
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-19 4 4 1.37MB 73 页 15积分
摘 要
无线 Mesh 网络作为一种新兴的无线组网方式,融合WLAN Ad Hoc
了不错的进展,其中智能路由技术作为无线 Mesh 技术发展的关键技术之一引起
务的服务质量 QoS(Quality of Service)是组织无线 Mesh 网络需重点考虑的因素,
更成为无线 Mesh 网络成败的关键。
本文首先对比参考了两种 Ad Hoc 路由协议,并讨论了与无线 Mesh 网络相关
的按需路由协议的具体实现方法。通过对无线 Mesh 网络的路由协议的特点及用
户对服务质量的需求分析,提出了一种基于稳定性优先级的按需路由 SPODV
(Stability-Preferential On-demand Distance Vector Routing ) 协议。通过对在 Linux
系统上实现路由协议相关的技术深入研究,给出了基于 Linux 平台的 SPODV
议实现方案,并详细阐述了 SPODV 协议框架中各个模块的具体功能。最后,通
线Mesh 网络的基本 QoS 性能要求。
(1) 在深入研究无线 Mesh 网络的相关技术的基础上,对与协议相关的按需路
由算法、内核路由表的结构、Linux 网络体系结构及报文处理流程等进行了详细
(2) 在考虑 Mesh 节点间的稳定性及带宽约束等条件的基础上,研究对路由选
择策略的改进方法,使提出的 SPODV 路由协议满足用户对 QoS 的基本需求。
(3) 探讨 Linux 系统路由处理中的包过滤机制及无线 Mesh 路由协议算法在用
(4) 在基于 Linux 操作系统的嵌入式 ARM 平台上,研究 SPODV 路由协议的
关键词:无线 Mesh 网络 SPODV QoS 路由协议 Netlink Netfilter
As an emerging wireless network, the Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) which
combines both the advantages of WLAN and Ad Hoc Networks has the outstanding
characters of autonomous, self-healing, multi-hop cascade, etc. Recently, the research
of related technology has got obvious improvement. As a key technology in WMN
development process, the intelligent routing protocol has aroused widespread concern
and research. How to organize the WMN and make it can immediately adapt to the
changing network topology, and ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) is the key factor
which impact the quailty of WMN. As the result of it, the protocol of Mesh Routing
becomes a hotspot nowadays.
Firstly, two Ad Hoc on-demand routing protocols and their realization methods
have been compared and discussed in this paper. Next, with the analysis of the
characteristics of the WMN and the Quality of Service (QoS) required by user, a
Stability-Preferential On-demand Distance Vector Routing (SPODV) protocol is
proposed. Then, through the deeply researching of the related technology of
implementing the routing protocol in Linux system, this paper mainly provides a
solution to design and realize the SPODV protocol in Linux platform, and describes in
detail of every functional sub-module of SPODV protocol framework. Finally, a
WLAN experimental environment is builded up for test and analysising the
performance of the network. The promoted wireless Mesh routing protocol SPODV is
verified feasible. And the experimental results show that the SPODV indeed can satisfy
the basic requirements of the QoS.
The main work of this paper includes:
(1) Base on the deeply understand the the related technology of the WMN. Make
a detailed analysis research on the related on-demand routing algorithm, the structure
of the routing table in kernel, Linux network architecture and the flow of Packet
(2) In order to meet the QoS required by Wireless Mesh Network users,
considering the characteristics of WMN and analyzing the Mesh network wireless
routing protocol and overall performance, the Stability-Preferential On-demand
Distance Vector Routing (SPODV) protocol is proposed. Comprehensively, taking the
stability of Mesh nodes and bandwidth constraints into account, the SPODV protocol
improved the routing strategy to meet the users’ basic requirements of quality of
(3) The packet filtering mechanism during the routing processing and the methods
of the implementation of routing algorithms both of the user space and the kernel space
are also discussed.
(4) Research the realize method of the SPODV routing protocol on the embedded
ARM Linux platform, based on it, then a WLAN experimental environment is builded
up for test.
