摘 要
调区的室内空气平均温度和壁面温度,结果表明,计算值与实测值误差低于 5%。
计工况下即时耦合运行的温度切换点:下切换点温度为 tw=22.8℃,上切换点
态楼建筑而言,其能量节约率平均约 21%,最大可达 48%,且随着室外温度的降
低而增加。夏季上部通风利用后,空调总节能量为 1.32 万kWh,如系统能效比平
均按 COP=2.5 计算,节电约 0.53 万度。综合表明,上部通风的利用有着很大的
关键词:大空间建筑 分层空调+上部通风 简易分区模型 即时耦合
With the growing tension of global energy consumption, as well as the continuous
improvement of people's living standards, whether the indoor air-conditioning thermal
environment is comfortable and healthful and air-conditioning operation is
energy-saving have become the focus of attention. Stratified air-conditioning as one of
energy-saving technology has been applied and promoted in the large space building.
On this basis, in order to further reduce air-conditioning energy consumption and
improve indoor thermal environment, the research on utilization of outdoor natural
cold resources to the maximum is the focus of this paper. In this paper, based on taking
both the lower ventilation and the upper stratified air-conditioning running into
consideration at the same time, the idea of bringing in hybrid of both the stratified
air-conditioning and the upper ventilation comes into being , and it can make use of
natural cold resources to take away some part of heat retention of non-air-conditioning
area through the upper ventilation to reduce the air-conditioning energy
consumption .The subject raised and research results will give a reference to
energy-saving running of large space building air-conditioning.
Building energy consumption is closely relevant to indoor air-conditioning load,
and in order to work out a better way of reducing energy consumption in
air-conditioning large space building, firstly the Expo building experimental base is
taken as an study object in this paper, and then a series of theoretical calculations and
analysis enclosing large space building air-conditioning load and variety characteristics
of the thermal transfer volume along with various factors are made, and lastly
discussions on calculation methods adopted are made.
To fully reflect the law of the impact of the stratified air-conditioning coupled
with the upper ventilation on thermal environment in the large space building ,
according to test results of indoor air temperature distribution of eco-building, in the
first place wall surface temperature of building envelope, natural ventilation volume,
and indoor thermal environment are analyzed under two conditions of the upper
ventilation or not at stratified air-conditioning ,and secondly the validity of the upper
ventilation and the stratified air-conditioning was proved, both of which provide a
experimental basis for theory research of upper ventilation validity .
In this paper, numerical simulation methods are adopted to establish a simple
zoning model of large space to analyze the influence of the upper ventilation to the
indoor thermal environment. The model is based on the multi-zone heat and mass
balance principle, and indoor air heat and mass balance equation is established and
made corresponding amendment according to such factors of the upper opening and
interior heat source,, simultaneously coupled with equations of wall heat conductivity,
convection, heat transfer, radiation of non-air-conditioning area, thereby the indoor air
average temperature and the envelope wall surface temperature of non-air-conditioning
area were gained through calculation. Then the effect of the upper ventilation to
air-conditioning load is got by taking above solution as the calculation conditions of
stratified air conditioning load of eco-building, which provides a basis for application
research of stratified air-conditioning and the upper ventilation. Average indoor air
temperature and wall temperature of the non-air-conditioned area under test conditions
by Eco-building model are calculated, the results show that the deviation between the
calculated values and measured is less than 5%. Therefore the simple zoning model in
large space is feasible and effective to predict the indoor thermal environment, when
adopting the stratified air-conditioning coupled with the upper ventilation in the large
space building.
According to the idea of stratified air-conditioning coupled with the upper
ventilation in summer, the concept of switch temperature is raised and its calculation
method is worked out in this paper , and an application analysis for eco-building is
made, then the temperature switch points of the coupling runing in summer design
conditions are determined: the lower switch point temperature tw=22.8℃, the
switching point tw=34.8℃. At the same time, analysis for the influence factors and
energy-saving effect of switch state point are carried out , results shows that the
energy-saving effect of stratified air-conditioning + upper ventilation is significant, its
average energy savings rate for the eco-building is about 21%, up to 48% to the
maximum, and it will rise when the outdoor temperature decreases.When upper
ventilation is used in summer, the total energy-saving volume of air conditioning is
13,200 kWh, if the average system energy efficiency ratio is calculated by COP = 2.5,
power-saving is about 5,300 kWh degrees. Comprehensive results show that the use of
the upper ventilation has a great application potential, and it not only reduces building
energy consumption but also realizes better energy efficiency, what`s more helps to
improve the indoor air quality.
