
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 4.49MB 72 页 15积分
摘 要
(4)利用 ANSYS 有限元法分析了单排直线型布置的冻结管其冻土壁温度场
(5)以上海某基坑开挖为几何模型进行 ANSYS 温度场计算,分析了不同冻
关键词:人工冻结法 抗压强度 应力加载速率 冻结温度场 解
析解 数值分析
With the development of underground structures in Shanghai, the artificial
freezing method is increasingly applied in urban underground project (such as the
connected aisle of subway and foundation pit construction). It is very significant to
evaluate the strength of frozen soil and control the temperature in freezing
construction. In this paper, the following contents are discussed:
(1) In the constant stress loading rates, uniaxial unconfined compressive strength
test are conducted on the fifth floor of frozen clay in Shanghai. The relationships
between the compressive strength of frozen soil and the stress loading rate,
water content, dry density are discussed in the paper. The strength model
equations of each influential factors are obtained by regression analysis, and the
sensitivity of which according to the changes in the level of each factors causing
influence to compressive strength of frozen soil is analyzed by orthogonal test.
(2) In the case of steady state heat conduction, the calculation formula of
single-tube freezing temperature field is derived by the analytical solution; The
calculation formula of freezing temperature field in the main surface, interface, axial
plane, which are about the single-row linear arrangement of the freezing tube, are also
derived at the two cases of considering and without considering the soil freezing
(3) In the case of transient heat conduction, paper derived the analytical solution
of artificial freezing soil temperature field, which are change in the thermal parameter
in the polar coordinate.
(4) The frozen wall temperature field development of freezing tube with
single-row linear arrangement is analyzed by using ANSYS finite element method,
and is compared to the results of analytical solution. Paper analyzed the legitimacy
and applicability of the temperature filed calculation formula derived by analytical
(5) Take the excavation of a foundation pit in Shanghai as a geometric model,
the distribution of its temperature field was simulated by using ANSYS finite element
method. This paper analyses the distribution of temperature field at different freezing
time; analyses the relationship of average temperature at excavation surface changing
with time; analyses the relationships between the average thickness of the frozen wall
and the time; and analyses the temperature change situation of the thermometer holes.
Keywords: artificial freezing method, compressive strength, stress
loading rates, freezing temperature field, analytical
solutions, numerical analysis
目 录
........................................................... V
ABSTRACT .......................................................... VI
第一章 绪论 ....................................................... 1
§1.1 前言 ..................................................... 1
§1.2 地层人工冻结技术简介及应用 ................................ 1
§1.2.1 冻土概述 ............................................ 1
§1.2.2 人工冻结技术简介 .................................... 2
§1.2.3 人工冻结技术的应用 .................................. 4
§1.3 国内外研究现状 ............................................ 5
§1.3.1 冻土力学性质的研究 .................................. 5
§1.3.2 冻土温度场的研究 .................................... 7
§1.4 论文主要研究内容 .......................................... 9
第二章 冻土的单轴无侧限抗压强度试验研究 ........................... 11
§2.1 引言 .................................................... 11
§2.2 试验过程及方法 .......................................... 11
§2.2.1 试验仪器简介 ....................................... 11
§2.2.2 土样 ............................................... 11
§2.2.3 试样制备 ........................................... 12
§2.2.4 试验方法及过程 ..................................... 12
§2.3 实验结果 ................................................ 12
§2.4 试验结果分析 ............................................ 13
§2.4.1 各含水率下抗压强度与温度的关系 ..................... 13
§2.4.2 各含水率下抗压强度与应力加载速率的关系 ............. 17
§2.4.3 各应力加载速率下,抗压强度与含水率的关系 ........... 19
§2.4.5 抗压强度与温度、应力加载速率、干密度、含水率的关系 . 23
§2.4.6 正交试验法探讨各因素对抗压强度的影响 ............... 25
§2.5 本章小结 ................................................. 28
第三章 人工冻土温度场的解析解计算 ................................. 29
§3.1 引言 .................................................... 29
§3.2 影响冻结温度场的相关因素 ................................ 29
§3.2.1 冻土的热物理特性 ................................... 29
§3.2.2 未冻水含量 ......................................... 32
§3.3.1 单管冻结温度场计算 ................................. 33
§3.3.2 不考虑土层冻结温度时单排直线型冻结壁温度场计算 ..... 35
§3.3.3 考虑土层冻结温度时单排直线型冻结壁温度场计算 ....... 36
§3.4 非稳态导热及变热工参数情况下的温度场计算 ................. 37
§3.4.1 温度场的数学模型 ................................... 37
§3.4.2 温度场的定解条件 ................................... 38
§3.4.3 比热容沿径向线性变化,导热系数为常数时的解 ......... 39
§3.4.4 比热容沿径向成幂函数变化,导热系数为常数时的解 ..... 40
§3.4.5 比热容沿径向成指数函数变化,导热系数沿径向成反比例函数
变化时的解 ................................................. 42
§3.5 本章小结 ................................................ 42
第四章 ANSYS 在冻结壁温度场分布分析中的运用 ........................ 44
§4.1 引言 .................................................... 44
§4.2 ANSYS 热分析基本知识 .................................... 44
§4.2.1 三类边界条件 ....................................... 44
§4.2.2 初始条件 ........................................... 45
§4.3 单排直线型冻结壁温度场计算公式的数值分析 ................ 46
§4.3.1 用 ANSYS 求解冻土壁温度场过程 ....................... 46
§4.3.2 公式分析 ........................................... 47
§4.3.3 反算冻土壁厚度 ..................................... 50
§4.3.4 本节小结 ........................................... 51
§4.4 某基坑冻结壁温度场数值模拟 .............................. 52
§4.4.1 冻结温度场的数学模型 ............................... 52
§4.4.2 冻结温度场的几何模型和数值计算模型 ................. 53
§4.4.3 结果分析 ........................................... 54
§4.4.4 本节小结 ........................................... 58
第五章 结论与展望 ................................................. 59
§5.1 主要结论 ................................................ 59
§5.1.1 冻土在恒定应力加载速率下的单轴无侧限抗压强度试验结论
........................................................... 59
§5.1.2 人工冻土温度场解析解计算结论 ....................... 59
§5.1.3 单排直线型冻结壁温度场计算公式的数值分析结论 ....... 60
§5.1.4 某基坑冻结壁温度场数值模拟结论 ..................... 60
§5.2 问题及展望 ............................................... 61
参考文献 .......................................................... 62
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .................... 67
........................................................... 68


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:72 页 大小:4.49MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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