
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-19 4 4 2MB 65 页 15积分
摘 要
CO2减排方面有其独特的优势,随着当今对 CO2等温室气体的关注,化学链燃烧
标。本文利用小型流化床实验台,对四种制备金属载氧体 Ni 基、Fe 基、Cu 基和
Co 基在四个不同反应温度(650℃、750℃、850℃、950℃)和两种气氛(CH4
实验研究表明,四种制备金属载氧体与 CH4反应时,除了 Cu 基载氧体之外,
烧结;制备 Ni 基载氧体在各个温度下都能表现出较高的活性,其积碳随温度的升
高有减少的趋势;制备 Fe 基载氧体的还原反应活性不高,还原转化率较低;Cu
基载氧体750时活性最强;Co 基载氧体的制备过程中 CoO Al2O3
种制备金属载氧体的还原反应活性强弱依次是:Ni 基、Cu 基、Co 基、Fe 基。
当四种制备金属载氧体与模拟煤制气反应时,Co 基载氧体随着温度的升高,
高,Ni 基的最佳反应温度是 750℃,Fe 基和 Cu 基的最佳反应温度均为 850℃;
次是:Ni 基、Cu 基、Fe 基、Co 基。以模拟煤制气为燃料时转化率普遍较高,
此模拟煤制气比 CH4更适合化学链燃烧。
金属载氧体的活性大小。积碳是由于 CH4的热解反应和 CO Boudouard
的积碳特性进行研究。本文以 CO 为燃料(即还原性气氛),在热天平上分别对
Ni 基、Fe Cu 基和 Co 基四种制备金属载氧体进行热重实验,通过分析各自
TG 曲线,了解到四种载氧体均出现了不同程度的积碳现象,其中 Cu 基载氧体
进行 CO 和载氧体的燃烧反应时,向炉内通入水蒸气,发现 CO 还原金属载氧体
时,通入水蒸气可以有效的抑制积碳。最后利用 X射线衍射仪XRD扫描反应
产物,分析结果显示通水蒸气时 C的特征峰已经消失,进一步验证了水蒸气的抑
关键词:化学链燃烧 CO2减排 金属载氧体 反应特性
Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) was proposed as a combustion technology
for efficient utilization of the energy. Later, it is generally acknowledged that the
technology has an unique advantage in CO2emission reduction. With inherent
separation of the greenhouse gas CO2, the technology has been developed so much in
recent years and it is an effective method to solve the conflict between energy structure
and environment.
One important index of the oxygen carrier performance is the characteristic of
reduction-oxidation in Chemical-looping combustion. In this paper, the fluidized bed is
used to study on four prepared metal oxygen carriers (Ni-based, Fe-based, Cu-based
and Co-based) at different reaction temperature of 650,750,850,950and in
the atmosphere of CH4and CO+H2. Through analyzing the variation of the reaction
product concentration along with time, the reactivity of the prepared metal oxygen
carriers was compared. The conversion ratio in the reduction can be calculated through
dealing with the experimental data. And then, the effects of temperature and
atmosphere on the reactivity of oxygen carriers were analyzed.
When the prepared metal oxygen carriers reacted with CH4, the experimental data
reveal that their reduction ratio increases with the rise of the temperature and at the
same time, carbon deposition and sintering were found. The Ni-based oxygen carriers
react rapidly with CH4at each temperature, and the carbon deposition decreases with
the rise of temperature. The Fe-based oxygen carriers react slowly with CH4and its
conversion ratio is small. The Cu-based oxygen carriers are not suitable for reacting
with CH4at low temperature. The Co-based oxygen carriers’ conversion ratio is also
not high, because the CoO reacts with Al2O3and products CoAl2O4. In general, the
intensity order of the reduction reactivity at the atmosphere of CH4is: Ni-based,
Cu-based, Co-based, Fe-based.
At the atmosphere of CO+H2, The Co-based oxygen carriers’ conversion ratio
increases slightly with the rise of the temperature while the other three oxygen carriers
conversion ratio does not increase. The optimum reaction temperature of Ni-based
oxygen carriers is 750while that of the Fe-based oxygen carriers and the Cu-based
oxygen carriers are both 850 . In general, the intensity order of the reduction
reactivity at the atmosphere of CO+H2is: Ni-based, Cu-based, Fe-based, Co-based.
