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LabVIEW DSP 技术的人工关节试验机数据采集和控制系统。
和控制系统。本论文采用 DSP 开发板平台和 LabVIEW 软件进行人工关节数据采
集和控制系统的设计研究,将 DSP 开发板上主芯片 TMS320F2812 丰富的片上资
源、较高的数据处理能力与功能强大的图形化编程虚拟仪器开发平台 LabVIEW
结合,并通过串行通讯接口将数据传送到 PC 机中。由 LabVIEW 软件对人体髋关
荷曲线信号由 DSP 开发板处理后,再由 LabVIEW 软件显示。设计了基于 DSP
TMS320F2812 的控制电机仿真人体运动和载荷、数据采集、模/(A/D)转换和
下位机之间的通讯。上位机 LabVIEW 操作界面能够正常的发送仿真人体髋关节、
际结果。下位机 DSP 芯片 TMS320F2812 通过串行通讯接口接受上位机发送过来
关键词:人工关节试验 LabVIEW DSP 仿真系
The artificial joint simulater is mainly used to evaluate the friction and wear
properties of the biological prosthesis materials After completing the structure design
and production of the simulator, an artificial joints simulator data acquisition and
control system based on LabVIEW and DSP technology was designed.
Firstly, after completing the design of the artificial joints flexible loading parts and
mechanical movement parts and lubrication parts of the analog simulation system, the
data acquisition and control system of hip, knee and spine joint simulation were
especially designed based on it. The DSP development board and LabVIEW software
platform virtual instrument system was used in the research and design of the control
system and data acquisition. A powerful and graphical programming for virtual
instrument development platform of LabVIEW was combined with the main chip
TMS320F2812 of DSP development board with a rich on-chip resources and high data
processing capacity. Through a serial communication interface, the data was transferred
to the PC. The hip joint, knee joint and spine joint movement and loading of the human
body were simulated by the LabVIEW software. After the movement and loading curve
signal were collected by the sensor and processed by the DSP development board, the
results were shown by the LabVIEW software on PC. The PWM motor control of
simulating the human joint motion and loading, data acquisition, Analog-to-Digital
(A/D) conversion and serial communication module part of the program was designed
based on the TMS320F2812 chip of DSP.
Secondly, a modular design was followed by the supervisory computer and the
senior machine. The senior machine was designed with the top-down ideas. The overall
framework of the main program, the design of Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
analog acquisition program, the design of serial communication program and the PWM
motor control program were mainly analysed.
Finally, the designed simulation system of the artificial hip, knee and spine joint
about movement and loading was debugged. In the debugging process, the system
operated normally and the serial communication interface achieved the communication
between the PC and the DSP. The LabVIEW user interface of the PC was able to send
the simulation signal of human hip, knee, spine joint movement and loading, at the same
time, the human joint movement and loading digital signal sent from the DSP could be
displayed and handled before obtaining the actual results of the simulating about the
human joint movement. After the information were received by the DSP chip of
TMS320F2812 from the PC via a serial communication interface, the control of the
stepper motor could be realized and the sensor analog signals of simulating human joint
movement were acquisited, while the processed sensor information were sent to the PC.
From the analysis of debugging results, based on the gait case, the human hip, knee
and spine joint movement and load simulation were basically realized by this system for
the same artificial joint testing machine platform and the simulation results were
displayed in real time. In the future studies, the system can be applied to the vitro
mechanical experiments of the simulator for the carbon or other materials, and
evaluating the biomechanical properties such as wear, pressure resistance and
anti-fatigue to provide the basis for clinical application.
Key Word: Artificial joint simulator, LabVIEW, DSP, Simulation
第一章 绪论 ................................................................................................................ 1
§1.1 引言......................................................... 1
§1.2 人工关节仿真模拟试验机的研究现状 ............................. 2
§1.2.1 人工髋关节试验机研究现状 ................................. 3
§1.2.2 人工膝关节试验机研究现状 ................................. 9
§1.2.3 人工脊柱关节试验机研究现状 .............................. 13
§1.3 本文研究目的、主要研究内容及创新点.......................... 16
第二章人工关节试验机数据采集和控制系统开发环境 ........................................... 18
§2.1 虚拟仪器简介及开发环境介绍.................................. 18
§2.1.1 虚拟仪器介绍 ............................................ 18
§2.1.2 Lab VIEW 软件及开发环境介绍 ............................ 18
§2.2 DSP 芯片的选型和开发环境介绍 ................................ 19
§2.2.1 DSP 选型 ................................................ 19
§2.2.2 TMS320F2812 特点介绍 .................................... 20
§2.2.3 软件集成开发环境 CCS 介绍 ................................ 21
§2.3 本课题系统总体方案设计...................................... 22
§2.3.1 功能需求 ................................................ 22
§2.3.2 系统组成结构 ............................................ 23
§2.3.3 系统相关的功能模块说明 .................................. 23
§2.3.4 系统总体的设计方案 ...................................... 24
§2.4 本章小结.................................................... 25
第三章 数据采集和控制系统硬件平台设计 ............................................................ 26
§3.1 总体硬件方案设计............................................ 26
§3.2 串口通信电路设计............................................ 28
§3.3 滤波电路设计................................................ 29
§3.4 本章小结.................................................... 32
第四章 上位机 LabVIEW 和下位机软件的设计与实现 ............................................. 33
§4.1 上位机和下位机软件集成开发环境 Lab VIEWCCS 简介 ............ 33
§4.2 上位机 Lab VIEW 软件总体设计方案............................. 33
§4.2.1 需求分析 ................................................ 33
§4.2.2 软件功能 ................................................ 34
§4.3 上位机 Lab VIEW 软件的设计与实现............................. 34
§4.3.1 人工髋关节数据采集和控制系统设计 ........................ 38
§4.3.2 人工膝关节数据采集和控制系统设计 ........................ 43
§4.3.3 人工脊柱关节数据采集和控制系统设计 ...................... 47
§4.4 DSP(下位机)软件总体框架................................... 51
§4.4.1 下位机初始化程序模块 .................................... 53
§4.4.2 ADC 数据采集程序模块 .................................... 53
§4.4.3 ADC 初始化程序设计 ...................................... 55
§4.5 SCI 程序发送和接受模块 ...................................... 57
§4.5.1 SCI 串行通信模块结构 .................................... 57
§4.5.2 SCI 发送和接收程序设计 .................................. 58
§4.6 人工关节试验机控制模块...................................... 59
§4.6.1 髋关节控制模块 .......................................... 60
§4.6.2 膝关节控制模块 .......................................... 61
§4.6.3 脊椎关节控制模块 ........................................ 61
§4.7 本章小结.................................................... 62
第五章 人工关节试验机数据采集和控制系统性能评价 ......................................... 63
§5.1 信号仿真.................................................... 63
§5.2 控制系统仿真................................................ 65
§5.3 本章小结.................................................... 69
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................................................................. 70
§6.1 总结 ........................................................ 70
§6.2 展望........................................................ 70
.......................................................................................................................... 72
参考文献 .................................................................................................................... 99
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ......................................... 106
........................................................................................................................ 107


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:111 页 大小:4.13MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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