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On the Translation of Dragonand “龙”
摘 要
虽然都同属于传说中强大的爬行动物,龙和 dragon
威严的形象存在的,而在西方 dragon 的形象却是敌人,威胁,贪婪甚至是魔鬼。
保留“龙” 作为“dragon”在中文中的翻译,提出“loonglóng”和“lúng
关键词:翻译 归化法 异化法 词汇空缺
With more and more inter-cultural communications between China, the encounters
caused by the differences between Chinese and Western cultures are inevitable, a
remarkable example of which is the problems concerning the translation of “” and
“dragon”. Although both being powerful legendary reptilian animals, ” and
“dragon” are different from each other not only viewed from their appearances, but
also respective distinct connotations. In China, ” is the symbol of goodness and
prestige while “dragon” is regarded as enemy, threat or even the devil. Then it comes
up with the translation of “ and “dragon”. The purpose of the thesis is to find proper
translations for ” and “dragon” to adapt to more and more inter-cultural
communication today and to help both Chinese people and Western people understand
the cultures of themselves as well as of the others for the purpose of inter-cultural
To solve the translation problem of and “dragon” for better understandings of
Chinese and Western cultures, intensive analysis is performed on ” and “dragon” in
terms of their concepts, prototypes, images and connotations, based on which the
causes of the mis-translation become known. Then new and proper translations are
discussed and selected through proper translation strategies.
The whole thesis is based on the theory of linguistic sign by de Saussure, equivalence
theory by Nida and domestication / foreignization theory. A survey is performed on the
concepts of young Chinese and Western people on “” and “dragon”, with the results
being analyzed and compared; with the regard to the translations of “凤凰” and “麒麟
and the translation of ” and “dragon” in Japanese, the methods of domestication
and foreignization are applied with the introduction of different pinyin systems to find
translations of ” and “dragon”, with the advantages and disadvantages of the
translations discussed. Solutions to the problems brought by the disadvantages are put
forward to find proper translations: keeping ” as the translation of “dragon” in
Chinese and putting forward “loong”, “lóng” and “lúng” as the possible options as the
translation of “” in English.
On the Translation of Dragonand “龙”
Key Words: translation, domestication, foreignization, vocabulary
Chapter One Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Significance ..........................................................................................................1
1.3 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 2
1.4 General Organization ........................................................................................... 2
Chapter Two Literature Review ........................................................................................ 3
2.1 Linguistic Sign and the Triangle of Reference .................................................... 3
2.1.1 Linguistic Sign ........................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 The Triangle of Reference ..........................................................................3
2.2 Core meanings and prototype theory ................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Core meanings ........................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Prototype theory .........................................................................................5
2.3 Vocabulary Vacancy ............................................................................................. 5
2.4 Domestication and Foreignization ....................................................................... 6
2.4.1 Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence ........................................ 6
2.4.2 Domestication and Foreignization ............................................................. 7
2.5 Application of Domestication and Foreignization ............................................... 8
2.5.1 Application of Domestication .................................................................... 8
2.5.2 Application of Foreignization .................................................................. 10
2.6 Translations of and “dragon” that have been provided ............................. 12
2.6.1 The translation of “” .............................................................................12
2.6.2 The translation of “dragon” ..................................................................... 13
Chapter Three The Prototypes of and “Dragon” .................................................... 14
3.1 The Prototype of ” ........................................................................................ 14
3.1.1 “ in Historical Records ....................................................................... 14
3.1.2 “ in Legends ....................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 Crocodile, the prototype ...........................................................................15
3.2 The prototype of “Dragon” ................................................................................ 18
3.2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Prototype .................................................................................................. 19
3.2.3 The Entries of “Dragon” in Dictionaries ................................................. 21
3.3 Summary ............................................................................................................ 23
On the Translation of Dragonand “龙”
Chapter Four A Survey on the Understanding of “ and “Dragon” ............................25
4.1 Research Question ............................................................................................. 25
4.2 Subjects .............................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Procedure ........................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Results ......................................................................................................26
4.3.2 Result Description ....................................................................................29
4.3.3 Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 30
4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................ 32
Chapter Five Translation of and “Dragon” .............................................................34
5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................34
5.2 Translations of Other Legendary Animals ......................................................... 34
5.2.1 The translation of 凤凰 and phoenix .................................................... 34
5.2.2 The translation of 麒麟 and Unicorn ....................................................36
5.3 The translation of and dragon ....................................................................38
5.3.1 The Translation of “ and Dragon in Japanese .................................... 38
5.3.2 The Translation of Dragon ....................................................................... 38
5.3.3 The Translation of “” ............................................................................40
5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................ 43
Chapter Six Conclusion .................................................................................................. 45
6.1 The conclusion of the thesis ...............................................................................45
6.2 Further consideration ......................................................................................... 46
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 48
在读期间公开发表的论文 .............................................................................................50
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background
Misunderstandings emerge with more and more communications between China and
the Western world, a good example of which is the translation of “dragon” and “”.
On Nov. 12th 2005, “” was ruled out as the mascot of the Olympics 2008, because
traditionally speaking, “dragon” and ” are the translated terms for each other in
English and Chinese, and ‘dragon’ is not a good mascot for the Western world; in the
November of 2006, Professor Wu Youfu from SISU even suggested that ” be
abandoned as the symbol of China, because according to him, ”, which is “dragon”
in English, is considered fierce, mean and aggressive viewed from the Western world,
which led to the dissatisfaction from the Internet in China. Although Professor Wu
defended himself later that it was not his intention to abandon “”, it is still true that
”, which is “dragon” in English, is considered fierce, mean and aggressive in the
Western world. It implies that “dragon” is not a proper translation of “”. Thus, the
problem is then the translation between “dragon” and ”.
1.2 Significance
The major point concerning the problem seems to be the difference between the
connotations of “dragon” and “”, but if the difference does not only come from the
connotations, it is necessary to discuss the denotations or the concepts of them. The
translation of “” in English has been “dragon” since very early, because they share
the same meaning that they are both powerful legendary reptilian animals. The
translation of ” or “dragon” has never been changed despite the fact of their
differences, denotatively or connotatively, which is probably the reason that people
from China and the Western world get confused. Thus, this thesis is to solve the
problem by finding new translations for the two terms.


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:54 页 大小:530.6KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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