Compared with the two kinds of atmosphere, it is found that CO+H2is more suitable
for the chemical-looping combustion.
In the experiment, carbon deposition and sintering were found. In the
chemical-looping combustion(CLC) technology, the anti-carbon capability of the metal
oxygen carrier can not be ignored, which decides the activity of the oxygen carrier.
Carbon deposition, which is caused by CH4pyrolysis and Boudouard reactions,
depends on the temperature as well as the pressure and the amount of oxygen added
with the oxygen carriers. In order to understand the inhibiting effect of H2O on carbon
deposition, thermobalance and tube furnace were used to study on the carbon
deposition of four prepared metal oxygen carriers. In this paper, Thermal Gravimetric
Analysis (TGA) is used to study on Ni-based Fe-based Cu-based and Co-based
prepared oxygen carriers, using CO as the fuel. TG curves indicate that the carbon
deposition characteristics of different prepared oxygen carriers occur and the Cu-based
oxygen carriers can restrain carbon deposition to some extent. Water steam was added
into the tube furnace, which can restrain carbon deposition effectively during CO
reacting with oxygen carriers. Finally, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to scan the
reaction product. Results show that the characteristic peaks of carbon disappeared
when adding water steam into the furnace, which confirms the inhibitory effect of
water steam on carbon deposition.
Key Word chemical-looping combustion (CLC), CO2emission
reduction, oxygen carrier, carbon deposition characteristics
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 引言 ........................................................ 1
§1.2 本课题研究的意义 ............................................ 1
§1.3 化学链燃烧技术的发展现状 .................................... 4
§1.3.1 化学链燃烧技术的原理和特点 ............................ 4
§1.3.2 化学链燃烧技术国内外的研究进展 ........................ 5
§1.4 本文的主要研究内容 ......................................... 9
第二章 实验系统及实验方法 ........................................... 11
§2.1 流态化原理 ................................................ 11
§2.2 实施方案介绍 ............................................... 12
§2.3 实验样品介绍 ............................................... 12
§2.4 实验用载氧体的制备方法介绍 ................................. 13
§2.5 实验设备介绍 ............................................... 14
§2.5.1 小型流化床试验台 ..................................... 14
§2.5.2 小型流化床的调试 ..................................... 15
§2.5.3 红外煤气分析仪 ....................................... 15
§2.6 本章小结 ................................................... 15
第三章 金属载氧体的反应特性研究 ..................................... 17
§3.1 实验流程和工况 ............................................ 17
§3.1.1 还原性实验流程 ....................................... 17
§3.1.2 氧化性实验流程 ....................................... 17
§3.1.3 实验工况 ............................................. 17
§3.2 还原性气体和金属载氧体反应的热力学判据 .................... 18
§3.3 实验数据处理方法 .......................................... 19
§3.4 实验结果及分析 ............................................ 20
§3.4.1 CH4为还原气氛 ........................................ 20
§3.4.2 CO+H2为还原气氛 ...................................... 32
§3.4.3 CH4和 CO+H2两种气氛的比较 ............................. 43
§3.5 本章小结 .................................................. 44
第四章 金属载氧体的积碳特性研究 .................................... 45
§4.1 实验流程及工况 ............................................ 45
§4.2 实验结果及分析 ............................................ 46
§4.2.1 四种金属载氧体的积碳特性分析 ......................... 46
§4.2.2 水蒸气对四种金属载氧体积碳特性的影响 ................. 47
§4.3 实验后载氧体的 XRD 分析 .................................... 48
§4.4 本章小结 .................................................. 51
第五章 总结 ......................................................... 52
§5.1 本文主要工作及研究结论 .................................... 52
§5.2 本文创新点 ................................................ 53
§5.3 后续工作展望 .............................................. 53
参考文献 ............................................................ 55
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 60
.............................................................. 61


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:65 页 大小:2MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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