黑暗与光明的概念隐喻 --- 基于语料的英汉对比研究

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The study of metaphor enjoys a two-thousand-year history which can be traced back
to the age of Aristotle. In his eyes, metaphor is treated as a rhetorical device, a kind of
deviation from normal use of language, and something extraordinary rather than
ordinary. The study of metaphor is limited to rhetoric and literature.
Since the 1970’s, as cognitive science and cognitive linguistics developed, metaphor
has been viewed as a way of human thinking and a cognitive tool to conceptualize the
world. Human’s abstract thinking is constructed by metaphor. Human conceptual
system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. Metaphor is no longer something
extraordinary but pervasive in everyday life. Lakoff, in his Conceptual Metaphor Theory,
claims that the working mechanism of conceptual metaphor is cross-domain mapping.
The philosophical basis of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory is experientialism which
states that metaphors are grounded in human embodied experience.
Based on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and enlightened by precious studies,
using the interpretative modal proposed by the author, a systematic examination on the
language data of the conceptual metaphors of DARK and LIGHT is conducted in this
thesis. Through the comparative analysis, it is found that the concept DARK and
LIGHT are metaphorically conceptualized to understand abstract concepts in three
domains, namely the domain of cognitive perception, the domain of physical emotion
and the domain of social value. And the conceptual metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in
English and Chinese display great similarities. Most of the mappings are shared by the
two languages, while a few of the mappings are unique to either of the language.
The concepts DARK and LIGHT form a meaning contrast. Through an intralingua
comparative analysis, it is discovered that in English, the target domains of the concept
DARK do not contrast with those of LIGHT. Their metaphorical mappings are not
evenly distributed. English speakers tend to use more DARK to conceptualize the
abstract concepts rather than LIGHT. While in Chinese the metaphorical mappings of
DARK and LIGHT are almost evenly distributed. The two concepts both are of great
importance in constructing abstract conceptual system of Chinese speakers.
The findings of the present study provide linguistic evidence for the philosophical
basis of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory which claims conceptual metaphors are
rooted in human embodied experience, and also support Lakoff and Johnson’s claim
that “Metaphors allow us to understand one domain of experience in terms of another”
(1989:135). “Metaphorical mappings vary in universality. Some seem to be universal,
others are widespread, and some seem to be cultural specific” (Lakoff, 1993:245). I also
attempt to provide explanations to the universals and diversities from the cognitive and
cultural perspective.
Key Words: conceptual metaphor, DARK, LIGHT, mapping,
究局限于修辞,文学等领域。20 世纪七十年代以来,随着认知科学和认知语言学
本文以 Lakoff 的概念隐喻理论为理论基础,该理论认为概念隐喻观以经验主
在构建汉语的概念系统时发挥着大致相同的作用。这些发现为 Lakoff(1993:245)
本文的对比研究从跨文化的角度支持了 Lakoff 关于“隐喻使得我们通过原始
关键词:概念隐喻 黑暗 光明 映射
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................vi
摘要 ............................................................................................................................... viii
Chapter One Introduction ..............................................................................................1
1.1 The Rationale of the Thesis ..................................................................................1
1.2 The Objective of the Thesis ................................................................................. 2
1.3 Data collection and Methodology ........................................................................3
1.4 The Organization of the Thesis ............................................................................ 4
Chapter Two Literature Review .................................................................................... 5
2.1 The Rhetorical Study of Metaphor .......................................................................5
2.2 The Precognitive Study of Metaphor ................................................................... 6
2.3 The Cognitive Study of Metaphor ....................................................................... 9
2.4 Previous Studies on Vision Metaphor ................................................................ 10
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework Conceptual Metaphor Theory .............13
3.1 Definition of Conceptual Metaphor ................................................................... 13
3.2 The Pervasiveness and the Systematic Nature of Conceptual Metaphor ...........14
3.3 The Philosophical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor Theory Experientialism . 16
3.4 The Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor — The Mapping Theory ...18
3.5 Three types of Conceptual Metaphors .............................................................. 18
3.5.1 Orientational Metaphor ............................................................................ 18
3.5.2 Ontological Metaphor .............................................................................. 19
