
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 807.72KB 46 页 15积分
摘 要
关键词:电煤物流 层次分析法 运营管理
With high speed of Chinese economy, coal transports has already hardly satisfying
the need that economy develops. "coal-shortage", "electricity-shortage" are burning
half important Chinas "in the nearest midsummer for 2 years and chilly winter
harassment, coal logistics becomes the bottleneck that restraint national economy
develops further. to relieve an energy crisis, in equipment and facilities continue to dig
latent condition unceasingly to now available coal logistics, our country sets about
working out a long range development plan in the railroad, the waterway, the highway,
in order to improve the coal logistics environment and to speed up being advanced
Because of the business in the whole nation has been ample according to
company A , I have carried out more longtime on-the-spot inspection on company A
east China area and studied in a deep going way and, decide the characteristic
specifically for company A east China area is put into use to coal , judged by the
fundamental theory that coal logistics learns. With the use of step analysis and coal
transporting optimization model, I has suggested that company A eastern China coal
logistics optimizes a scheme. On the thesis basis in summing up home and abroad coal
logistics research result, current situation having analyzed in the homeland coal
logistics. The coal purchasing and transportation current situation have carried out
concrete analysis according to the condition surveying , to company A eastern China ,
have pointed out problems. Technical requirements of every union company A eastern
China electric power plant to electricity-coal and the need amounts to electricity-coal,
the tactics having studied company A east China area coal purchases an optimization,
adopt arrangement of ideas analysis law to make choice out to company A east China
area use coal base. And on selected use coal base basis, coal has transported route to
the electricity having made an optimization out , has suggested that the water carriage
adopt the sea to enter a river transfers a pattern according to the analysis having
problem to that company in electricity coal logistics, and the freight , work such as
harbor incidental expenses, water age to the relevance measure and calculate, take that
the freight minimum and the guarantee supply as standard, harbor choosing Yangzhou
is the harbor transiting shipment, build the Yangtze River coal transferring a base, such
may improve entire coal logistics efficiency, Timeliness ensuring electricity coal
supplies. on the basis being in the selected coal base finally, measure and calculate,
take that the freight minimum and the guarantee supply as standard, harbor choosing
Yangzhou is the harbor transiting shipment, build the Yangtze River coal transferring a
base, such may improve entire coal logistics efficiency, Timeliness ensuring electricity
coal supplies.
Key word: coal used for power generation logistics, Analytic
Hierarchy Process, operation management
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 本文研究背景和意义 .......................................... 1
§1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 2
§ 1.2.1 煤炭采购问题研究现状 ................................. 2
§ 1.2.2 煤炭运输问题研究现状 ................................. 2
§ 1.2.3 煤电一体化问题研究现状 ............................... 3
§1.2 本文研究的主要内容 .......................................... 4
第二章 A 公司华东区电煤物流现状分析 .................................. 6
§2.1 A 公司华东区发展概况 ........................................ 6
§2.2 A 公司华东区电煤采购管理现状 ................................ 8
§2.3 A 公司华东区电煤运输路径现状 ............................... 10
§2.4 需要解决的主要问题及分析 .................................. 12
第三章 A 公司配煤多目标规划方案 ..................................... 13
§3.1 主要煤质分析指标 .......................................... 13
§3.2 动力配煤中煤质分析指标的线性可加性 ........................ 15
§ 3.2.1 线性可加性的定义和性质 .............................. 15
§ 3.2.2 煤质指标的线性可加性 ................................ 15
§3.3 基于 Pareto 的多目标遗传算法 ................................ 16
§ 3.3.1 Pareto 多目标优化理论 ............................... 16
§ 3.3.2 遗传算法 ............................................ 16
§ 3.3.3 基于 Pareto 的多目标遗传算法 ......................... 16
§3.4 A 公司配煤方案设计 ......................................... 16
§ 3.4.1 主要煤化参数 ........................................ 16
§ 3.4.2 配煤方案多目标规划数学描述 .......................... 19
§3.5 遗传算法求解 .............................................. 20
§ 3.5.1 编码设计 ............................................ 20
§ 3.5.2 适应度函数设计 ...................................... 20
§ 3.5.3 种群选择保存设计 .................................... 21
§ 3.5.4 交叉重组以及变异算子 ................................ 21
§ 3.5.5 B 厂配煤方案 ........................................ 21
第四章 二次中转港的选择方案设计及评价 ............................... 23
§4.1 选择二次中转港的必要性 .................................... 23
§4.2 港址选择评价指标体系 ...................................... 24
§ 4.2.1 指标体系的建立 ...................................... 24
§ 4.2.2 评价指标的量化 ...................................... 25
§ 4.2.3 综合评价指标权重确定 ................................ 26
§4.3 二次中转港的选择方案设计 .................................. 30
§ 4.3.1 可选港口概况 ........................................ 30
§ 4.3.2 可选港口评价指标 .................................... 31
§4.4 二次中转港的选择方案评价 .................................. 31
§ 4.4.1 灰色系统理论 ........................................ 31
§ 4.4.2 灰色评价数学模型 .................................... 32
§ 4.4.3 二次转港方案综合评价 ................................ 33
§4.4 A 公司华东区电煤运输路径优化 ............................... 34
第五章 结论与展望 ................................................... 37
§5.1 全文总结 .................................................. 37
§5.2 后续工作 .................................................. 37
参考文献 ............................................................ 39
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 42
............................................................... 43


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:46 页 大小:807.72KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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