .......................................................................................... 38
§5.1Major Findings of the Study ............................................................................ 38
§5.2 Implications of the Study ................................................................................38
§5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for the Further Research .............. 39
Bibliography ...............................................................................................................41
在读期间发表论文 ....................................................................................................44
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
§1.1 A Brief Overview of the Study
Language communication is somewhat conflict-raising, or in B & Ls term,
face-threatening (Brown & Levinson, 1978, 1987), in that the speakers intentions may
conflict with the hearers face needs or willingness.
Politeness is an effective device to facilitate language communications, “a system
of interpersonal relations” and communicational approaches “designed to facilitate
interaction by minimizing the potential for having conflict and confrontation inherent in
all interchange.” (R. Lakoff, 1986)
As far as the English language is concerned, the notion of politeness is traced back
to the concept of courtesy in the Middle Ages (500-1,500 A.D.) (K. Ehlich, 1992). Since
then, politeness has become an interdisciplinary study bordering anthropology,
sociology, logic, psychology, and linguistics, particularly such branches of linguistics as
pragmatics and discourse analysis.
In the Chinese language, the notion of politeness dates even further back than that
in the English language, to the classical Confucian notion of Li (propriety). Li is similar
to, but not exactly the same as, the later term Limao (politeness). (Gu, 1990)
What is politeness? How can we paraphrase it? Is each speech act an FTA? All
these problems sound like easy questions to answer. But till now there are still some
controversies over these questions. Ever since the publication of Brown & Levinson’s
influential article “Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena” in 1978,
politeness has been the subject of extensive research in the fields of pragmatics and
sociolinguistics. According to He Zhaoxiong (1995), “Politeness can be understood as a
social phenomenon, a means to achieve good interpersonal relationships, and a norm
imposed by social conventions”, and it is “phenomenal, instrumental, and normative by
nature”. Central to Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory is the notion of face which
can be divided into two aspects, i.e. positive face and negative face. According to
Brown & Levinson, certain kinds of acts intrinsically threaten face, namely those acts
that by their nature run contrary to the face wants of the addressee and/or of the speaker.
Thus, we call them FTAs. AN FTA is such a frequently happening phenomenon that we
sometimes ignore the existence of it. But in fact, in doing FTAs, many factors are


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:47 页 大小:486.24KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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