3.5.3 Structural Metaphor ................................................................................. 19
3.6 Interpretative Modal for Data Analysis ..............................................................20
3.7 Summary ............................................................................................................ 21
Chapter Four Conceptual Metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in English and
Chinese ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Conceptual Metaphors of DARK .......................................................................23
4.1.1 Conceptual Metaphors of DARK in the Domain of Cognitive Perception
4.1.2 Conceptual Metaphors of DARK in the Domain of Physical Emotion ... 27
4.1.3 Conceptual Metaphors of DARK in the Domain of Social Value ........... 30
4.2 Conceptual Metaphors of LIGHT ......................................................................36
4.2.1 Conceptual Metaphors of LIGHT in the Domain of Cognitive Perception
4.2.2 Conceptual Metaphors of LIGHT in the Domain of Physical Emotion .. 41
4.2.3 Conceptual Metaphors of LIGHT in the Domain of Social Value ...........43
4.3 Comparison of the Conceptual Metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in English and
Chinese .....................................................................................................................45
4.3.1 Interlingua Comparison ........................................................................... 45
4.3.2 Intralingua Comparison ........................................................................... 47
4.4 Universals and Diversities of Conceptual Metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in
English and Chinese .................................................................................................50
4.4.1 Universals of Conceptual Metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in English
and Chinese ....................................................................................................... 50
4.4.2 Diversities of Conceptual Metaphors of DARK and LIGHT in English
and Chinese ....................................................................................................... 51
4.5 Summary ............................................................................................................ 52
Chapter Five Conclusions ............................................................................................ 54
5.1 A Brief Summary of the Thesis ..........................................................................54
5.2 Significance and Limitations of the Thesis ........................................................55
References ...................................................................................................................... 56
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................................................................ 59
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the Thesis
Metaphor study has been enjoying a long history of more than two thousand years
which can be traced back to the time of Aristotle. Aristotle believes that metaphor is
only rhetorical and ornamental in nature which is treated to be the most fundamental
form of figurative language, a matter of special or extraordinary rather than ordinary.
However, this traditional view of metaphor has been strongly challenged by the rising
of cognitive science and modern linguistics. Lakoff and Johnson asserted in their work
Metaphor We Live By that metaphor is pervasive in nature. Metaphor is not only a
matter of linguistic device, but a way of thinking and conceptualizing the human world.
Metaphors exist everywhere in people’s daily life, not only in language which people
speak, but in thought and action (Lakoff, 1980:1). Metaphor is considered as a pattern
of mapping between two domains, namely the source domain and the target domain.
The former is usually the known, visible, physical, and concrete one; the latter is the
abstract, unknown, emotional and cognitive one. Johnson once stated: “metaphor is a
process by which we understand and structure one domain of experience in terms of
another domain of a different kind” (Johnson, 1987:15).
Since the 1970’s, extensive studies on metaphor have been carried out by
philosophers, psychologists, linguists and so on. As Johnson claimed in the preface of
his Philosophical Perspectives on Metaphor, “we are at the midst metaphor mania”
(1981: 3). During the 1980’s and 1990’s, the cognitive study of metaphor has become
one of the most heated researches in the field of cognitive linguistics.
Lakoff and Johnson are the forerunners in the field of cognitive study of metaphor.
Inspired their Conceptual Metaphor Theory, many empirical studies on linguistic
metaphorical expressions were carried out by linguists and scholars. For the past several
decades, the research of metaphor in the field of cognitive linguistics has been
conducted, mostly if not merely, in the language of English. It is suggested that other
languages than English should be explored so as to find evidence to support the claims
which Lakoff and Johnson has specified.
Linguists who commit themselves to the cognitive study of metaphor face two


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:63 页 大小:767.71KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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