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Metaphors widely exist in traditional Chinese poems and are one of the core
factors attributing to the conciseness, cultural value and historical value of traditional
Chinese poems. Distinguished from science and technology translation, the aims of
poetry translation are not restricted to transferring information; instead, poetry
translation is more about the transmission and exchange of art and culture. Proper
interpretation and reconstruction are not only the prerequisite of loyal and accurate
translation of traditional Chinese poems, but also the necessary conditions of culture
transmission and exchange and the essential commission of poetry translators.
This thesis categorizes metaphors in traditional Chinese poems into metaphors of
objects, metaphors of events, metaphors of scenes and metaphors of space, based on
which it analyzes and studies the interpretation and reconstruction of such metaphors
and further searches the possible guiding rules.
As with other literary works, traditional Chinese poems belong to readers rather
than the authors ever since created. Diversity of interpretation is in one of the essential
attributes of literary works including traditional Chinese poems. Due to the authors
factors, historical and cultural changes and the factors on the readers side, some
traditional Chinese poems have been endowed with multiple interpretations, which are
in this thesis attributed to metaphors of events, metaphors of scenes, controversial
metaphors, traditional “misinterpretations” and interpretations of puns. Both the
intended multiple interpretations (e.g. multiply interpretations due to metaphors of
events, metaphors of scenes, puns) and the unintended multiple interpretations (e.g.
controversial metaphors, traditional “misinterpretations”) are parts of the artistic and
cultural value of traditional Chinese poems. Reserving diversity and accessibility of
such metaphors is a necessary requirement of being loyal to the original works and also
an important research subject for translation of traditional Chinese poems.
From the perspective of the above mentioned “commission” and “subject”,
translators should try as possible to reserve the metaphoric features, the artistic value
and the historical and cultural value of traditional Chinese poems. As some metaphors
rely on the unique characteristics of the language, it is sometimes required to modify the
metaphoric mechanism, when conceptual blending works as one of the means. This
thesis also discusses the relations between metaphors and stylistics, including the lexical
foregrounding, the style as choices, and the configurational foregrounding. Such
stylistic features are not only important or even essential features of some poems, but
also have a great effect on the meanings and the interpretation and reconstruction of
traditional Chinese poems.
This thesis utilizes quite a lot of examples to illustrate the categorization,
interpretation and reconstruction of traditional Chinese poems. Several translations by
famous scholars at home and abroad are critically compared and analyzed, and
meanwhile the author also offer his translations for most of such examples based on the
translation philosophy of this thesis, aiming to reappear the artistic feature, maintain the
diversity and accessibility of multiple interpretations and transmit the artistic and
cultural value of traditional Chinese poems.
Key Words: Traditional Chinese Poems, Metaphors, Interpretation
Diversity, Reconstruction
摘 要
关键词:汉语古诗词 隐喻 开放性 解读 重构
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................ii
............................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................1
1.1 Traditional views and cognitive views on metaphors ......................................... 1
1.1.1 Traditional views on metaphors ............................................................... 1
1.1.2 Metaphors in cognitive lin.2guistics ........................................................ 2
1.1.3 Conceptual metaphors and “traditional metaphors” ................................ 3
1.1.4 Metaphors and metonymies ..................................................................... 3
1.2 Studies on metaphors and metaphor translation ................................................. 4
1.2.1 A goal and translating principle ............................................................... 5
1.2.2 Accessibility of source domain selection of metaphors ...........................5
1.2.3 A poem itself is a macro metaphor ...........................................................6
1.2.4 Metaphors and images ............................................................................. 6
1.2.5 Guiding principles of metaphor translation in this thesis ........................ 7
1.3 What can be done regarding to studies of metaphors in traditional Chinese
poems ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 Metaphor study in this thesis ................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Diversity with loyalty in understanding and translating traditional
Chinese poems .................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 2 Metaphors in Traditional Chinese Poems .................................................10
2.1 Metaphors in Chinese culture ........................................................................... 10
2.2 Metaphors in Chinese poetry ............................................................................ 11
2.3 Classification of metaphors ...............................................................................12
2.3.1 Metaphors of objects ..............................................................................12
2.3.2 Metaphors of events ............................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Metaphors of scenes ...............................................................................24
2.3.4 Metaphors of space ................................................................................ 32
Chapter 3 Interpretation of Metaphors in Traditional Chinese Poems ...................35
3.1 Factors considered in interpretation of metaphors ............................................36
3.1.1 Historical and cultural background of poems ........................................ 36
3.1.2 Originality of poems .............................................................................. 40
3.2 Multiple interpretations in history .................................................................... 43
3.2.1 Multiple interpretations due to metaphors of events ..............................44
3.2.2 Multiple interpretations due to metaphors of scenes ............................. 47
3.2.3 Multiple interpretations due to disagreements of certain interpretations
3.2.4 Multiple interpretations due to traditional misinterpretation ................. 50
3.2.5 Multiple interpretations due to purposeful puns. ................................... 52
Chapter 4 Reconstruction of Metaphors in Translation ........................................... 54
4.1 Reserving the original features ......................................................................... 54
4.2 Transforming metaphors ................................................................................... 58
4.3 Conceptual blending ......................................................................................... 61
Chapter 5 Metaphors and Stylistics in Traditional Chinese Poems ......................... 66
5.1 Lexical foregrounding .......................................................................................66
5.2 Metaphors and style as choices .........................................................................67
5.3 Configurational foregrounding ......................................................................... 69
Chapter 6 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 72
References ...................................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
Metaphors exist in every culture, every language and everyone’s conceptual system,
and it is a common way of our writing, reading and thinking. As a high level form of
arts and human thoughts, literature incorporates metaphors consciously and
Extreme briefness in form and tremendous richness in meanings and associational
ideas of Chinese traditional poems are attributed to the use of metaphors to a large
extent. A specific study on metaphors in Chinese traditional poems will help understand
these poems more specifically, surmise the thought and feelings of the authors and learn
about the cultural and historical information of the times when the poems were written.
Studying metaphors in Chinese traditional poems also help us learn about the thinking
modes of we Chinese people in the then times.
For translators of Chinese traditional poems, the premise to translate the poems
rather than revise or recreate or mistranslate poems is to learn about the poem, the poet,
the historical information, the cultural background and all other information available as
much as possible.
A translator is first a reader, and then a transmitter of information. For translators
of literary works, especially poems, it is also their duty to transmit culture to promote
cultural communication. People still get known of another nation by the way of literary
even in the much more developed modern times with advanced communication means
of all form; and people still get known of another culture and another people by literary.
Faithful translation of Chinese traditional poems makes a true presentation and
introduction of our culture, which requires full and loyal decoding and reconstruction of
metaphors in the poems.
1.1 Traditional views and cognitive views on metaphors
1.1.1 Traditional views on metaphors
To study metaphors in Chinese traditional poems, we should firstly get enough


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:79 页 大小:669.58KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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