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和巨磁阻效应的原理并利用所搭建的试验装置,NVE 公司的 AAL002 巨磁阻传
建的试验装置,NVE 公司的 ABL014 巨磁阻传感器在若干距离下进行了不同角
公司的 AAT001 隧道磁阻传感器进行了测量,该装置可用来测量电机转动的角度
关键词: 巨磁阻,隧道磁阻,测量,传感器
Magnetoresistance effect has been widely used in the sensor industry. Compared to
the conventional magnetic sensors, new types of magnetic sensors based on giant
magnetoresistance and tunnel magnetoresistance have some characteristics such as
higher sensitivity, larger output signal, small size, high reliability, lower power
consumption, better disturbance resistibility under rugged industrial environments. They
can be used for measuring position, displacement, angle, speed and other physical
quantities. This dissertation is focus on investigating about the characteristics of a
number of giant magnetoresistance and tunnel magnetoresistance sensors and the
measuring data obtained through experiments has been elaborated.
In the first part of the investigation, the related principle has been discussed and the
output of NVE AAL002 giant magnetoresistance sensor has been measured in different
locations, directions and magnetic field strength with experiment setups at millimetre
and micrometre level.
In the second part of the investigation, the related principle has been discussed and
the output of NVE ABL014 giant magnetoresistance sensor has been measured at
different positions with respect to the setup in certain distances
In the third part of the investigation, the related principle has been discussed and the
NVE AAT001 tunnel magnetoresistance sensor has been measured through experiment
setup. The goal for detecting the rotation angle and speed of the motor can be achieved.
The fundamental data and methods for the further development of the new magnetic
encoder have been provided by the following analysis of measurement result.
Keywords: GMR, TMR, measurement, Sensor
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................1
1.2 Magnetoresistance..............................................................................................1
1.3 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR).............................................................2
1.4 Giant Magnetoresistance(GMR)........................................................................2
1.5 AAL002 GMR Sensor........................................................................................4
1.6 Setup (millimetre level)......................................................................................5
1.7 Measurement Results.........................................................................................7
1.7.1 Quadermagnet...........................................................................................7
1.7.2 Pot Magnet................................................................................................9
1.8 Setup (micrometre level)..................................................................................11
1.9 Measurement Results.......................................................................................12
Chapter 2......................................................................................................................15
2.1 ABL014 GMR Sensor......................................................................................15
2.2 Setup................................................................................................................17
2.3 Measurement Results.......................................................................................21
Chapter 3......................................................................................................................22
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................22
3.2 AAT001 TMR Sensor.......................................................................................23
3.3 Setup.................................................................................................................25
3.4 Measurement Results.......................................................................................29
3.41 Clockwise and Anticlockwise (Manual Measuring)................................29
3.42 Clockwise and Anticlockwise (oscilloscope)...........................................31
3.5 Measurement error discussion..........................................................................35
3.5.1 DC bias error coefficient.........................................................................35
3.5.2 Amplitude error coefficient.....................................................................37
3.5.3 Phase error coefficient.............................................................................37
Summary and Conclusions...........................................................................................39
Paper and Research......................................................................................................43
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Currently, due to the requirements of the novel applications, traditional magnetic
field sensing methods are being revised and often substituted by emerging
technologies[1]. Hall effect sensors are well established in industry, while
magnetoresistive sensors are nowadays continuously gaining supporters. However,
magnetoresistive sensors are, generally, more sensitive than Hall effect based ones,
which can avoid the need of major amplification. Further more, higher scale of
integration can be achieved with magnetoresistance devices.
1.2 Magnetoresistance
The property of magnetoresistance is the ability to alter the path of electrical
currents that are passing through an object by introducing an external magnetic field.
The magnetoresistance ratio is defined as[2]
ΔR/RH = (RH-R0)/RH, (1-1)
where RH is the resistance under magnetic field and R0 is the resistance under
non-magnetic field. The magnetoresistance can be found in classical semiconductors
and, particularlnmagnetic semiconductors. And
RH= RoρB/ρ0[1+m(μB)²], (1-2)
where ρB is the resistivity under magnetic field , ρ0 is the resistivity under
non-magnetic field, and m is the geometric effect factor, μ is the mobility and B is the
magnetic flux density.
Fig. 1.1
Current mode under non-magnetic field Current mode under magnetic field
If magnetic flux (magnetic field) is not applied, the current flows straight through
the InSb plate[3]. However, if magnetic flux is applied, a Lorentz force proportional to
the magnetic flux density will deflects the current path. As the current path is deflected,
Investigation on characteristics for some giant magnetoresistance and tunnel magnetoresistance
the current flows through the plate for a longer distance, causing the resistance to be
1.3 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR)
AMR is the property of a material in which a dependence of electrical resistance on
the angle between the direction of electric current and orientation of magnetic field is
observed. The anisotropic term is from its dependence from the angle between the
electrical current and the magnetization direction. The effect is attributed to a larger
probability of spin dependent (s-d) scattering of electrons in the direction of magnetic
Mathematical description[5]:
ρ(θ)= ρ0+(ρP-ρ0)cos²θ=ρ0+Δρcos²θ (1-3)
R(θ)= ρ(θ)l/bd= R0+ΔRcos²θ (1-4)
Where M stands for spontaneous magnetization, J stands for current density, θ is the
angle between M and J, ρP is the resistivity for M parallel with J and ρ0 is the resistivity
for M orthogonal with J[6].
Fig. 1.2 Current density and spontaneous magnetization
in a single domain thin film strip
The formula above mentioned indicates that maximums can be attained at angles of
45°In order to achieve this enhancement in the response , this device should be
arranged in a special configuration, where the current is forced to flow in a
direction that is 45° tilted with respect to the magnetic field.
1.4 Giant Magnetoresistance(GMR)
Giant magnetoresistance(GMR) is a quantum mechanical magnetoresistance effect
observed in thin-film structures composed of alternating ferromagnetic and
non-magnetic layers[7]. The GMR sensors utilize the quantum nature of electrons that
have two spin states, up and down. Conducting electrons with spin direction parallel to
the sensor film's magnetic orientation move easily and thus produce low electrical


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:45 页 大小:2.18MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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