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This thesis attempts to make a comparative analysis of feminism between Jane Eyre
and Hester Prynne. There are indeed piles of studies on Jane Eyre and The Scarlet
Letter, but not much analysis associates Jane Eyre with Hester Prynne. In this paper, the
author points out that although the social and historical backgrounds of the two novels
are very different, there are so many striking similarities between the heroines Jane Eyre
and Hester Prynne during their struggles for their rights: on the one hand, both of them
bravely rebel against patriarchy in spirits and actions, which is extraordinary in their
society. On the other hand, limited by their times and certain conventions of their
societies, the heroines are unable to thoroughly get rid of the shackles bound by
patriarchy in the process of their rebellion.
The analysis of the heroines’ rebellion proves that Jane Eyre and Hester Prynne have
made real progress on the way to women’s liberation and won quite a success in the end:
Jane Eyre gets her independence in economy, and her ideal life full of love comes true
while Hester isn’t seen as a sinful woman any longer, but as a prophetess giving light to
the women living in that gloomy community. However, they also have their
unavoidably limitation: the changes of the two heroines’ fates, the heroines’ intangible
reliance on their men and the heroine’s half-lost selves all expose the heroines’
concession to patriarchy in the struggle for their rights: on the one hand, Jane Eyre and
Hester Prynne do try their best to rebel against the society dominated by men; on the
other hand, both of them more or less make a concession to patriarchy in the end.
In the first chapter, to explore the writing motives of Charlotte Brontë and
Nathaniel Hawthorne, this thesis presents the backgrounds of the authors and their
heroines, the state of minds in puritan society of the 17th century, and womens social
status in the 19th century. And in Chapter Two, the thesis explores the authors’ means to
express the heroines’ inner distress. Chapter Three comparatively analyzes Jane Eyre’s
rebellion and Hester Prynne’s in five aspects. From the analysis of their forms of
rebellion, specific actions, different levels of awareness of womens liberation, different
views towards love and different returns, readers can see the similarities between Jane
Eyre and Hester Prynne who are real women soldiers fighting for equality and their
different ways and attitudes in each others struggle. When the paper goes to the last
chapter, Jane Eyre’s and Hesters concession to patriarchy is probed. Consequently, the
thesis concludes: Jane Eyre’s and Hester Prynne’s feminism is a contradictory
integration of rebellion against and reliance on patriarchy.
Key Words: feminism rebellion reliance patriarchy
摘 要
关键词:女性主义 抗争性 依附性 男权
Chapter One Backgrounds of the Authors and Their Heroines……......................4
§1.1 Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre………………………………………….….…4
§1.2 Nathaniel Hawthorne and Hester Prynne……………………………….……..6
Chapter Two Means to Express Distress………………………………..……...…...9
§2.1 Means to Express Jane’s Distress.......................................................................9
§2.1.1 Red-Room………………………………………………………………….9
§2.1.2 Mad Woman in the Attic………………………………….……………….10
§2.1.3 Nightmare…………………………………...….…………………………11
§2.2 Means to Express Hesters Distress………………….………………………..11
§2.2.1 Gloomy Atmosphere…………………………….………………………...11
§2.2.2 Dream and Reality……………………………….……………………..…12
§2.2.3 Scarlet Letter “A”……………………………….………………………...13
§2.2.4 Pearl…………………………………………….…………………………13
Chapter Three Comparison Between Jane Eyre’s Rebellion
and Hester Prynne’s…………………………………….…………………15
§3.1 Forms of Rebellion…………………………………………...………………..15
§3.1.1 Jane Eyre’s Form of Rebellion……………………………....……………15
§3.1.2 Hester Prynne’s Form of Rebellion…………………………..………..….17
§3.2 Rebellion in Action………………………………………………..…………...18
§3.2.1 Rebellious Actions by Jane Eyre……………………………………….…18
§3.2.2 Rebellious Actions by Hester Prynne………………………………..……22
§3.3 Different Awareness of Women’s Liberation…………………………..…...….24
§3.3.1 Jane Eyre’s Awareness of Women’s Liberation……………………..….…24
§3.3.2 Hester Prynne’s Awareness of Women’s Liberation…………………...….25
§3.4 Different Views Towards Love……………………………………………..….27
§3.4.1 Jane Eyres View Towards Love…………………………………..……....27
§3.4.2 Hester Prynne’s View Towards Love………………………………......…30
§3.5 Different Returns………………………………………..…………………..…32
§3.5.1 Jane Eyre’s Return………………………………………………………33
§3.5.2 Hester’s Return………………………………………………………….34
Chapter Four Reliance on Patriarchy………...……………………….…..………36
§4.1 Jane Eyre’s Reliance on Patriarchy…………………………………….…….36
§4.1.1 Jane Eyre’s Change of Fate……………………..………………...………36
§4.1.2 Death of “Real” Jane Eyre………………………....……………….……..37
§4.1.3 Jane Eyre’s New Status………………………………..………………….39
§4.1.4 Jane Eyre’s Reliance on Her Men…………………………………...……41
§4.2 Hester Prynne’s Reliance on Patriarchy……………………………………...42
§4.2.1 Hester Prynne’s Change of Fate..……………………………………..…..43
§4.2.2 Hester Prynne’s Reliance on Her Man……………………………..……..44
§4.2.3 Misrecognition of Her Own Identity………………………………...……45
Charlotte Brontë was a real feminist who “thought much of her duty, and had
loftier and clearer notions of it than most people, and held fast to them with more
success”. (Gaskell 471) Her great contribution to the world of literature is her
well-known novel Jane Eyre, which is said by Mrs. Oliphant to have changed the
direction of the female tradition: “Perhaps no other writer of her time has impressed her
mark so clearly on contemporary literature, or drawn so many followers onto her own
peculiar path”. (Showalter 106)
Nathaniel Hawthorne enjoys great popularity in American literature. “Except for
Whitman he was the most democratic of all our great nineteenth century writers but he
was also, in many of his views and his political affiliation, the most conservative.”
(Rubinstein 80) His works had a great influence on later American writers such as
Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and William Faulkner. ( 1) One of the
Hawthorne’s masterpieces is The Scarlet Letter. “The publication of The Scarlet Letter
was in the United States a literary event of the first importance. The book was the finest
piece of imaginative writing yet put forth in the country. There was a consciousness of
this in the welcome that was given it------a satisfaction in the idea of America having
produced a novel that belonged to literature, and to the forefront of it.” (James 88)
“More profoundly in The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne considers the effect on an
individual’s character of enforced penance, of hypocrisy, and of hatred.” (Rubinstein
99-100) Actually, Hester’s reaction to the “enforced penance” contains great spirits of
There indeed have been piles of studies on feminism in Jane Eyre and The Scarlet
Letter. Yet, I still find it meaningful to re-study the two masterpieces. There are three
reasons why I choose feminism as the topic of my thesis: Firstly, previous studies focus
on the essence of the heroine Jane Eyre: Forçade Eugène, famous French critic, said that
Jane Eyre’s refinement wasn’t second to anyone else, and she walked into a perfect life
through her love ( 134); another French critic Montègut Émile also remarked that
Jane Eyre surpassed her pitiful appearance, her humble social status and the shocks in
her life (187); but a review in Christian Rememberancer regarded Charlotte Brontë
as antichristian: that heroine was the illusion of the image in a woman’s heart……the
author saw all the virtues as nothing but the disguised sins while all the self-control was
more severe selfishness (127). As far as I am concerned, these remarks on Jane Eyre


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:55 页 大小:512.31KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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