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复杂系统与复杂性科学是 21 世纪的科学,其研究方法是近代以来科学方法论
的研究,呼唤新的建模与仿真方法的出现,基Agent 的建模与仿真方法应运
生。由于金融市场是一个复杂适应系统,所以基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿
真为立题背景,进行了基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿真方法普适理论的相
研究,将金融市场复杂适应系统看作由系统中Agent 制与环境中的资源
制、及其它 Agent 机制不断地进行相互作用,并以构建动态机制的形式相互聚集、
期使基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿真方法学成为一套完善的建模与仿真理论 ,
对金应系性进行了分在详了 基 Agent
复杂适应系统建模与仿真的框架和研究思路,并因此界定了基于 Agent 算金
学建仿的研在此框架下过 引机制来刻 Agent
不断进行适应与学习进化的动态属性,将 Agent 在不断的适应与进化过程中涌现
出的功能结构模式看作是动态的 Agent Agent 机制又被看作是金融市场
复杂适应系统复杂现象涌现的构造模式。给出了基Agent 算金融学建模
仿真方法学意义下,包括 Agent 机制、信号、转换函数、资源机制以及基于 Agent
的计算金融学模型的概念及形式化描述。建立了规范基于 Agent 算金融学
最后,论文还将基于 Agent 的计算金融学建模与仿真方法应用到股票市场的
建模与仿真研究中,不仅详细描述了基于 Agent 股票市场建模与仿真的基本
置、具体过程、及相应的实现算法,还利用面向对象的思想,采用 Java 语言实现了
一个基于 Agent 的股票市场仿真模型的原型系统。
1.在深入研究和分析了基于 Agent 的计算金融学建模与仿真方法的基础上,通过
Agent 性 ,
Agent 在不断的适应与进化过程中涌现出的功能结构模式看作是动态的 Agent
制,而 Agent 机制又被看作是金融市场复杂适应系统复杂现象涌现的构造模式;
2.于机Agent ;在引入概念础上文特别对
Agent 计算金融学模型中的 Agent 机制进行了深入的研究,提出了基于机制的
Agent 模型结构框架,将 Agent 看作为由感知基本机制、操作基本机制、决策基本
机制、适应控制基本机制 4大基本机制相互作用而构成的动态机制。并分别对各基
3.引入了资源机制的概念;将资源机制看作是一种特殊的 Agent 机制,是由感知
基本机制、操作基本机制、决策基本机制 3大基本机制相互作用而动态构建的能处
4.将金融市场复杂适应系统看作是由 Agent 机制与环境中的资源机制进行相互作
5.Agent 仿Agent
Agent 计算金融学模型的生命期概念。其生命个方面的模型:首先
关键词:机制 计算金融学 基于 Agent 的建模与仿真方法
Agent 机制 资源机制 信号 转换函数。
The theories of complex systems and complexity are the sciences of 21 century,
whose research method is another revolution for scientific methodology since modern
times, and will provide people with new solutions to uncover the miracles of the nature.
The researches needed for complex systems and complexity in natural phenomena,
society, polity, military, management, biology,economy, especially finance impose a
great challenge to the current theories and methods of modeling and simulation.While
the novel Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation methodology, which is the hot topic
today in modeling and simulation field, can fulfill the requirements.
Based on the theories of complex systems and complexity, the paper has conducted
research on Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and Simulation general
methodology and problems relevant to the modeling and simulation of finance market,
which are also complex systems. In the approach of Agent-Based Computational
Finance Modeling and Simulation, it considers finance market complex adaptive system
as emergent dynamic mechanism in which agents mechanism of system interact
ceaselessly with resource mechanism of environment and else agents mechanism, one
another assemble and level upon levels construct. And this general methodology is
applied to modeling and simulation of stock market,the purpose is to make Agent-Based
Computational Finance Modeling and Simulation become a perfect theory of modeling
and simulation, which can instruct the research for finance market complex adaptive
This thesis summarize research harvest of complex adaptive systems, and from the
basic views of complex adaptive systems theory, complexity of finance market complex
adaptive systems was also was analyzed and discussed. This thesis expatiate on the
basic idea and the primary characteristic of Agent-Based Computational Finance
Modeling and Simulation approach. A research approach for finance market complex
adaptive systems modeling and simulation was proposed. And a novel framework for
Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and Simulation was proposed
creatively,which bounded the research contents of Agent-Based Computational Finance
Modeling and Simulation impliedly.In this framework, concept of agent was extend
from adaption and evolution of agent. Concept of agent mechanism was import.And it
considers mechanism as emergent pattern of finance market complex adaptive
systems.Thereafter, concept and formal specifications of the agent mechanism, the
signal, the transition function, the resource mechanism and the Agent-Based
Computational Finance Model was defined and represented formally according to
Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and Simulation framework.And it
establish canonical flow of Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and
Simulation approach for directing modeling and simulation of finance market complex
adaptive systems. Consequently, complication was reduced on modeling and
simulation,and usability of model was improved.
