
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.43MB 65 页 15积分
2对铺丝机器六自由度机械臂进行轨迹规划算法的研究,首先利用 D-H
最后在 MATLAB 中对该路径方程进行验证
主要设计了气缸电磁阀的驱动电路,实现DSP 电磁阀伺服电机的正确控制
同时完成了下位DSP 的串口通信代码的编写。
关键词:复合材料 自动铺丝 机器人 轨迹规划 铺丝路
Automatic Fiber Placement is an advanced Automatic Molding technique in
composite material, which is also the most rapid development technique in last century.
The composite material parts was manufactured mainly through compaction roll which
fixed in the end of the fiber placement head delivers the certain press placing the heated
and soft composite fiber on the surface of rotational core. Automatic Fiber Placement
has so many advantages such as high efficiency, low cost, high automatic degree,
Fiber placement robot is the automated equipment of the composite material
Automatic Fiber Placement, technique of this robot is very mature in European and
American countries, but it is still in the beginning stage in our country today. The fiber
placement robot was researched in this paper and the contents are listed as follows:
(1)Requirements of the fiber placement robot were analyzed, function of the head
was defined and principle diagrams of each function module were drawn.
(2) Trajectory planning of the 6-DOF manipulator was researched. First, coordinate
systems were established for each joint with the D-H method, Position matrix was
found through position relationship between the each joint, and then angle variables of
the each joint were got according to the position of the placement robot head by means
of the inverse kinematic equation. At last, interpolate some points between the limited
known position, make the trajectory become smooth.
(3) Trajectory planning of the fiber placement on the surface of the core was
researched. First, discrete core was achieved according to the axial direction, the center
line equation was found through three polynomial interpolation, and then parameter
equation about the surface of the core was found through the geometry relationship, the
equation of fiber placement trajectory was found at the same time by means of the angle
relationship between the fiber placement trajectory and axis of the core. At last, this
equation of fiber placement trajectory was validated in MATLAB.
(4)The control part of the fiber placement robot wars designed. The control parts of
the fiber placement include two parts. One is servo control of the 6-DOF manipulator, it
mainly through programming in TMS320F2812 to control the servo motor, make the
motor rotation to reach the angle value which is got from the trajectory planning. The
other is electrical control inside the head of fiber placement robot, Driving circuit of
cylinders battery valve was design, realized battery valve and servo motor was
controlled by DSP correctly, the serial interface communicational code of slave DSP
was achieved at the same time.
Key Words: Composite Material, Automatic Fiber Placement, Robot,
Trajectory Planning, Trajectory of The Fiber Placement
第一章 .................................................... 1
§1.1 复合材料简介及其特点 .................................... 1
§1.2 自动成型技术的发展 ...................................... 1
§1.2.1 复合材料缠绕技术 ................................... 2
§1.2.2 复合材料自动铺带技 ............................... 3
§1.3 自动铺丝技术的现状与发展方 ............................ 4
§1.3.1 自动铺丝技术的铺放流程 ............................. 4
§1.3.2 自动铺丝技术的国内外现状 ........................... 5
§1.4 本文的主要工作及主要关键技 ............................ 7
第二章 铺丝机器人的需求及头部功能定 ........................... 9
§2.1 铺丝机器人的需求分析 .................................... 9
§2.1.1 工作目标 ........................................... 9
§2.1.2 铺丝机器人的结构需 ............................... 9
§2.1.3 铺丝机器人的总体需 .............................. 10
§2.1.4 铺丝机器人的工作原 .............................. 11
§2.2 铺丝机器人的头部功能定义 ............................... 12
§2.2.1 压紧机构 .......................................... 12
§2.2.2 重送机构 .......................................... 13
§2.2.3 剪断机构 .......................................... 14
§2.2.4 导向块结构 ........................................ 15
§2.2.5 铺丝头部总体原理布局图 ............................ 16
§2.3 本章小结 ............................................... 17
第三章 铺丝路径的轨迹规 ...................................... 18
§3.1 铺丝路径的研究 ......................................... 18
§3.2 铺丝准则 ............................................... 19
§3.2.1 铺层规划准则 ...................................... 19
§3.2.2 铺丝路径规划准则 .................................. 20
§3.3 铺丝路径规划 ........................................... 21
§3.3.1 三次样条插值对芯模中心的求取 ...................... 21
§3.3.2 芯模参数曲面的建立 ................................ 24
§3.3.3 芯模表面线路的实现 ................................ 26
§3.4 MATLAB 验证............................................. 27
§3.4.1 MATLAB 简介 ........................................ 27
§3.4.2 铺丝路径算法的验证 ................................ 28
§3.5 本章小结 ............................................... 30
第四章 六自由度机械臂的轨迹规 ................................ 31
§4.1 机械臂轨迹规划的关键技术 ............................... 31
§4.2 机器人运动学的理论知 ................................. 31
§4.2.1 齐次变换矩阵 ...................................... 31
§4.2.2 刚体的坐标变 .................................... 32
§4.3 机器人坐标系的建立和逆运动学方程求解.................... 33
§4.3.1 机械臂关节杆系的建 .............................. 33
§4.3.2 机械臂的正运动学分 .............................. 34
§4.3.3 机械臂的逆运动学分 .............................. 36
§4.4 轨迹规划算法的实现 ..................................... 37
§4.4.1 三次多项式插 .................................... 37
§4.4.2 轨迹规划结果分析 .................................. 41
§4.5 本章小结 ............................................... 44
第五章 铺丝机器人的控制部分设 ................................ 45
§5.1 铺丝机器人控制系统的研究 ............................... 45
§5.2 铺丝机器人控制部分整体框架结构 ......................... 46
§5.3 机械臂伺服控制 ......................................... 47
§5.3.1 TMS320F2812 简介 ................................... 47
§5.3.2 直流伺服电机控制原 .............................. 48
§5.3.3 TMS320F2812 的伺服控制 ............................. 49
§5.4 铺丝头内部电气控 ...................................... 52
§5.4.1 铺丝头内部控制方案 ................................ 52
§5.4.2 铺丝头内部控制方案的具体实 ........................ 52
§5.5 本章小结 ............................................... 54
第六章 总结与展望 .............................................. 55
§6.1 论文总结 ............................................... 55
§6.2 课题展望 ............................................... 56
参考文献 ....................................................... 57
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得的成果 ................ 60
致谢 ........................................................... 61


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:65 页 大小:1.43MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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