Key WordWireless Mesh Network, SPODV, Routing Protocol, QoS,
Netlink, Netfilter
目 录
摘 要
第一章 绪 论 ...........................................................................................................1
§1.1 研究背景、意义 ......................................................................................1
§1.2 国内外研究现状及应用前景 ..................................................................2
§1.2.1 无线 Mesh 网络发展现状 ............................................................2
§1.2.2 无线 Mesh 网络的应用前景 ........................................................2
§1.3 本文的主要内容和组织结构 ...................................................................3
第二章 无线 Mesh 路由协议 ..................................................................................5
§2.1 无线 Mesh 网络的结构及特点 ...............................................................5
§2.1.1 无线 Mesh 网络与其他网络结构比较 ........................................5
§2.1.2 无线 Mesh 网络与其他网络的对比及其特点 ............................7
§2.1.3 无线 Mesh 网络的应用及发展 ....................................................9
§2.2 无线 Mesh 网络的 QoS 机制 ..................................................................9
§2.3 无线 Mesh 路由协议研究及其现状分析 ..............................................10
§2.3.1 无线 Mesh 路由协议应有的特征 ..............................................10
§2.3.2 常见无线路由协议概论 .............................................................11
§2.3.3 DSR 协议算法 ............................................................................. 13
§2.4 AODV 路由算法 ................................................................................. 14
§2.4.1 路由建立过程 .............................................................................14
§2.4.2 路由表维护及恢复过程 .............................................................16
§2.4.3 AODV DSR 协议比较 ............................................................17
§2.5 基于 AODV 改进的 SPODV 路由协议 ................................................ 18
§2.5.1 业务流处理机制 ..........................................................................18
§2.5.2 带宽管理机制 ..............................................................................20
第三章 无线 Mesh 路由协议栈分析与关键技术 ................................................22
§3.1 硬件平台选择 ........................................................................................22
§3.2 软件平台选择 ........................................................................................22
§3.2.1 Linux 操作系统的特性 .............................................................. 23
§3.2.2 Linux 文件系统 .......................................................................... 23
§3.2.3 Linux 操作系统结构 ................................................................... 24
§3.3 Linux 系统中与网络相关的操作 ....................................................... 26
§3.3.1 Linux 网络体系结构 ................................................................... 26
§3.3.2 socket 网络通信套接字 ...............................................................30
§3.3.3 Linux 网络协议的底层支持 ....................................................... 31
§3.3.4 Linux 系统的路由功能 ............................................................... 33
§3.4 Linux 网络协议相关技术介绍 ........................................................ 34
§3.4.1 Linux 内核模块机制 LKM ......................................................... 34
§3.4.2 Netfilter 包过滤机制 ................................................................... 34
§3.4.3 Linux 路由表结构 ....................................................................... 38
第四章 SPODV 协议在 Linux 系统的实现 ......................................................... 44
§4.1 Netlink socket 机制 .................................................................................44
§4.1.1 用户空间需要做的操作 .............................................................45
§4.1.2 内核空间需要做的操作 ..............................................................50
§4.2 无线 Mesh 协议 SPODV 的具体实现方案 ...........................................54
§4.2.1 SPODV 的主要框架结构 ............................................................54
§4.2.2 SPODV 用户模块 ........................................................................55
§4.2.3 SPODV 内核模块 ........................................................................57
第五章 SPODV 协议实现测试及分析 .................................................................59
§5.1 无线 Mesh 网络协议 SPODV 的添加 ...................................................59
§5.1.1 策略路由的添加 .........................................................................59
§5.1.2 无线 Mesh 网络的配置 ...............................................................60
§5.1.3 实验拓扑 .....................................................................................61
§5.2 网络性能对比测试及结论 ....................................................................63
第六章 工作总结与展望 .....................................................................................65
参考文献 .................................................................................................................66
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .....................................69
第一章 绪 论
第一章 绪
§1.1 研究背景及意义
随着 Internet 技术的广泛应用和局域网的迅猛发展,网络已渗入到教育、政
IEEE802.11 的无线局域网技术、基于 IEEE802.15 的无线个域网[1] 和基于
IEEE802.16 的固定宽带无线接入网就是发展中的典型例子。如何组织日益庞大的
成为讨论的热点。从上个世纪末就开始受到各大研究机构关注的移动 Ad hoc 网络
(MANET) [2]得到了不断的发展及应用。Ad hoc 是一种基于无线局限网技术的网
害现场、野战通信等应用需求,但是到目前为止,由于 Ad hoc 网络其成本太高及
性能的相对劣势至今没有在民用设施布网中被广泛采用。为改进 MANET 使其适
用于民用,在传统蜂窝通信技术以及 Ad hoc 技术的基础上改进发展起来的无线
Mesh 网络(Wireless Mesh NetworksWMN )[3]技术得到了快速发展,而且受到了
WMN 作为移动 Ad hoc 网络(MANET)的一种特殊形态,融合了 WLAN Ad
hoc 的网络优,可以说是 Internet 的无线版本,具有自组织,自配置、自治愈、
英里”网络接入问题的而写入 IEEE 标准的网络技术,该技术已成为下一代无线


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:73 页 大小:1.37MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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