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Introduction .....................................................................................................................1
1 The Significance of Studying the Role of Various Classroom Teaching Activities in
Children’s Second Language Acquisition ..................................................................... 1
2 Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games .....................................1
3 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 2
4 Methods of investigation................................................................................................3
Chapter I Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games .................... 4
1.1 Various English Classroom Teaching Activities .................................................... 4
1.2 The Categories of Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games. ... 5
Chapter II Theoretical and Practical Evidences ..........................................................9
2.1 Theoretical Evidence ............................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 The Physical and Psychological Properties of Children .............................................................. 9
2.1.2 The Input Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis ...........................................................................14
2.1.3 Behaviorism and Mentalism ...................................................................................................... 19
2.1.4 The Relationship between Classroom Teaching and Second Language Acquisition. ...............25
2.1.5 Classroom Teaching Activities & Games & Learning .............................................................. 25
2.2 Practical Evidence ................................................................................................. 28
2.2.1 Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................. 28
2.2.2 Classroom Observation ..............................................................................................................32
Chapter III Application of Teaching Activities and Games ..................................... 37
3.1 Full consideration of children's psychological and physical properties ................ 37
3.1.1 Physical Properties ............................................................................................. 37
3.1.2 Psychological Properties ................................................................................................................ 37
3.2 Good Arrangement of Various Classroom Teaching Activities ............................37
3.3 Learner Variation ...................................................................................................38
3.3.1 Age .............................................................................................................................................38
3.3.2 Personality ................................................................................................................................. 38
3.3.3 Attitudes and Motivation ........................................................................................................... 39
3.3.4 Aptitude ..................................................................................................................................... 39
3.4 Four Skills and Their Percentages in Classroom Teaching. ..................................39
3.5 The Quantity and Quality of Learner Participation ...............................................40
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 41
1 The Significance of Studying the Role of Various Classroom
Teaching Activities in Children’s Second Language Acquisition
What is second language acquisition (SLA)? In Chinese background, second language
acquisition, in fact, means foreign language learning. In this thesis, second language acquisition
refers to foreign language learning. In China, a great deal of research has been done on adult
second language acquisition. Although there are a series of teaching textbooks like Cambridge
Young Learner, Come on, kids and Salad English, the arrangement of children classroom
teaching is still less touched. We know, first, it is widely acknowledged that English teaching in
China is time consuming and unfruitful in adult. Second, English has become much more
important as China is getting more powerful economically and politically in the world
especially after successful bids for the Olympics and World Exposition by Beijing and
Shanghai respectively. Given such a background, Chinese parents and educators have come to
concentrate on children classroom learning. Arousing childrens interest and making their
learning more efficient is probably the biggest concern of both parents and educators.
It is well known that interest is the best teacher. This is especially true for children. In this
thesis the author tries to find out what roles of various classroom teaching activities and games
play in childrens second language acquisition with the aim of increasing efficiency in
children’s classroom teaching.
2 Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games
Games are often adopted in classroom and family teaching. In this thesis, games are the
forms that teachers employ in order to attract childrens attention. Attention attracting aims to
realize the goal of teaching. Various classroom teaching activities are alike functionally. In this
thesis, various classroom teaching activities consist of memory chain, yes-no listening practice,
exchanging seats (Note 1), Simon says (Note 2), fish crossing river (Note 3), team-work, role
play, debate, story telling, word guessing, spelling bee, sentence making relay, listening or
action relay, and chanting. The above teaching activities are concerned with many aspects.
From the perspective of the way of language perception, we can see some deal with input, some
output or we can say some deal with receptive knowledge and some productive knowledge.
The Role of Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games in Children’s SLA
From the viewpoint of skills, there are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The above teaching activities and games can take many forms. Take the team-work or
group-work for example, it can be widely applied to different teaching tasks. In the following
chapter, the author will give more detailed information about various classroom teaching
activities and games.
