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摘 要
越广泛的运用。通过技术实现使温室内土壤的温湿度、PH 值、微元素含量,空气的温
湿度、CO2 浓度以及光照强度等环境参数自动调节到植物生长所需的最佳值,提高作物
台是基于 Crossbow 提供的实验装置。每个管理节点管理最多 4 个传感器设备,传感器
站进行管理。基站通过 USB 端口连接一个无线接收装置,负责接收和转发信息。基站
上运行 Debian Linux 操作系统,并通过一些管理机制管理整个网络的正常运行。
Adjust Sensing range Redundant node Sleeping algorithm,AASRS)
线了 PMCS(Parallel
Monitoring and Control System)机制,用于监多个特定 WSN 网络基站的数据接收
和转发请求,同时对 XML 格式的数据进行解析,将有效数据存储到 Oracle 数据库中,
以便于 WEB 端应用程序的开发。这种机制实现异构数据的灵活配置和多基站服务请求
生长环境信息的无线传感器网络,实现了相关功能。本文提供一个基于 WSN 的葡萄生
关键字:无线传感器网络;葡萄; 生长因子; AASRS; PMCS
With the continuous development of economy and technology, the percentage of
science and technology in modern agriculture continues to increase. The Greenhouse as an
important part of precision agriculture, to provide a more rational control of plants’ growing
environmental conditions in agriculture has been more widely used. By technology, it can
implements that the temperature ,humidity, PH value and micro-element content of soil, air
temperature and humidity, CO2 concentration and light intensity and other environmental
parameters automatically adjust to the optimum value required for plant growth, improve the
quality and yield of plants. With the continuous development of Wireless sensor networks
and Internet of things technology, this kind of wireless self-organizing network that without
infrastructure can collaboratively sensing, monitoring, collecting, forwarding all
environmental parameters within the area that network covered and information of
monitored objects. It sending and forwarding data by wireless multi-hop routing. So it is very
suitable for greenhouse agriculture and precision agriculture needs.
Wireless sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes. The nodes are usually
divided into full function node (FFD) and reduced function node (RFD). Full unction node
provides functions such as the membership management, information management and the
link information management and data reception and forwarding. Reduced function node
usually only provide simple data reception and forwarding. Experimental platform used in
this paper is based on apparatus provided by Crossbow. Each management node can manage
up to four kinds of sensors. Each sensor device is responsible for collecting data of
environmental parameters. Between each management node, they can communicate through
single hop or multi-hops and connect to the base station. Management node is responsible for
transmit the data collected by the sensor devices that belong to it and a variety of status
information to the base station for management. The base station connects to a wireless
receiver device through an USB port and is responsible for receiving and forwarding
messages from management nodes. The base station is running on Debian Linux operating
system and managing the entire network work correctly by some management mechanisms.
This paper first analyzed in case of the perception of adjustable radius, the manner in
which sleeping nodes adopted to balance the coverage rate and the level of energy load
balancing. This paper proposed an adaptive sleep algorithm for the redundant nodes
(Adaptable Adjust Sensing range Redundant node Sleeping algorithm, AASRS).Second, on
account of the characteristics of wireless sensor network that the heterogeneity of specific
application implementation and massive data, this paper analyzes a scenario that have one or
more homogeneous or heterogeneous wireless sensor networks for data collection and
forwarding and the problem of how they are collaboratively worked, achieves the PMCS
(Parallel Monitoring and Control System) mechanism to monitor one or more requests from
specific WSN base stations for data reception and forwarding, while parsing XML formatted
data and storing the valid data into the Oracle database, in order to facilitate the development
of WEB client applications. This mechanism implements flexible configuration of
heterogeneous data and the timely response to service requests and collaborative
management from one or more base stations. Finally, take the Malu vineyard as the
experimental environment we built a Wireless sensor network that used to monitoring the
growing environment parameters information of grape and realized the related functions.This
paper providing a grape growth factor analysis and support system based on WSN. It
facilitates the management of grapes’ growing surveillance at the same time it improves
product’s quality and yield .So our desired goals achieved.
