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The accomplishment of this thesis results from the help from all sorts. Hereby I
would like to express my gratitude to those who made the thesis possible.
First of all, this M.A. thesis is accomplished under the inspiration and enlightenment
of my respected supervisors Prof. Lü Le and Prof. Dai Wei Hua. I am extremely grateful
to them for their valuable and helpful direction, suggestions and comments that are very
crucial to the writing of this thesis.
My sincere appreciation goes further to Prof. He Gang, who offers a lot of help in my
study of linguistics, and I am also deeply indebted to all the teachers who have taught
me the MA courses, which has been a source of great help for the accomplishment of
this thesis.
Last but not least, I appreciate very much the contribution to this thesis by my family
members and my friends. I am really grateful to their help, especially their spiritual
The appearance of Zadeh’s fuzzy sets theory in 1965 has a great impact on
linguistics. Since the end of 1960s, the study of vague language has been increasingly
important and aroused the interest of many people. On the basis of the fuzzy sets theory,
linguists at home and abroad have done a lot of research work concerning vagueness
phenomenon in natural language from the perspective of philosophy, semantics and
human cognition etc. However, little work is done from pragmatic aspect. This thesis,
therefore, based on the previous studies, attempts to investigate vagueness from the
angle of pragmatics. It aims to find out various pragmatic functions of vague language
by analyzing how language users make use of vague expressions to achieve certain
purposes on the theoretical basis of the Cooperative Principle, the conversational
implicature theory, the Politeness Principle and the face theory.
The present paper is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter severs as an introduction.
The second chapter summarizes previous studies and introduces some basic notions
relative to vague language, including the definition and sources of vagueness, the
distinction of vagueness, fuzziness, generality and ambiguity, and fuzzy sets theory.
The third chapter discusses the classifications of vague language, which is mainly
the introduction of the classifications made by the representative of foreign linguistics,
Joanna Channell and the famous Chinese scholar Prof. He Ziran.
The fourth chapter is the most important part of this thesis, which analyzes
pragmatic functions of vague language in the framework of the Cooperative Principle,
the conversational implicature theory, the Politeness Principle and the face theory.
The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. It points out the significance of
better understanding and manipulation of vague language, the limitation of the present
study and further research possibility.
Key Words: Vagueness, Vague Language, Pragmatic Functions
摘 要
美国专家(L.A.Zadeh)于 1965 年创糊集。模
第二章综述了前人对模糊语言的研究和认识, 并介绍了与模糊性相关的基本概念
关键词:模糊性 模糊语言 语用功能
Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................i
............................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter One Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
§1.1 Object of the Present Research ................................................................................. 1
§ 1.2 Rationale of the Present Research ............................................................................1
§1.3 Objectives of the Present Research ...........................................................................2
§1.4 Data and Methodology ..............................................................................................2
§ 1.5 Structure of the Thesis............................................................................................. 3
Chapter Two Vagueness in Language ............................................................................... 4
§ 2.1 Distinction of Some Terms ...................................................................................... 4
§ 2.2 Literature Review ...................................................................................................10
§ 2.3 Causes of Vagueness .............................................................................................. 14
§ 2.3.1 Objective World ...............................................................................................14
§ 2.3.2 Linguistic Symbols ..........................................................................................15
§ 2.3.3 Cognitive Subjects ...........................................................................................16
§ 2.3.4 Changes of Social Trends................................................................................ 17
Chapter Three Classification of Vague Expressions ....................................................... 19
§ 3.1 Joanna Channell’s Classification of Vague Expressions ........................................19
§ 3.2 He Ziran’s Classification of Vague Expressions .................................................... 21
Chapter Four Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language Studied in the Framework of
Pragmatic Principles and Theories ..................................................................................25
§ 4.1 Vague language and the Cooperative Principle ......................................................25
§ 4.1.1 Obeying the Maxim of Quantity—Giving Right Amount of Information ...... 26
§ 4.1.2 Obeying the Maxim of Quality—Being Objective ......................................... 27
§ 4.1.3 Obeying the Maxim of Relation—Being Relevant and Avoiding Being Abrupt
..................................................................................................................................... 28
§ 4.1.4 Obeying the Maxim of Manner—Expressing Clearly .....................................29
§ 4.1.5 Making up for Lexical Gaps in order to Continue the Topic ...........................30
§ 4.2 Vague language and the Conversational Implicature Theory ................................ 31
§ 4.2.1 Withholding Information ................................................................................ 31
§ 4.2.2 Self-protection ................................................................................................. 32
§ 4.2.3 Being Humorous ..............................................................................................34
§ 4.2.4 Being Persuasive ............................................................................................. 35
§ 4.2.5 Weakening or Canceling Conversational Implicatures ....................................36
§ 4.3 Vague Languagethe Politeness Principle and the Face Theory ..........................37
§ 4.3.1 Lessening the Force of Imposing on the Addressee ........................................ 38
§ 4.3.2 Showing Generosity ........................................................................................ 39
§ 4.3.3 Showing Respect ............................................................................................. 39
§ 4.3.4 Being Modest ...................................................................................................40
§ 4.3.5 Mitigating Disagreement ................................................................................. 40
§ 4.3.6 Showing Sympathy ..........................................................................................41
Chapter Five Conclusion .................................................................................................42
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 44
在读期间公开发表论文 .................................................................................................47
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
§1.1 Object of the Present Research
In 1965, Lotfi A. Zadeh, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science
of the University of California at Berkeley, proposed the concept of “Fuzzy Sets”,
which spurred a new boundary theory widely used in mathematics, linguistics, logics,
philosophy and other disciplines. His theory has aroused interest worldwide and has
also provided us with an effective tool for the description of vague language.
In language practice, vagueness is indeed of great pragmatic value and vitalityand
in this paper, the author attempts to analyze vague language from the perspective of
pragmatics. This paper will focus on the discussion of pragmatic functions of vague
§ 1.2 Rationale of the Present Research
Vague language and its pragmatic functions are chosen as the object of the present
study because of the following reasons.
First, vagueness is one of the properties of natural language. We will notice that
vague language exists widely in our language. Usually, speakers use vague language not
because they do not have accurate information, but because they feel that it is more
beneficial to make a less definite statement. Under certain circumstances, speakers
choose vague expressions purposefully in order to meet various needs although they are
well-spoken with strong ability to convey the relevant ideas in a more precise way. By
choosing vague expressions intentionally, the speaker will make the language he or she
produces to serve certain pragmatic purposes. This interesting contradiction between
preciseness and vagueness arouses the authors desire to explore vague language.
Second, previous researches on vague language are mainly done from the semantic
perspective, cognitive perspective and philosophical perspective, etc., paying little
attention to the pragmatic aspects of vagueness. Based on the linguistic analysis of the
vague language widely used in various fields of life, the present study is expected to
enrich this topic from a pragmatic perspective, focusing on the pragmatic functions of
vague language.


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:51 页 大小:516.03KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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