Note 1: Exchanging seats is a game usually played by a group of pupils and a teacher. And
it is used to consolidate the clothing items and wearing. It goes like this: all the pupils sit on their
chairs in a big circle and a teacher stands in the middle of the circle. The teacher says: The wind
blows everyone who is wearing a shirt. Then, each pupil who is wearing a shirt is required to
exchange his seat with others. At the same time, the teacher is also required to occupy a seat
with the pupils. As a result, one pupil will be pushed out of his seat. Then, it is the pupil's turn to
give his/her instructions like: “the wind blows everyone who is wearing socks. The game goes
on until everyone has had their turn. The game is very flexisible. It can also be applied to
reviewing other vocabulary and sentence structures like: “The wind blows everyone who was
born in 1995.
Note 2: Simon says is a TPR (Total Physical Response) game. It goes as follows: if a
teacher says: Simon says: “touch your hair;” the pupils are required to touch their hair. But if the
teacher only says: touch your hair, the pupils aren't supposed to touch their hair. This game is
used to help pupils to review all the parts of their body. At the same time, it also improves
pupils quick thinking and flexibility.
Note 3: In this game, teachers are required to cut out two paper fish (they should be the
same size), and then put them on the floor next to each other, across from the fish, a teacher
draws a long river. Next, the teacher divides all the pupils into two groups. Each group chooses
a pupil to answer the question asked by the teacher. The group that has the correct answer gets
the opportunity to blow one of the paper fish. The first group who cross the river wins. This
game has a wide application for reviewing what the pupils have learned.
3 Objectives
Children’s second language acquisition can be dwelled on from different viewpoints. As
we know, there are many aspects concerned with childrens second language acquisition. In this
thesis, the author focuses on the classroom teaching activities and games. First of all, the author
proves, theoretically and practically, the feasibility of adopting various classroom teaching
activities and games in teaching. Theoretically, the author cites many theories like input and
output theories, behaviorism and nativist theories. Practically, there are a series of questionnaires
to illustrate its feasibility. Second, according to classroom observations, the author finds that
after adopting various classroom teaching activities and games, the class atmosphere is pretty
good. Various classroom teaching activities and games turn out to be encouraging in that they
attract children’s attention and develop their interests. Further, most of the pupils who actively
participate in the classroom teaching activities and games perform well academically. What is
more, in terms of personality, those pupils are more self-confident and risk taking than pupils
who are unwilling to take part in classroom teaching activities and games.
In addition, the thesis also elaborates on how to adopt various classroom teaching
activities and games and the difficulties of adopting various classroom teaching activities and
games. At the end of the thesis, a conclusion is drawn.
4 Methods of investigation
In this thesis, first, the author makes an overview of literature and theories concerned
with her research. Second, she employed the methods of questionnaire and classroom
observations and first-hand materials and data are usually more convincing than theories. She
was working at Learning Education Center when she prepared for her thesis writing. So it was
very convenient for her to devise questionnaires and issue them to her pupils. She explained her
previously designed questionnaire tables carefully to her pupils with the aim of avoidance of
their misunderstanding. And then she collected the questionnaire tables to make precise analysis.
In all, she questioned 100 pupils. In addition, she also attended many classes, which were given
by native speakers of English. According to the classroom observations, there were many
distinctive properties of the class in which teachers adopted various classroom teaching
activities. And later on she explained what accounted for the above properties.
The Role of Various English Classroom Teaching Activities and Games in Children’s SLA
Chapter I Various English Classroom
Teaching Activities and Games
1.1 Various English Classroom Teaching Activities
We know children are restless, curious and have a short attention span. Children's
classroom teaching is quite different from that of adults, which is not only subject to the unique
physical and psychological properties of children, but also the cognitive features of children.
These differences lie in the varieties of English class teaching activities, a good interactive
atmosphere and full participation in the classroom activities and games. Hence, organizing all
kinds of activities to catch their attention should be the top concern of teachers. As the author
has stated before, she was working at Learning Education Center when she was preparing for
her thesis writing. So it was very convenient for her to make questionnaires. She made
questionnaires in Chinese and issued them to her pupils, who are aged 8 to 15. And they came
to Learning Education Center to improve their oral English and listening ability. Some of them
are pupils, others high school students. In order to avoid her pupils’ misunderstanding, the
author explained the questionnaires very carefully to them before they started to choose.
Concerning various English classroom teaching activities and games, the author has made
the following questionnaire.
Questionnaire table 1


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:46 页 大小:453.53KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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