
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-19 4 4 1.41MB 59 页 15积分
摘 要
由于 Petri 网符合人类的思维方式和对世界认知方式,所以,被普遍应用于大
量的系统工程甚至是自然行为的并发和并行行为的描述和分析。模糊 Petri 网作为
Petri 网的一个重要的分支,因为可以表达模糊不确定的知识,并对不确定的知识
究,后来研究了专家系统和 Petri 网相融合的技术,构建了医疗专家系统的核心功
首先,通过介绍医疗专家系统和 Petri 网的现状,提出了建立在 Petri 网基础
其次,通过分析医疗专家系统的架构和组成部分,提出了符合 Petri 网特点的
然后介绍了 Petri 网的理论知识和数学计算方法,为下一步模型的搭建和推理
最后重点介绍了两种创新性的基于 Petri 网的专家系统诊断模型,并根据两者
关键词:专家系统 Petri 网 医疗诊断 规则推理 模糊推理
An expert system is a systematic integration of knowledge and experience of
decision support systems. It is by artificial intelligence technology to a professional
expert in the field of knowledge and experience with collection, sorting, classification,
integration, and to compile the knowledge and experience the computer can understand
the language, and through powerful computer storage and computing capabilities to
solve complex problems. Medical expert systems have a large number of professional
knowledge and experience of medical experts to have access to the rules of the
knowledge of the disease in patients with complex analysis and reasoning, and finally
get the diagnosis results and give a solution. The purpose of the medical expert system
development is to the advantage of a collection of people and machines to improve
diagnostic accuracy and reduce diagnostic time.
As Petri Net having the way of human thinking and perception, therefore, is widely
used in the description and analysis of many physical systems as well as the social
system of parallel and concurrent behavior. Fuzzy Petri net as an important branch of
Petri net , they can express vague and uncertain knowledge, then process the uncertain
knowledge, So more and more people are welcome.
The first paper make a certain amount of research on expert knowledge in the
traditional rules of representation, and later studied with the integration technology of
Petri nets and expert system, to build a medical expert system's core functionality.
In this paper, the main work is as follows:
First of all, through the presentation of medical expert systems and the status of
Petri nets, introduced the expert system based on Petri nets.
Secondly, by analyzing the medical expert system architecture and components,
made in line with the characteristics of Petri nets rule-based expert systems and expert
system based on fuzzy theory model.
Then describing the theoretical knowledge and mathematical calculationspaving
the way for the next step to build the construction of the model and reason.
Finally, expert systems focus on the two diagnostic models, and reasoning based on
the characteristics of both the introduction of different research ideas and methods. For
rule-based reasoning expert system, a large number of historical experiences in the
known data in the case, through the rough set theory and the reduction algorithm,
derived inference rules. Theory based on fuzzy reasoning for expert systems, through
the existing diagnostic rules algorithm, processing the fuzzy uncertain knowledge, then
using a strong inference algorithm of the matrix, the use of forward and backward
reasoning strategy, combined with the actual case, achieving the purpose of solving
problems correctly and quickly.
Key Words: Expert systemPetri netsMedical diagnosis
Rule-based reasoningfuzzy reasoning
目 录
第一章 .............................................................................................................. 1
§1.1 选题背景和研究意义 ......................................... 1
§1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................. 1
§1.2.1 Petri 网应用研究现状 .................................... 1
§1.2.2 医疗专家系统现状 ........................................3
§1.3 论文主要研究内容 ........................................... 3
§1.4 本文的创新点 ............................................... 4
第二章 医疗专家系统理论 ........................................................................................ 5
§2.1 专家系统的定义 ............................................. 5
§2.2 常用的专家系统模型 ......................................... 5
§2.3 医疗诊断的过程及内容 ....................................... 8
§2.3.1 医疗诊断专家系统概述 ....................................8
§2.3.2 诊断知识的获取途径 ......................................8
§2.3.3 诊断知识库的组织与表达 ..................................9
§2.3.4 医疗诊断专家系统的结构 ..................................9
§2.4 本章小结 .................................................. 10
第三章 Petri 网描述的专家系........................................................................... 11
§3.1 Petri 网原理与分析方法 ..................................... 11
§3.1.1 Petri 网的定义和图形表示 ............................... 11
§3.1.2 Petri 网的重要性质 ..................................... 13
§3.1.3 Petri 网性能分析 ....................................... 14
§3.2 模糊 Petri 网 .............................................. 14
§3.2.1 FPN 的知识表示 ......................................... 14
§3.2.2 FPN 的定义 ............................................. 15
§3.2.3 模糊产生式规则 FPN 表示 .................................17
§3.3 模糊 Petri 网及其在专家系统中的应用 ........................ 18
§3.4 本章小结 .................................................. 19
第四章 基于规则的专家诊断系统 .......................................................................... 20
§4.1 基于规则的专家诊断系统工作原理 ............................ 20
§4.2 基于完备信息系统的粗糙集理论 .............................. 21
§4.2.1 粗糙集理论的基本思想 ...................................21
§4.2.2 粗糙集理论的特点 .......................................21
§4.2.3 知识的定义 .............................................22
§4.2.4 知识表达系统 ...........................................22
§4.2.5 决策表 .................................................22
§4.2.6 知识化简 ...............................................23
§4.3 基于优化的 Petri 网的医疗诊断模型 .......................... 23
§4.3.1 粗糙集与 Petri Nets 结合 ............................... 23
§4.3.2 决策诊断表的建立 .......................................24
§4.3.3 医疗诊断决策表的约简 ...................................25
§4.4 petri 网医疗诊断模型构建 ................................... 27
§4.5 医疗诊断 Petri 网状态方程及推理方法 ........................ 28
§4.5.1 医疗诊断 Petri 网状态方程 ...............................28
§4.5.2 医疗诊断 Petri 网状态方程推理方法 .......................28
§4.6 试验与结果分析 ............................................ 29
§4.7 本章小结 .................................................. 29
第五章 基于模糊规则的专家诊断系统 .................................................................. 31
§5.1 基于模糊规则的专家系统工作原理 ............................ 31
§5.2 医疗诊断策略 .............................................. 31
§5.3 FPN 图形推理 ............................................... 33
§5.3.1 冲突消解 ...............................................33
§5.3.2 补充定义 ...............................................34
§5.3.3 推理算法 ...............................................36
§5.3.4 诊断实例 ...............................................39
§5.4 FPN 正向矩阵推理 ........................................... 43
§5.4.1 非运算 ................................................. 43
§5.4.2 补充定义 ...............................................44
§5.4.3 推理算法 ...............................................45
§5.4.4 诊断实例 ...............................................46
§5.5 本章小结 .................................................. 48
第六章 结论与展 .................................................................................................. 49
§6.1 全文研究总结 .............................................. 49
§6.2 后续工作展望 .............................................. 49
参考文献 .....................................................................................................................51
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ........................................ 54


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:59 页 大小:1.41MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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