
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.3MB 95 页 15积分
It has been a long journey. During this voyage, numerous persons have helped me
to find a light in the dark sea of uncertainty. I really feel fortunate to have an
opportunity to learn from the following great persons.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward Professor Deng
Zhiyong, my supervisor, for his patient and inspiring instruction during my study at
USST. He fueled my interest in rhetoric from the very beginning, and his continued
support and encouragement has propelled me through the whole journey. His critical
readings of my term papers and informative advice have been of utmost importance in
my becoming academically trained. His serious scholarship and academic practices and
his agreeable personalities have influenced me immensely. He helped me acquire the
confidence to undertake this project and has been extremely helpful in his very
constructive criticism of the earlier drafts of the thesis. His devotion to teaching and
research, and his high sense of responsibility set a good example for me to follow in my
future study. I am very fortunate to have him as my supervisor. Without his help, this
work would have been impossible. Here, special thanks give to Associate Professor
Yang Tao for her carefully reading through my draft and providing a lot of precious
suggestions about language polishing.
Meanwhile, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to
the scholars in School of Foreign Languages of USST, including Professor Dai Weihua,
Professor Lv Le, Dr. Liu Qin, and Dr. Han Geling. I have benefited a lot from their
wonderful lectures.
And I will never forget the sweet memories shared with my classmates. Their
kindness and humor will stay in my deep heart forever.
Last but not least, a special word of thanks goes to my family. My parents, sisters
and brothers have given me the greatest encouragement and support all through my
school studies. Their never-ending confidence in my success is an ever-present source
of my further going. Special thanks also are due to my dear husband Zhou Longsheng.
We have been studying together since high school period. Love and support enable us to
have spent so many happy years together and will continue to keep us close and
inseparable in future days.
As the World Expo 2010 is rapidly approaching, it has become a hot topic.
Scholars in different fields study it from different perspectives. In this paper, what we
focus on is the operation of the bidding discourse of the Expo 2010, which is the crucial
step for winning the bid. As we see it, Chinese rhetoric is quite different from western
rhetoric; besides, analysis of Shanghais bidding discourse is still a virgin land at home
and abroad. Therefore, we try to critique here the discourse of Shanghais bid for the
Expo 2010 through a rhetorical lens. It is worth mentioning that this analysis touches
upon not only written language but also visual image, and thus is intended to provide a
brand-new perspective a rhetorical one for analyzing the bidding discourse.
The bidding discourse is rhetorical, i.e. the discourse must consider how to
persuade audiences to accept what it transmits during the course of information
communication. In this study, we draw sources mainly from classical rhetoric, modern
rhetoric (especially that of Kenneth Burke), semiotics and communication, and develop
a rhetorical framework for persuasive analysis of the bidding discourse, trying to
explain how the bidding discourse succeeds in persuasion.
Based on the practices of other rhetorical researchers, we first work out a new
definition of rhetoric as a theoretical framework. We regard rhetoric as the practice of
using language or other symbolic means to influence peoples thoughts, feelings,
attitudes and behaviors. Thus, the working definition of rhetoric consists of six basic
elements: rhetorical situation, rhetor, audience, rhetorical purpose, rhetorical means and
rhetorical strategy. Then we discuss the embodiment of each rhetorical element in the
bidding discourse. First, we analyze the exigence, the audience and constraints reflected
in the bidding discourse, employing Lloyd Bitzers rhetorical situation theory. Then, we
focus on the critique of the bidding discourses operation from a rhetorical angle, that is,
how rhetorical strategies, namely artistic proofs, aesthetic appeals, identification and
some others, are applied in the bidding discourse. According to Aristotles
understanding of artistic proofs, we analyze the usages of logos, pathos and ethos in the
bidding discourse. Meanwhile, we study aesthetic appeals employed in the bidding
discourse, applying Sharon Crowley and Debra Hawhee‟s theory of figures of speech.
In the end, we discuss the application of identification by sympathy, identification
by antithesis and identification by inaccuracy in the bidding discourse according to
Kenneth Burkes identification theory.
This research indicates that the bidding discourses success in persuasion is an
important reason for the success in the bid. The successful application of western
rhetorical theories in Chinese delegates bidding presentations and the video is a model
of triumphant use of rhetoric in the communication with foreigners. The bidding
discourse not only affects the audiences emotions deeply, but also argues with them
rationally and persuades them with good characters as well. The language of the
discourse is very elegant and eloquent, having a strong power of persuasion. With this
study, we may, hopefully, get a better understanding of the rhetorical discourse,
strengthen our consciousness of rhetoric, and improve our communicative skills.
Key Words: rhetoric; rhetorical critique; the bidding discourse;
the Expo 2010 Shanghai
2010 年世博会离我们越来越近,成了当今热门话题。不同领域的学者从各种
话语中的体现做了详尽的阐述。本文首先运用 Lloyd Bitzer 的修辞情境论,详细地
艺术劝说、美学诉诸、同一等。根据 Aristotle 对艺术劝说(Artistic Proofs)的理解,
行了分析。同时,我们还运用 Sharon Crowley Debra Hawhee 对修辞格的分类进
行了美学诉诸(Aesthetic Appeals)在申博话语中的研究。最后,运用 Kenneth Burke
关键词:修辞 修辞分析 申博话语 2010 年上海世博会
List of Figures
Fig.3.1 Peirces Semiotic Triangle…….……………………………………………….22
Fig.3.2 Richards Semantic Triangle…….……………………………………………..22
Fig.3.3 Marlboro……………………………….……………………………………….30
Fig.3.4 Operational Mechanism of Rhetoric………….………………………………..35
Fig.4.1 Logo1…………………………………………………………………………..42
Fig.4.2 Logo2…………………………………………………………………………..42
Fig.4.3 Logo3…………………………………………………………………………..42
Fig.4.4 Banner..……………………………………………………………………...42
Fig.4.5 Toulmin Model…………………………………………………………………43
Fig.4.6 Application 1 of Toulmin Model.………………………………………………45
Fig.4.7 Application 2 of Toulmin Model.……………………………………………45
Fig.4.8 Signing Ceremony of F1...……………………………………………………..47
Fig.4.9 Conference of APEC……….…………………………………………………..47
Fig.4.10 Smiling Face1…………………………………………………………………49
Fig.4.11 Smiling Face2…………………………………………………………………49
Fig.4.12 Smiling Face3…………………………………………………………………50
Fig.4.13 Smiling Face4…………………………………………………………………50
Fig.4.14 Relationship between Mother and Shanghai.………………………………51
Fig.4.15 Relationship of Three Proofs………….………………………………………53
Fig.4.16 Expectation……………………………………………………………………57
Fig.4.17 Dove....………………………………………………………………………..58
Fig.4.18 Dalmatian……………………………………………………………………..59
Fig.4.19 Identification1………………………………………………………………...60
Fig.4.20 Identification2………………………………………………………………...60
Fig.4.21 Identification3………………………………………………………………...61
Fig.4.22 Identification4………………………………………………………………...61


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:95 页 大小:1.3MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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