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都于他去世之后1633 年才得以出版,而这其中最著名的莫过于那些涵盖了
义的想法。本文将运用由 Mark Johnson George Lakoff 提出的隐喻理论来
重强调一种被称之为 mapping 的映射关系,这种映射是从源域到的域的映射。
用到分析远在 17 世纪约翰·多恩创作的诗歌中去的。
该论文主要包括 5个章节:
第一章 说明撰写本论文的目的及重要性,基本给出本论文的结构。
第二章 针对国内外学者对约翰·多恩诗歌的究做一个文献综述,然
第三章 围绕约翰·多恩两大主的爱情诗:一为相互之爱;一为仅是
第四章 解释隐喻理论及 Mark Turner 提出的寓言,即结合故事及映射的一
第五章 结合体认理论对约翰·恩的人生经历进行一个阐述,其歌创
17 世纪航海技术的发达对其的影响;四是其妻子安· 多恩这个原
第六章 对本论文做一个总结:多恩的爱情诗通常被认为是复杂而矛盾的,
Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. i
摘要 .......................................................................................................................................................iii
Chapter One Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
§1.1 Purpose of thesis .........................................................................................................................1
§1.2 Significance of thesis ................................................................................................................. 1
§1.3 Organization of thesis .................................................................................................................1
Chapter Two Literature Review ......................................................................................................... 3
§2.1 International Studies on John Donne ........................................................................................ 3
§2.2 Domestic Studies on John Donne .............................................................................................. 6
§2.3 My Reason and Approach .......................................................................................................... 6
Chapter Three Metaphor Theory to Metaphors in the Poems ........................................................ 8
§3.1 Cognitive account of poetic metaphor ....................................................................................... 8
§3.2 Mutual love poems ................................................................................................................... 10
§3.3 Love as bodily appetite poems .................................................................................................21
§3.4 Conclusion of chapter 3 ............................................................................................................27
Chapter Four Metaphor Theory to Analysis of Poems ...................................................................28
§4.1 Definition of Metaphor Theory ................................................................................................ 28
§4.2 Definition of Parable ................................................................................................................ 28
§4.3 Analysis of poems .................................................................................................................... 29
§4.4 Conclusion of chapter 4 ............................................................................................................34
Chapter Five Embodiment Influences the Creation .......................................................................36
§5.1 Theoretical origins of embodiment .......................................................................................... 36
§5.2 Influences from Petrarchism .................................................................................................... 39
§5.2.1 Inconstant women and Men .............................................................................................. 39
§5.2.2 Mutual, Reciprocal love .................................................................................................... 40
§5.3 Influences of Donne’s religion on the poems .......................................................................... 40
§5.3.1 The Ecstasy ........................................................................................................................41
§5.3.2 The Canonization .............................................................................................................. 41
§5.4 Influences from social background on Donne’s poems(16th Century) .................................... 41
§5.5 Influences from Donne’s wife Anne Donne .............................................................................42
§5.5.1 Representation of Anne Donne ......................................................................................... 42
§5.5.2 The parallel between the dramatic lyric “The Flea” and a letter ...................................... 43
Chapter Six Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 46
§6.1 Achievements of my research .................................................................................................. 46
§6.2 Limitations of my research .......................................................................................................47
§6.3 Prospects of my research ..........................................................................................................47
References ............................................................................................................................................48
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果................................................................. 50
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................51
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
John Donne’s love poetry has the characteristics of marvelous imagination,
controversial attitude towards love, and full of speculation. Either of these
characteristics deserves critics’ attention, my attention will be paid to all of them.
§1.1 Purpose of thesis
This thesis tries to demonstrate John Donne’s marvelous creation and those love
poetry which is full of speculation are also closely related to life experiences which is
called embodiment in cognitive area. The thesis will use metaphor theory and parable to
analyze those metaphors in poems. By analyzing the metaphors in the poems will first
of all show the construction and conceptual building of poems, and then to find out
those primary metaphors and image schemas in the poems.
With the help of Metaphor Theory proposed by George Lakoff who regards
metaphor as a process of mapping between two conceptual domains which share some
elements, this paper will analyze the metaphors in Donne’s love poetry. Moreover, this
paper also uses the parable proposed by Mark Turner who calls the projection of one
story onto another parable.
§1.2 Significance of thesis
Donne is regarded as accessible, compelling, and engaging because his poetry
speaks to needs and desires that seem to persist despite cultural and historical
differences. His poetry is considered as difficult and complicated, which to some
degree makes the appreciation of his poems hard.
In my view, no matter how marvelous and creative the poem is, the creating
sources are from our own life. Thus, by analyzing the metaphors of Donne’s love
poetry, we will find out how he creates those beautiful poems. Also, by analyzing
his life experiences, we will get how his life experiences influence his poetic
Therefore, this paper not only provides a brand new point of view in
appreciating literary works, but also gives an introduction of cognitive science,
especially of metaphor theory, parable and embodiment for readers.
§1.3 Organization of thesis
Appreciation of John Donne’s Love Poetry: Metaphor Theory to the Metaphor
This paper consists of 6 chapters:
Chapter one explains the purpose, significance and organization of this thesis.
Chapter two gives a general account of international and domestic study on
John Donne, focusing on his Songs and Sonnets, my reason for writing this paper,
my approach of study, and a brief introduction of Donne’s life and works.
Chapter three begins with two subjects of his love poetry in Songs and Sonnets:
one is about mutual love; the other is about love as physical satisfaction and women
as interchangeable commodities. The Metaphor Theory will be explained first in
this chapter. With the illustration of Donnes poems in Songs and Sonnets, by using
metaphor theory, this chapter will focus on analyzing the metaphors in these
examples to find out the main image schemas. Later the author looks into the
marvelous creativity of poet in constructing poems and building artistic conception
through the analysis by using Metaphor Theory. The explanation of two subjects of
love poetry will be shown with the help of displaying the usage of various kinds of
image schemas.
Chapter four explains what is Metaphor Theory and Parable used in this paper.
With the help of parable, the author of this paper analyzes some poems.
Chapter five expounds how John Donne’s life experiences influence his poetic
creation. Every person has his unique embodiment in the life, therefore each one
has different attitude towards the same event. Even the same person will have
distinct ideas on the same issue under different background. The discrepancy of
embodiment can be used to explain how John Donne constructs love poems in his
Songs and Sonnets.
Chapter six gives a brief conclusion of this paper: main achievements of this
paper, limitations of this paper and the prospects of this paper.


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:53 页 大小:673.13KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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