Finally, approachv of Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and
Simulation is applied to modeling and simulation of stock market. Not only the basic
setup,the process and relevant arithmetic of agent-based stock market modeling and
simulation are detailedly described ,but also a prototype of agent-based stock market is
designed with java language base on idea of Object Oriented.
Innovation of This thesis is that:
1. This thesis depict dynamic attribute of agents which are evolving and adapting
ceaselessly through importing concept of mechanism.And a novel framework for
Agent-Based Computational Finance Modeling and Simulation was proposed
creatively. It considers emergent structure pattern of agent as dynamic agent
mechanisms when agents are evolving and adapting ceaselessly. And it considers
agent mechanism as emergent pattern of finance market complex adaptive
2. Author study the agent mechanism in Agent-Based Computational Finance
Model, and put forward framework of mechanism based agent model. It considers
the agent as evolutive mechanism which was set through four essence mechanism,
namely perception mechanism, action mechanism, decision-making mechanism,
adaption control mechanism, interacting. And all the structure and the arithmetic
of the essence mechanism was described.
3. Conception of resource mechanism is proposed, it is considered as a special
agent mechanism. So finance market complex adaptive systems is a dynamic
mechanisms that is constructed by agent mechanisms. And resource mechanism is
constructed by three essence mechanism, namely perception mechanism, action
mechanism, decision-making mechanism, interacting. It can disposal all
manipulation correlative with resource. All the structure and the arithmetic of the
essence mechanism was described in resource mechanism at the same time.
4. It considers finance market complex adaptive system as emergent dynamic
mechanism networks in which agents mechanism of system interact ceaselessly
with resource mechanism of environment and else agents mechanism, one another
assemble and level upon levels construct. Especially, it emphasize effect of signal
in dynamic emergence of finance market complex adaptive systems. Therefore,
finance market complex adaptive system like as a dynamic Constrained generating
5. It put forward lifecycle conception of Agent and Agent-Based Computational
Finance Model. Lifecycle come down to three process model: notional model,
design model, computing model.
Key words: Mechanism, Computational Finance, Agent Based
Modeling and Simulation, Agent Mechanism, Resource
Mechanism, signal, Transition Function.
§1.1 研究背景...............................................................................................................1
§1.2 研究意义...............................................................................................................4
§1.3 基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿真方法的研究现.......................................5
§1.3.1 基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿真方法学的研究....................................5
§1.3.2 基于 Agent 建模方法的金融市场模型研究................................................7
§1.4 本论文的主要研究内容.....................................................................................12
§1.5 本论文的主要创新点.........................................................................................14
第二章 基于 Agent 计算金融学建模与仿真的相关研究领域概述............................16
§2.1 复杂性科学与复杂适应系统理论.....................................................................16
§2.1.1 复杂性科学的......................................................................................16
§2.1.2 复杂适应系统理论的基本内容与观点......................................................20
§2.1.3 复杂适应系统理论的主要特点..................................................................22
§2.1.4 复杂适应系统的基本概念..........................................................................24
§2.1.5 复杂适应系统的基本特..........................................................................26
§2.2 Agent 理论..........................................................................................................28
§2.2.1 Agent 的概念...............................................................................................28
§2.2.2 Agent 的研究范.......................................................................................29
§2.2.3 Agent 技术...................................................................................................30
§2.3 基于 Agent 的建模与仿真方法.........................................................................32
§2.3.1 基于 Agent 建模与仿真方法概述..............................................................32
§2.3.2 基于 Agent 建模与仿真的源与发......................................................33
§2.3.3 基于 Agent 的建模与仿真方法的基本内容..............................................33
§2.3.4 基于 Agent 的建模与仿真的研究现......................................................34
§2.3.5 基于 Agent 建模与仿真概念下 Agent 与对象(Object)比较.................37
第三章 金融市场复杂适应系统的建模与仿真分析....................................................39
§3.1 金融市场是一个复杂适应系统.........................................................................39
§3.2 金融市场复杂性的.....................................................................................40
§3.3 统的金融市场建模方法的不.....................................................................42
§3.4 基于 Agent 的计算金融学.................................................................................43


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:134 页 大小:1.54MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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