
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 523.2KB 65 页 15积分
摘 要
在这个信息时代,网络为人们构建了一个虚拟的社会, 它不同于现实社会,具
有自由性、开放性、虚拟化等特点, 因此也导致在现实生活中普遍适用的合作、礼
的原则,它将区别于我们日常使用的日常交际。本文以 BBS网上论坛、聊天室、OICQ,
YAHOO, MSN, EBABY BI LIAO 为主要载体。研究目的是为了发现除了我们日常使用
1) 在合作原则中,我们找到了对合作原则的不完整性起到补充作用的交际原则,
2) 在礼貌原则中,论文中也探索发现了一些对礼貌原则进行补充的语用策略,例如:
关键词:网络交际语, 合作原则, 礼貌原则, 补充性语用原则
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................i
List of Tables .........................................................................................................................ii
List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract ................................................................................................................................ iv
Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Network Communication ..............................................................................................1
1.1.1 Development of Network Communication ............................................................ 1
1.1.2 CMC System .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 Network Communication Language .......................................................................3
1.2 Research on CMC and Chat Room Conversations ....................................................... 5
1.3 Objective of the Research ............................................................................................. 7
1.4 Methodology of the Research ....................................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Research Questions .............................................................................................. 10
1.4.4 Procedure ..............................................................................................................10
1.5 Structure of the Research ............................................................................................ 12
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis ....................................................... 14
2.1 Pragmatics ...................................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Definition of Pragmatics .......................................................................................14
2.1.2 Pragmatic Strategies and Principles ..................................................................... 15
2.2 Cooperative Principle ..................................................................................................15
2.2.1 Conversational Maxims ........................................................................................16
2.2.2 Conversational Implicature .................................................................................. 16
2.3 Politeness Principle ..................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Politeness Strategies ............................................................................................. 18
2.3.2 Face Theory .......................................................................................................... 19
2.4 The Relationship between CP and PP ......................................................................... 19
Chapter 3 Complementary Devices to CP in Chat Room Conversation .......................21
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................21
3.2 Humor Device .............................................................................................................22
3.2.1 On-line and Off-line Humor Device .....................................................................22
3.2.2 Violation of Maxim of Quality ............................................................................. 23
3.2.3 Successful Case study for On-line Humor Device ............................................... 26
3.3 Economy Device .........................................................................................................29
3.3.1 On-line and Off-line Economy Device .................................................................29
3.3.2 Violation of Maxim of Quantity ........................................................................... 30
3.3.3 Successful Case Study for On-line Economy Device .......................................... 33
3.4 Turn-taking Device ..................................................................................................... 36
3.4.1 On-line and Off-line Turn-taking Device ............................................................. 36
3.4.2 Violation of Maxim of Relation ........................................................................... 38
3.4.3 Successful Case Study for On-line Turn-taking Device .......................................41
3.5 Recreation Device .......................................................................................................42
3.5.1 On-line and Off-line Recreation Device ...............................................................42
3.5.2 Violation of Maxim of Manner .............................................................................43
3.5.3 Successful Case Study for On-line Recreation Device ........................................ 44
3.6 Quantitive Analysis of Complementary Devices for the Violation of CP Maxims .... 45
3.7 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 4 Complementary Devices to PP in Chat Room Conversation ....................... 48
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................48
4.2 Grace Device ...............................................................................................................49
4.3 Tolerence Device .........................................................................................................50
4.4 Equality Device ...........................................................................................................51
4.5 Banter Device ..............................................................................................................51
4.6 Quantitive Analysis of Complementary Devices for the Violation of PP Maxims .....52
4.7 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 5 Conclusion .........................................................................................................55
5.1 Findings and Significance ...........................................................................................55
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions of Further Research ...................................................... 56
References ........................................................................................................................... 57
Appendixes .......................................................................................................................... 60
在读期间公开发表的论文 ..................................................................................................63
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Network Communication
1.1.1 Development of Network Communication
With the rapid development of network, social network communication has
become more and more diversified and in the meanwhile its scope and significance have
also exerted profound influences on our lifestyles and values. Network not only brings
people an unprecedented technological revolution, but also immeasurable cultural and
linguistic revolution.
