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I am grateful to all the people whose intellectual and personal supports have made
it possible for me to work on the research and complete the present thesis.
First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to Associate
Professor Han, my respectable supervisor, who has patiently helped me with my thesis
writing and provided me with valuable advice and inspiration of new ideas. In the two
and half years, she guided me into the fields of Schools of Linguistics and Pragmatics.
And her consistent encouragement has contributed a great deal to the accomplishment
of the work.
Thanks go further to all the other faculty members of College of Foreign
Languages in USST, such as Professor Deng, Professor Wang, and Professor Lv, whose
insightful lectures prepared me for the present thesis.
I should also own my thanks to my fellow classmates, Wang Huanhuan and Wu
Peihong, who offered me some valuable ideas and have never hesitated to offer their
help when it is asked for.
My thanks also go to our instructor Jiang Hua and the teaching secretary Guo
Lingyi, who have helped me much both in my academic and in my daily life during my
postgraduate years.
Special thanks go to my dear boyfriend Liu Xuan, who offered timely help and
encouragement though he is long way off. I am appreciative as he not only gave me
instructive guidance in the preparation for my thesis, but also provided me with spiritual
support and helped me through a difficult and rough time.
Last but not least, my thanks go to my dearest parents and my best friends. During
the process of my postgraduate study, they have been supporting me silently and
selflessly, and provide me with both financial and emotional support to finish my two
and a half years’ study. They are the people I can fall back on at any moment.
摘 要
用功能或翻译策略方面进行的研究,而且对双关语的解释多以 Grice 的合作原则和
Jef Verschueren 的顺应论为理论依据。为此,本文试图寻找一种新的研究视角来分
本文以著名语言学家 Sperber Wilson 提出的关联理论为理论基础,对双关
Wilson 关联理论的引导下,本文作者通过实例分析得出这样的结论:广告受众与
关键词: 关联理论 双关语 最佳关联 语境
For the past few years, many researchers devoted themselves to the application and
interpretation of puns in advertisements. However, when we survey these researches and
their relevant works in an integrated way, we may notice the fact that a large proportion
of them are conducted in term of rhetoric, stylistics and semantics, which focus widely
on rhetorical functions and rhetorical usages of puns, and only a few are analyzed from
the perspective of pragmatics. Research shows that Grice’s Cooperative Principle and
Jef Verschueren’s Adaptation theory are employed, while Relevance Theory is rather
infrequently employed.
The current research adopts a pragmatic approach to puns interpretation within the
theoretical framework of Relevance Theory, with the purpose of offering a fresh
cognition of pun interpretation in advertisements and investigating the mental process
the audience may experience when they run into puns in their daily life. On account of
the fact that puns are constantly employed in modern advertising, and the fact that puns
in advertising do play an essential and important role in assisting advertisers in the
propaganda of goods and services, the author chooses puns in Chinese and English
advertisements as her targets investigated.
Grounded on Relevance Theory, the present study investigates the understanding
mechanism of puns in advertisements, and argues that the essence of puns interpretation
is the process of searching for optimal relevance. Since the audience’s process of
searching for optimal relevance is in the process of the advertisers’ promoting products,
whether the former can find out the optimal relevance or not is of great significance to
the successful communication. In advertising communication, the advertisers always
intentionally employ puns in that they have ambiguous meanings and can produce dual
contexts to provide the audience with two or more kinds of interpretations. According to
the Principle of Relevance, the audiences tend to discard the explicit meaning of a pun,
and by making extra processing efforts they will reach a stronger contextual effect,
which may guide them to realize the advertisers real intention. The author finds that the
successful communication between the audience and advertiser often go through three
steps: accessing to the manifest information given by the advertiser by decoding the
linguistic forms, obtaining the optimal relevance by processing effort, and finally
achieving the actual intention of the advertiser. As the cognitive competence and the
degrees of difficulties in inference of puns’ meaning vary from audience to audience, it
is noteworthy that these steps are not necessarily sequential and not all of them are
The thesis not only enriches the applicational scope of the Relevance Theory and
further proves its explanatory power in explaining human communication, but also
helps the advertisers and language learners gain a better understanding of pun which
may bring benefits to their future study.
Key words: Relevance Theory, pun, optimal relevance, context
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................i
................................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
§1.1 Motivation of the Research ................................................................................ 1
§1.2 Objectives of the Research .................................................................................2
§1.3 Significance of the Research ..............................................................................2
§1.4 Methodology and Date Collection ..................................................................... 3
§1.5 Layout of the Research ...................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................. 7
§2.1 A Brief Introduction of Pun ................................................................................7
§2.1.1 History of Pun .......................................................................................... 7
§2.1.2 Definition of Pun ......................................................................................8
§2.1.3 Classification of Pun .............................................................................. 10
§2.1.4 Formation of Pun ....................................................................................11
§2.2 Previous Studies on Pun ...................................................................................12
§2.2.1 Rhetorical Approach .............................................................................. 12
§2.2.2 Pragmatic Approach ...............................................................................14
§2.2.3 Cognitive Approach ............................................................................... 17
§2.3 Summary .......................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 3 Relevance Theory ...........................................................................................19
§3.1 Cognitive Environments and Mutual Manifest ................................................19
§3.2 Ostensive-inferential Communication ............................................................. 20
§3.3 Contextual Effects ............................................................................................21
§3.4 Principle of Relevance and Optimal Relevance ...............................................22
§3.5 Summary .......................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 4 Interpretation of Puns in Advertising ............................................................. 29
§4.1 Classification of Puns in Advertising ...............................................................29
§4.1.1 Homophonic Pun ................................................................................... 30
§4.1.2 Semantic Pun ......................................................................................... 30
§4.1.3 Grammatical Pun ................................................................................... 30
§4.1.4 Idiomatic Pun ......................................................................................... 31
§4.2 Characteristics of Puns in Advertising ............................................................. 32
§4.3 Functions of Puns in Advertising .....................................................................33
§4.3.1 To Persuade the Audience ...................................................................... 33
§4.3.2 To Make Advertisements Brief .............................................................. 34
§4.3.3 To Avoid Social Taboos ..........................................................................35
§4.4 The Essence of Puns Interpretation in Advertising .......................................... 36
§4.4.1 Getting the Explicit Meaning .................................................................37
§4.4.2 Finding Out the Optimal Relevance ...................................................... 38
§4.4.3 Achieving the Communicative Intention ............................................... 39
§4.5 Case Analysis of Puns in Advertising .............................................................. 40
§4.5.1 Analysis of Skillful Puns in Advertisements ..........................................41
§4.5.2 Analysis of Imperfect Puns in Advertisements ...................................... 46
§4.6 Summary .......................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................49
§5.1 Findings of the Study ....................................................................................... 49
§5.2 Implications ......................................................................................................49
§5.3 Limitations ....................................................................................................... 50
§5.4 Suggestions ...................................................................................................... 50
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................51
在读期间公开发表的论文 .............................................................................................55


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:57 页 大小:543.29KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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