
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 1.86MB 69 页 15积分
摘 要
10-23 脱氧核酶是利用体外分子进化技术筛选得到的一种具有催化功能的单
DNA 片断,具有高效的催化活性及特异的序列识别能力,能催化 RNA 特定
阔的应用前景,成为目前分子生物医学及新药开发等多种领域的热点。测定 10-23
究的报道比较少。本课题依据上述分析,选用乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)前区 C/C
2031 位点的序列作为底物 RNA 片段,并合成相应的 10-23 脱氧核酶,然后用微量
热法研究 10-23 脱氧核酶的热稳定性和热动力学,主要内容如下:
1近生理条件下 10-23 脱氧核酶的热动力学研究
在近生理条件下(37℃,pH7.52mM MɡCl2150mM KCl,通过微量热
测定 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的热动力学参数。根据热流曲线得出不同底物 RNA
浓度的反应初速率ν0=1.85×10-10mol·L-1·s-1;再做出 V-[S]曲线,通过 L-B 作图得出
10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的酶反应动力学常数最大速率 Vmax 和米氏常数 Km 分别
νmax=2.5×10-8 mol·L-1·s-10.47nM。并从分析测量误差的来源出发,发现可以控
通过控制每次试验开始前 DSC 基线稳定时间的一致性,相对标准误差由 14.71%
降到 11.15%。因此基线稳定时间是影响测热结果的主要因素。
2反应体系组分对 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的影响
在非生理条件下,主要研究了酶及底物的浓度、金属阳离子、pH 对切割反应
的影响。1酶浓度在 0~30nM范围内,切割反应的初速度随着酶浓度的增大
而逐渐增大,最后趋向平缓。2)底物浓度在 0~4nM)内,切割反应的初速
Ca2+Mn2+)浓度范围内,切割反应的 Kcat 随着金属阳离子浓度增大而逐渐增大。
这三种离子的活性大小为 Mn2+> Mɡ2+Ca2+
4pH>8.5 或者 pH<6 时,都能使
10-23 脱氧核酶的活性降低,Kcat 值降低。pH6~8.5 范围内,Kcat 值与 pH 值成线
3温度对 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的影响
微量热法研究温度对 10-23 脱氧核酶热稳定性的影响,并分析比较了溶液和粉
末两种状态的保存效果。研究表明:低温保存粉末状的 10-脱氧核酶的效果好,
表明:T=37℃时,切割反应的 Kcat 值最大,活性最佳。25~37℃内,随着
关键词:乙型肝炎病毒 10-23 脱氧核酶 量热法 热稳定性 热动力学
10-23 DNAzyme(10-23 DRz) is a set of single stranded DNA segments which
derived from a combinatorial library of sequences by molecular technique in vitro.
10-23 DRz have high catalytical activity and sequence specificity against the target
RNA, and they can designed to cleave any target RNA in a sequence specific manner,
and regular the expression of corresponding proteins, which has broad application
prospects In the anti-tumor, anti-virus field of gene therapy become the focus of
molecular biology and other medical and drug. In this paper, selected anterior HBV C /
C area 2031 points as sequence fragments of the substrate RNA, Synthesized the
corresponding 10-23 DNAzyme and studied the thermal stability and thermodynamics
of 10-23 DNAzyme. The main contents are as follows:
1 The thermal kinetics of 10-23 DNAzyme under simulated physiological
Under simulated physiological conditions (37pH7.52mM MɡCl2150mM
KCl), measured the thermodynamics of 10-23 DNAzyme by microcalorimetry. Heat
flow curves is obtained with different concentrations of substrate RNA, and The initial
reaction rate is ν0=1.85×10-10mol·L-1·s-1. The curves of V-[S] is draw. The maximum
rate of enzyme reaction and Km by Mapping L-B is that: νmax=2.5×10-8 mol·L-1·s-1,
Km=0.47nM. And by controlling all the factors influencing the measurement result, the
RSD(relative standard deviation) of the results could be reduced from14.71% to
2 The thermal kinetics of 10-23 DNAzyme under non-physiological conditions
The concentration of the enzyme and substrate, the metal cations and pH is studied
under non-physiological conditions.(1) In the 0 ~ 30 (nM) range of enzyme
concentration the initial rate of cleavage increases with the enzyme concentration
increases. (2) In the 0 ~ 4 (nM) range of substrate concentration the cleavage reaction of
the initial velocity with the increase of substrate concentration increases, and tends to
smooth. (3) In the appropriate concentration range of metal cation (Mɡ2+Ca2+Mn2+),
the Kcat of cleavage reaction increases with the concentration of metal ions increases.