In this paper, research on the application of the upper ventilation coupled with the
stratified air-conditioning system in large space is carried out, through analysis of the
field test and, the establishment of the theoretical model, and application of coupling
immediately method, the running switch point of coupling is obtained, and substantial
energy-saving potential of the upper ventilation in the large space building is verified,
it will provide a theoretical basis and research method for the stratified air-conditioning
in large space building ,therefore, it will have practical engineering significance.
Keywords: large space building, stratified air-conditioning+upper
ventilation, simple zoning model, coupling immediately,
energy-saving operation
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ····················································································· 1
§1.1 课题的来源及意义 ······································································ 1
§1.2 国内外研究现状 ········································································· 2
§1.2.1 大空间分层空调的研究 ··························································· 2
§1.2.2 大空间温度场的研究 ······························································ 3
§1.2.3 大空间自然通风的研究 ··························································· 5
§1.2.4 空调与通风耦合的研究 ··························································· 7
§1.2.5 空调系统节能运行的研究 ························································8
§1.2.6 大空间建筑现场实测的研究 ·····················································9
§1.3 本课题研究内容 ······································································· 10
§1.3.1 研究内容 ············································································11
§1.3.2 主要关键技术 ······································································11
第二章 分层空调理论与热转移量特性研究 ··············································· 12
§2.1 分层空调冷负荷计算理论 ··························································· 12
§2.1.1 分层空调冷负荷计算特点 ······················································ 12
§2.1.2 分层空调冷负荷组成 ···························································· 13
§2.1.3 分层空调冷负荷计算方法 ······················································ 13
§2.2 分层空调冷负荷实例计算 ··························································· 15
§2.2.1 建筑概况 ············································································15
§2.2.2 空调设计参数 ······································································16
§2.2.3 分层空调夏季冷负荷计算 ······················································ 17
§2.2.4 夏季分层空调能量节约率 ······················································ 23
§2.3 分层空调热转移量特性分析 ························································ 24
§2.3.1 太阳辐射强度对热转移量的影响 ············································· 25
§2.3.2 室外温度对热转移量的影响 ··················································· 26
§2.3.3 通风量对热转移量的影响 ······················································ 27
§2.3.4 分层高度对热转移量的影响 ··················································· 28
§2.4 本章小结 ·················································································29
第三章 分层空调与上部通风即时耦合室内热环境实测与分析 ······················· 30
§3.1 生态楼建筑及空调概况 ······························································ 30
§3.1.1 建筑概况 ············································································30
§3.1.2 空调概况 ············································································31
§3.2 生态楼现场测试与分析 ······························································ 31
§3.2.1 测定对象与测试工况 ···························································· 31
§3.2.2 室外环境测试方案与结果分析 ················································ 34
§3.2.3 中庭垂直方向温度测试方案与结果分析 ···································· 35
§3.2.4 围护结构内壁面温度测试方案与结果分析 ································· 39
§3.2.5 自然通风量测试方案与结果分析 ············································· 40
§3.2.6 工作区域水平温度测试方案与结果分析 ···································· 41
§3.3 本章小结 ·················································································43
第四章 分层空调与上部通风即时耦合模型的建立与验证 ····························· 45
§4.1 大空间简易分区热质平衡模型 ····················································· 45
§4.1.1 大空间简易分区质平衡 ························································· 46
§4.1.2 大空间简易分区热平衡 ························································· 47
§4.1.3 大空间简易分区热质平衡模型的扩展 ······································· 48
§4.2 大空间简易分区热质交换模型 ····················································· 52
§4.2.1 非等温射流模型 ·································································· 52
§4.2.2 区域间热质交换模型 ···························································· 54
§4.3 自然通风模型 ·········································································· 55
§4.4 大空间简易分区壁面热平衡 ························································ 58
§4.4.1 壁面热平衡方程 ·································································· 59
§4.4.2 互辐射换热量的线性化计算 ··················································· 60
§4.4.3 导热传热外围护结构传热系数的计算 ······································· 60
§4.5 大空间简易分区热质平衡模型的求解 ············································ 62
§4.5.1 边界条件及各参数的确定 ······················································ 62
§4.5.2 热质平衡模型的求解方法 ······················································ 65
§4.6 应用生态楼实例模型计算 ··························································· 68
§4.6.1 计算用建筑物理模型 ···························································· 68
§4.6.2 计算用参数确定 ·································································· 68
§4.6.3 计算结果及分析 ·································································· 70
§4.7 本章小结 ·················································································71
第五章 分层空调与上部通风即时耦合运行方法的研究与应用 ······················· 73
§5.1 方案基本设计思想 ···································································· 73
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