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; grape; growth factors; AASRS;
摘 要
第一章 绪论 .......................................................... 1
§1.1 课题研究背景 ............................................... 1
§1.1.1 无线传感器网络的发展 ................................... 1
§1.1.2 无线传感器网络的应用 .................................. 1
§1.1.3 物联网技术的发展 ...................................... 2
§1.2 在智能农业中的研究现状 ...................................... 3
§1.3 研究思路及意义 .............................................. 6
§1.3.1 研究思路 ............................................... 6
§1.3.2 研究意义 .............................................. 6
§1.4 论文内容与组织结构 .......................................... 7
第二章 无线传感器网络关键组成与技术分析 .............................. 9
§2.1 路由协议 .................................................... 9
§2.1.1 以数据为中心的路由协议 ................................. 9
§2.1.2 集群结构的路由协议 .................................... 12
§2.1.3 地理位置信息的路由协议 ................................ 13
§2.2 MAC 协议 ................................................... 14
§2.2.1 竞争型 MAC 协议 ........................................ 15
§2.2.2 分配型 SMACS 协议 ...................................... 16
§2.2.3 混合型 ZMAC 协议 ....................................... 18
§2.3 本章小结 ................................................... 19
第三章 实验平台和系统配置 ........................................... 20
§3.1 传感器节点配置 ............................................. 20
§3.1.1 普通节点硬件 .......................................... 20
§3.1.2 基站节点硬件 .......................................... 21
§3.1.3 网络中的传输包结构 .................................... 22
§3.2 服务层实现机制 ............................................. 22
§3.1.1 XServe 机制 ........................................... 22
§3.1.2 XCommand 机制 ......................................... 23
§3.3 数据库配置 ................................................. 24
§3.4 系统运行流程 ............................................... 25
§3.5 本章小结 ................................................... 26
第四章 基于可调感知半径节点睡眠算法分析 ............................. 27
§4.1 问题定义 ................................................... 27
§4.1.1 基本前提条件 .......................................... 28
§4.1.2 拓扑和性能分析 ........................................ 28
§4.2 AASRS 算法描叙 ............................................. 30
§4.2.1 相关概念定义 .......................................... 30
§4.2.2 冗余节点的判断规则 .................................... 31
§4.2.3 自适应调节感知半径冗余节点睡眠算法(AASRS) ............. 32
§4.3 性能评价 ................................................... 32
§4.4 本章小结 ................................................... 34
第五章 PMCS 机制分析 ................................................ 35
§5.1 PMCS 工作原理 .............................................. 35
§5.1.1 相关定义与网络结构 .................................... 35
§5.1.2 Crossbow 实验平台介绍 ................................ 36
§5.1.3 PMCS 功能设计 ........................................ 37
§5.2 PMCS 实现关键 .............................................. 38
§5.2.1 CA 配置文件和数据格式配置文件 ......................... 38
§5.2.2 主要实现函数之间的调用关系说明 ........................ 38
§5.3 实验结果与优点分析 ......................................... 39
§5.4 本章小结 ................................................... 40
第六章 分析支持系统的详细设计与实现 ................................. 41
§6.1 分析支持系统的工具函数代码实现 ............................. 41
§6.1.1 错误处理函数 .......................................... 41
§6.1.2 长度转换函数 .......................................... 43
§6.1.3 Sokcet 套接字包裹函数 ................................ 45
§6.2 主要功能函数代码实现 ....................................... 46
§6.2.1 XML 数据包读取函数 ................................... 46
§6.2.2 XML 格式数据解析函数 .................................. 46
§6.2.3 数据库操作函数 ........................................ 48
§6.2.4 建立 TCP 连接函数 ..................................... 50
§6.3 libxml2-devel 和 libsqlora8 介绍 ............................ 51
§6.4 实现结果和功能 ............................................. 53
§6.4.1 系统实现 ............................................. 53
§6.4.2 功能介绍 ............................................. 53
§6.5 本章小结 ................................................... 56
第七章 总结与展望 ................................................... 57
参考文献 ............................................................ 59
作者在读期间科研成果简介 ............................................ 62
致谢 ................................................................ 63


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:67 页 大小:1.85MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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