Network communication refers to the special interaction mode applied to the field
of internet. And network communication is the information exchange and flow from one
person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feedback to
a receiver.
The development and popularization of network has provided people with a new
method of network communication, and it is largely deviated from our everyday
communication mode. We begin to analyze this communication mode because we wish
to understand network communication interaction. So we must first recognize the role
of communication in the process.
Thus, the application of the pragmatic devices to network communication is of
necessity and vitality since the combination of these language devices can provide us
with a new research perspective. Owing to this, the special virtual context of network
communication has challenged our traditional cooperative and politeness principles in
our traditional communication.
So in the dissertation, by analyzing the close ties between cooperative principle
(CP) and politeness principle (PP) in the network communication, I put forward some
new complementary pragmatic devices, hoping to help people communicate better in
the network.
1.1.2 CMC System Definition
Pragmatic Devices of Network Communication Language Complementary to CP and PP
CMC is short for Computer-mediated communication. CMC system was first
defined by Herring (1996a:1), which means “communication that takes place between
human beings via the instrumentality of computers”. The Computer-Mediated
Communication refers to both task-related and interpersonal communication performed
through computer.
CMC is a form of network communication interaction that has become prevalent in
many people’s lives. In this global information age, on-line network communication in
chat rooms has become the mainstream and it will set off a new mass interest of
linguistic researches.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) differs from our traditional CMC, it is
a medium that provide new opportunities for people to communicate individually with
each other and make people from different countries closer. To study network
communication language in CMC could shed light upon the understanding of dynamic
state of network in the world, and know the relationship between network and its use in
Computer-mediated communication is a term used to describe the use of computer
networks, computer conferencing or carry out tasks. Nowadays, the CMC study is
mainly concerned about various interdisciplinary theoretical database including
linguistics, cultural, technical and various fields. It has become a vital way for people to
communicate with each other. Categorization of CMC
CMC is usually divided into two categories: Synchronous Computer-Mediated
Communication and Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication. Synchronous
CMC is the communication that the two parties should be in front of the computer and
talk with each other at the same time. In terms of the characteristics of synchronous
CMC, the two parties will send their information immediately.
In contrast to the synchronous CMC, asynchronous CMC messages can be
organized by “threading” and “branching” them around themes. The parties could just
communicate with each other later. It covers a lot of fields such as Email, Bulletin
Board Systems (BBS), Blog or Microblog etc.
Chapter 1 Introduction
3 Forms of CMC
There are many forms of computer-mediated communication, including text form,
radio form, and video form. This thesis is mainly devoted to discussing the application
and deviation of network pragmatic communicative devices in text-based
computer-mediated communication.
1.1.3 Network Communication Language
It is said that conventional language is the “mother” of network communication
language. (Chu, 2003) Network communication language is a new variety of language,
and it has gradually taken its shape in the internet space, and become more and more
The concept of network communication language is the language used by the
speech community, more specifically, common language that users use in chat rooms,
forums, BBS etc.
As is defined by David: “It is a type of language displaying features which are
unique to the network, and encountered in e-mail, chat group, virtual world and World
Wide Web, arising out of its character as a medium which is electronic, global and
interactive”. (David crystal, 2001: 67)
“People are likely to do what people always do with new communication
technology: use it in ways never intended or foreseen by its inventors, to turn old social
code inside out and make new kinds of communities possible”. (Rheingold, 1995:89)
The current network system continues to improve as the network communication
language is evolving greatly. In the computer-mediated communication (CMC) system,
network communication language has its own style in the application of language use,
developing a unique language variation.
“If the network is a revolution, therefore, it is likely to be a new linguistic
revolution”. (Crystal, 2001:5).
So CMC (Computer-mediated communication) will bring in a new era of linguistic
and pragmatic studies. Chat Room Conversations


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:65 页 大小:523.2KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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