
3.0 牛悦 2024-11-19 4 4 564.41KB 48 页 15积分
Irony, as a special linguistic phenomenon, is very common in daily communication
as well as literal and video works. The study of irony was limited in the field of literary
rhetoric. It didn’t draw much attention from linguistics until about several decades ago,
when linguistics pragmatics began to make its way into the central stage of linguistics
science. There are various classifications of irony based on different criteria. On the
dimension of the mode of expression, irony can be divided into two groups: verbal and
nonverbal. The latter type does not involve utterances; it belongs to the realm of literary
critics, an area into which the author will not trespass in this thesis.
This paper focuses on verbal irony, i.e., ironies which are expressed in and related
to language as our subject. The examples used are quoted from some daily
conversations from real life between friends and family membersEnglish and Chinese
movies and TV series, especially the popular teleplay Strive for Success (<<奋斗>>).
The present research is aimed to present a detailed analysis of irony on the basis of
relevance theory. Firstly, this paper attempts to provide a more plausible explanation of
the production of irony and why the speakers would prefer irony rather than a literal
message. Secondly, inspired by previous studies, the author attempts to explain the cues
and conditions for hearers to interpret an irony successfully.
Two research questions are developed to define and clarify the aim of the study:
1) Why does the speaker bother to use irony instead of saying what he/she means
2) How can the hearer get the speakers real intention by the ironical utterances
and on what conditions can they communicate successfully?
Irony was traditionally considered as a conversational implicature violating the
Quality Maxim based on Gricean Theory. We find that violating any maxims can cause
ironic effect, not only violating the Quality maxim. And the Gricean approach also fails
to account for why an ironical utterance is preferred to a literal one. So the author tried
to answer the two questions based on Relevance Theory.
In relevance, irony is echoic interpretive use. The speakers’ choice of using irony
may suggests his/her psychological motives, which involve motives of being polite,
criticizing, being humorous, encouraging, expressing intimacy, expressing alienation,
Identifying the speakers intention is crucial for hearer in irony interpretation. The
hearer achieves this through identifying the ironic cues, which are used by the speaker
to “manifest” his/her intention. For the hearer to understand an ironic utterance he has to
associate what he hears with the cognitive environment and seek the most relevant
element for irony recognition under the guidance of Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance
Theory and finally get the implicated meaning of the utterance.
Key words: irony, verbal irony, Relevance Theory, echo, ironic cues,
cognitive environment
摘 要
式,反语可以分为两类:言语反语与非言语反语。 后者属于文学评论的范畴,不
本文将言语反语作为研究对象, 所用例证来自日常对话及中英影视作品,
1) 为什么说话者冒着被误解的危险而选择使用反语;
2) 听话者又是如何能够准确理解说话者的真实意图的及双方的成功交流建
Grice 认为反语话者反质则而产生一种含义们发
反任何一个准则都可以产生反讽效果。而且 Grice 对反语的研究也没有对说话
使用反语的原因做出解释。因此,本文欲以 Sperber & Wilson 关联框架
关键词:反语 言语反语 关联理论 回应 反语提示 认知环境
Acknowledgements................................................................................................. i
Chapter One Introduction .................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background ............................................................................... 1
1.2 Aim of the Study.......................................................................................1
1.3 The Organization of the Thesis .................................................................2
Chapter Two Literature Review ...........................................................................3
2.1 The Definition of Irony .............................................................................4
2.2 Classification of Irony .............................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Verbal Irony ..................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Dramatic Irony .................................................................................6
2.2.3 Situational Irony .............................................................................. 6
2.2.4 Comic Irony .....................................................................................7
2.3 The Pragmatic Approach to Irony .............................................................7
2.3.1 The Gricean Theory of Irony ........................................................... 7
2.3.2 Leech’s Irony Principle ....................................................................9
2.3.3 Amante and Brown’s Accounts of Irony ........................................10
2.3.4 Clark and Gerrig’s Allusional Pretense Theory of Irony ............... 11
2.3.5 Sperber and Wilson’s Echoic Mention Theory of Irony ................ 13
2.5 Summary .................................................................................................17
Chapter Three Relevance Theory and Production of Irony ............................18
3.1 The Theoretical Foundation of the Thesis: Relevance Theory ............... 19
3.1.1 Ostensive-Inferential Communication ...........................................19
3.1.2 Cognitive Environment ..................................................................21
3.1.3 The Principle of Relevance ............................................................21
3.2 Speakers’ Psychological Motives to Irony Production ........................... 23
3.2.1 Motive of Being Politeness ............................................................23
3.2.2 Motive to Criticising ......................................................................24
3.2.3 Motive to Being Humorous ........................................................... 25
3.2.4 Motive to Encouraging .................................................................. 25
3.2.5 Motive to Expressing Intimacy ......................................................26
3.2.6 Motive to Expressing Alienation ................................................... 26
3.3 Summary .................................................................................................27
Chapter Four Interpretation of Irony ............................................................... 27
4.1 Cognitive Environment for Irony Interpretation .....................................28
4.1.1 Expectations ...................................................................................28
4.1.2 Pragmatic Insincerity ..................................................................... 29
4.1.3 Common Ground ........................................................................... 30
4.1.4 Context ...........................................................................................31
4.2 Ironic Cues to the Speakers’ Intention ....................................................31
4.2.1 Contextual Cues .............................................................................32
4.2.2 Verbal Cues ....................................................................................33
4.2.3 The Paralinguistic Cues ................................................................. 36
4.2.4 Structure of Ironic Cues .................................................................38
4.3 Summary .................................................................................................38
Chapter Five Conclusion .....................................................................................39
5.1 Major Findings ........................................................................................40
5.2 Limitations of the Study ......................................................................... 40
5.3 Prospect of the Study .............................................................................. 41
References .............................................................................................................41
在校期间公开发表的论文 ................................................................................... 44


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:48 页 大小:564.41KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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