The activity of the three ions as: Mn2+> Mɡ2+Ca2+ (4) When pH> 8.5 or pH <6, this
can make the lower the activity of 10-23 DNAzyme, Kcat is decreased. In the range of
pH6 ~ 8.5, Kcat keep the fitting linear relationship with pH.
3 Microcalorimetric study on the thermal stability of the 10-23 DNAzyme
The thermal stability of 10-23 DNAzyme is affected under different temperatures by
microcalorimetric. And the two states solution and powder preservation are analyzed
and compared. The results showed that. The effect of cryopreservation of 10-23
DNAzyme is the best. When T = 37 , the cleavage reaction of the Kcat is the biggest
and the best. In the 37 ~ 50 , the apparent catalytic constant with temperature
increasing is decreased. In the 37 ~ 50 , the reversible inactivation of enzymes is
made, and conformation of enzyme molecules deviate from the normal surface, finnaly
the efficiency of catalytic efficiency is decreased.
Key Words: HBV, 10-23DNAzyme, Microcalorimetric, Thermal
stability, Thermodynamics
目 录
第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1
§1.1 引言 ...................................................... 1
§1.2 10-23 脱氧核酶的研究进展 ................................... 1
§1.2.1 10-23DRz 的体外筛选 ................................... 1
§1.2.2 10-23DRz 的结构及耙位特征 ............................. 2
§1.2.3 10-23DRz 活性的影响因素 ............................... 2
§1.2.4 10-23DRz 的生物特性研究 ............................... 3
§1.2.5 10-23DRz 的应用现状 ................................... 4
§1.3 微量热技术在各个领域的应用进展 ............................ 7
§1.3.1 微量热技术在微生物研究中的应用 ....................... 7
§1.3.2 微量热技术在医学上的应用 ............................. 7
§1.3.3 微量热技术在酶活检测中的应用 ......................... 8
§1.4 本课题的来源及研究的主要内容 .............................. 8
§1.4.1 课题来源 ............................................. 8
§1.4.2 微量热技术在核酸类酶活性检测中存在的主要问题 ......... 9
§1.4.3 主要内容 ............................................. 9
§1.5 本章小结 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章 微量热法测量 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应 ......................... 10
§2.1 引言 ..................................................... 10
§2.2 酶切割反应的机理 ......................................... 10
§2.2.1 反应体系的选择 ...................................... 10
§2.2.2 酶切割反应机理 ...................................... 11
§2.3 材料与设备 ............................................... 12
§2.3.1 材料 ................................................ 12
§2.3.2 仪器与设备 .......................................... 12
§2.3.3 微量热计 Micro DSCIII 简介 ............................ 12
§2.4 试验方法 ................................................. 13
§2.4.1 试剂的配置 .......................................... 14
§2.4.2 10-23 脱氧核酶反应热的测定 ........................... 14
§2.4.3 实验误差对切割反应热测量结果的影响 .................. 17
§2.5 结果与讨论 ................................................18
§2.5.1 微量热法测量 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的反应热 .......... 18
§2.5.2 误差分析前的 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应热的测定 .......... 20
§2.5.3 误差分析 ............................................ 20
§2.6 本章小结 ................................................. 22
第三章 近生理条件下 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的热动力学 ............... 23
§3.1 引言 ..................................................... 23
§3.2 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应热动力学参数的理论研究 .............. 23
§3.2.1 10-23 脱氧核酶反应速度方程 ........................... 23
§3.2.2 10-23 脱氧核酶吸热速度方程 ........................... 24
§3.3 材料与设备 ............................................... 25
§3.3.1 材料 ................................................ 25
§3.3.2 仪器与设备 .......................................... 25
§3.4 试验方法 ................................................. 26
§3.4.1 近生理缓冲体系的成分 ................................ 26
§3.4.2 量热法测定 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应热 .................. 26
§3.5 结果与讨论 ............................................... 26
§3.5.1 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的初始吸热速率 ................. 26
§3.5.2 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的动力学参数 ................... 27
§3.6 本章小结 ................................................. 28
第四章 反应组分变化对 10-23 脱氧核酶切割反应的影响 ................. 29
§4.1 引言 ..................................................... 29
§4.2 反应体系的组分及其作用 ................................... 29
§4.2.1 10-23 脱氧核酶 ....................................... 29
§4.2.2 底物 RNA 片段 .........................................30
§4.2.3 金属阳离子 ...........................................30
§4.2.4 反应体系的 pH ........................................31
§4.3 材料与设备 ............................................... 31
§4.3.1 材料 .................................................31
§4.3.2 仪器与设备 ...........................................31
§4.4 试验方法 ................................................. 32
§4.4.1 量热法测定不同酶浓度下的切割反应 .....................32


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:69 页 大小:1.86MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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