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C. Lewis 曾说过,隐喻是诗歌的生命,是诗人的主要文本和荣耀。这一说法
应用于艾米莉.狄金森是再合适不过了。 作为 19 世纪美国文坛上最具创新意识的
本文主要基于 Lakoff Johnson 的概念隐喻理论这一认知语言学的视角,
Lakoff Johnson 的概念隐喻理论作为贯穿全文的理论红线,为论文的展开
喻的认知研究提供了可能。Lakoff Johnson 认为隐喻是人们认识和理解世界的
关键词:认知分析 概念隐喻 艾米莉.狄金森 诗歌
C. Lewis has ever said that metaphor is the life of poetry, and the major text and
glory of poets. This statement is especially suitable to Emily Dickinson. As one of the
most innovative poets in American literature, her innovation lies not only in her
preference for dash, irregular rhythm and feet, but more importantly, in the
extraordinary metaphors and the seemingly concise yet profound language in her
Based upon Conceptual Metaphor Theory, a cognitive approach to metaphor put
forward by Lakoff & Johnson, this thesis aims to probe into the metaphors in
Dickinson’s poems, so as to uncover the systematicity of metaphors as well as their
contribution to the unique perspectives from which the poetess understands and
describes the world.
As the main thread that runs through the thesis, Conceptual Metaphor Theory is a
milestone in the field of metaphor research. The traditional theory represented by
Aristotle is mostly confined to the field of rhetoric, regarding metaphor as either a
device of rhetoric, or an aberrant form of language; thus up to now researches upon
poetic metaphor have mainly focused on the decorative and esthetical aspects, with its
cognitive function being neglected. However, conceptual metaphor theory makes the
cognitive research of metaphor possible. According to Lakoff and Johnson, metaphor,
instead of being a mere linguistic phenomenon, is a cognitive tool through which people
recognize and understand the world.
After a comprehensive study of metaphors in Emily’s poem, the author abstracts
several fundamental conceptual metaphors such as, LIFE IS A JOURNEY, DEATH IS
DEPARTURE, NATURE IS A HOUSE, POEM IS A HOUSE, and a kind of ontological
metaphor PERSONIFICATION. A further textual study reveals the systematicity of
metaphors in Emily’s poems, their empirical foundation and the mechanism of the
creative extension of basic metaphors into unconventional metaphors. Metaphor is a
way of thinking by means of which people conceptualize the world; the conceptual
metaphors employed by the poetess also reveal her unique way of understanding the
world. Thus, in the fourth chapter the author focuses on the relationship between
metaphors and Emily’s conceptual world, and further demonstrates her profound
meditation on such philosophical themes as life, death, eternity, nature, love and poetic
creation, in the hope that the research will offer a new way to the understanding and
appreciation of Emily’s poems.
Key Words: cognitive approach; conceptual metaphor; Emily
Dickinson; poetry
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................i
摘要 .................................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................iii
Chapter One Introduction ..........................................................................1
1.1 The Life of Emily Dickinson ...............................................................................1
1.2 The Poems of Emily Dickinson ...........................................................................2
1.3 The Previous Studies on the Metaphors in Emily Dickinson’s Poems ............... 3
1.4 The Aim and Organization of This Thesis ...........................................................4
Chapter Two Theoretical Preliminaries ......................................................6
2.1 Metaphor as Rhetoric Device .............................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Aristotle’ Definition of Metaphor .............................................................. 6
2.1.2 The Evaluation of Aristotle’s Theory .........................................................7
2.1.3 Substitution Theory ....................................................................................8
2.1.4 Comparison Theory ................................................................................... 8
2.2 Metaphor as Cognitive Concept .......................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Interaction Theory ......................................................................................9
2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory .................................................................. 10
Chapter Three Metaphors in Emily Dickinson’s Poems ......................... 18
3.1 LIFE IS A JOURNEY ....................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Life is a voyage on the sea .......................................................................19
3.1.2 Life is a trip through the woods ............................................................... 22
3.2 DEATH IS DEPARTURE ................................................................................. 23
3.3 LOVE IS A BRITTLE OBJECT ....................................................................... 26
3.4 NATURE IS A HOUSE .....................................................................................27
3.5 POEM IS A HOUSE ..........................................................................................30
3.6 PERSONIFICATION ........................................................................................ 32
3.6.1 NATURE/NATURAL PNENOMENEON IS A PERSON ...................... 33
3. 6.2 SOUL IS A PERSON ..............................................................................35
3.6.3 DEATH/GOD IS A PERSON .................................................................. 37
3.7 Summary ........................................................................................................... 38
Chapter Four Metaphor and Dickinson’s Conceptual World ......................39
4.1 Her Concept of Death ........................................................................................39
4.1.1 Death Is Inevitable to Everyone ...............................................................40
4.1.2 Death Is a “Dash” Connecting Limited Life and Eternity ....................... 42
4.2 Her Concept of Nature ...................................................................................... 43
4.2.1 Nature Is Close and Benevolent ...............................................................44
4.2.2 Nature Is Mysterious and Indifferent ....................................................... 46
4.3 Her Concept of Love and Marriage ...................................................................47
4.3.1 Her Yearning for Love ............................................................................. 48
4.3.2 Her Doubt and Resistance of Marriage ....................................................50
4.4 Her Concept of Poem and Poetic Creation ........................................................52
4.5 Summary ........................................................................................................... 53
Chapter Five Conclusion ............................................................................... 54
Bibliography ................................................................................................... 57
在读期间公开发表的论文 ..................................................................................59
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Life of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was born into a well-off and decedent family in
Amherst, Massachusetts, a Calvinist New England community. Her father, Edward
Dickinson, was a Harvard-graduated lawyer and a representative to Congress. As a
traditional Puritan who believed in its doctrine of predestination and salvation through
God’s election, he exerted a great influence on the formation of Dickinson’s character.
Her mother was a traditional housewife who lived under the shadow of her husband all
her life and was indifferent to the feelings of her children. In a letter to Mr. Higginson,
Dickinson had ever said, “— My Mother does not care for thought — and Father, too
busy with his Beliefs – to notice what we do – He buys me many Books – but begs me
not to read them – because he fears they joggle the Mind” (L 1056) .
As the second children, Dickinson enjoyed the companionship of her elder
brother Austin and her sister Lavinia in her childhood. In her early womanhood, she was
as active and sociable as other young ladies, attending parties, editing newspapers with
her friends, telling funny, witty story improvisatorially that sent everybody in the house
into laughter. Her extraordinary talent for language and imagination had already been
demonstrated at that time, and her proficient quotation of Biblical stories in daily
conversations sometimes astonished other people. She spent one year at Mount Holyoke
Female Seminary, a school that was intended to serve the church and thereby was rigid
and congregational, where she found herself a rebel to the religious authority, and then
was withdrawn from there by her father in 1848 because of either her rebellious spirit or
her illness. Since then, she had seldom traveled far from her home.
In 1862, she became a total recluse, living a normal country life with her family
in a New England village, at a time when America was occupied with the Civil War. She
had no connection with the outside world except for writing to her friends. Her daily life
was pretty much in order: doing household chores, writing letters to her friends, writing
poems, and reading intensively. It was said that her fruitless love with Charles
Wadsworth led to her unique lifestyle, and that Emily’s great “terror” in 1862 and her
incredible poetic productivity that year was a response to Wadsworth’s removal to
Calvary Church in San Francisco (Dardrop, qut. in Martin 169). Of the 1,777 poems,


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:62 页 大小:583.05KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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