
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 439.74KB 48 页 15积分
Contents ............................................................................................................................. i
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
§1.1 Research background ........................................................................................ 1
§1.2 Research objective ............................................................................................ 1
§1.3 The rationale of the thesis ................................................................................. 2
§1.4 An overall structure of the thesis ...................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................. 4
§2.1 Function-oriented translation studies in advertising ......................................... 4
§2.1.1 Text Typology and advertising translation ............................................. 4
§2.1.2 Skopos theory and advertising translation ............................................. 5
§2.1.3 Communication translation and advertising translation ........................ 6
§2.2 Intertextuality and advertising translation ........................................................ 7
§2.3 Psycholinguistics and advertising translation ................................................... 8
§2.4 Relevance theory and advertising translation ................................................... 8
§2.4.1. Gutt’s view ............................................................................................ 9
§2.4.2 The application of relevance theory .......................................................9
§2.5 Cognitive Linguistics and advertising translation ...........................................10
§2.6 Intercultural communication and advertising translation ................................11
§2.7 Nida’s functional equivalence and advertising translation ..............................11
Chapter 3 The Blending Framework in Advertising Translation ....................................14
§3.1 Introduction of image schema .........................................................................14
§3.1.1 Historical background about image schema theory ............................. 14
§3.1.2 The modern research about image schema theory ............................... 14
§3.2 culture and image schema ............................................................................... 16
§3.2.1 Defining culture ................................................................................... 16
§3.2.2 The features of culture ......................................................................... 16
§3.2.3 The relationship between image schema and culture ...........................16
§3.3 Blending approach to advertising translation ................................................. 17
§3.3.1 The brief introduction about blending theory ...................................... 17
§3.3.2 The specific process of blending approach .......................................... 18
§3.3.3 Four categories in advertising translation ............................................ 19
Chapter 4 Advertising Language .................................................................................... 21
§4.1 Introduction about advertising ........................................................................ 21
§4.1.1 Defining advertising .............................................................................21
§4.1.2 Advertising genre ................................................................................. 21
§4.1.3 Function of advertising ........................................................................ 22
§4.2 Morphological features in advertising language .............................................23
§4.2.1 Simple and informal .............................................................................23
The Blending of Image Schema in Advertising Translation
§4.2.2 Misspelling and Coinage ......................................................................23
§4.2.3 Loanwords ............................................................................................24
§4.3 Rhetorical features in advertising ................................................................... 25
§4.3.1 Personification ..................................................................................... 25
§4.3.2 Simile and Metaphor ............................................................................25
§4.3.3 Pun ....................................................................................................... 25
§4.3.4 Antithesis &Parallelism ....................................................................... 26
§4.4 Syntax in advertising .......................................................................................26
§4.4.1 More simple sentences, less complex sentences ..................................26
§4.4.2.More interrogative sentences and imperative sentences ...................... 27
§4.4.3 Disjunctive Clause ............................................................................... 27
Chapter 5 The case study on advertising translation in four categories ..........................29
§5.1 Category one ................................................................................................... 29
§5.2 Category two ................................................................................................... 30
§5.3 Category three ................................................................................................. 33
§5.3.1 The absent image schema structures in religion .................................. 33
§5.3.2 The historical absent image schema structures .................................... 35
§5.3.3 Linguistically absent image schema structures ....................................37
§5.4 Category four .................................................................................................. 38
§5.4.1 The different appellation in advertising translation ............................. 38
§5.4.2 The different language convention in advertising translation ..............38
§5.4.3 The different scope of expectation .......................................................39
Chapter 6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................43
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 45
在校期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .............................................47
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
§1.1 Research background
Aldous Huxley once commented that as a literary form advertisement is the most
creative and arduous one. Moreover, it can engender the infinite possibilities and trigger
boundless imagination. Nowadays, due to the development of foreign trade and
globalization, the advertising becomes more and more important. When a brand new
product enters into a foreign market, the related advertising undertakes the great mass of
the responsibilities for the popularization of this product. English is the international
commercial language and English advertisements are prevailing in our daily life, so it is
necessary to translate English into other languages. In addition, it is also necessary to
translate Chinese advertising into English so as to promote domestic products into the
international market.
Advertising translation has long been investigated from many angles, such as
functionalism, psycholinguistic, aesthetic perspectives and so forth. According to the
survey, the current domestic studies are mainly concentrated on the literary meaning of
the advertising. The foreign research put more emphasis on the psycholinguistic
perspectives. In this paper, the author tries to investigate this topic from the cognitive
linguistics view. Cognitive Linguistics firstly appeared in 1971 which stands for the
research on the language in mind. From the end of 1970s to 1980s and 1990s, it
develops quickly and becomes popular in the Europe, North America and other
countries. In this century, cognitive linguistics becomes the dominating new linguistic
school. The basic viewpoint of cognitive linguistic can be expressed as: reality→
cognition→ language.
Since the cognitive linguistics is developed out of the opposing philosophy and the
view of world, it has presented a new perspective to the language and also provided a
new view towards translation. Accordingly, the paper makes an inquiry on advertising
translation from the cognitive view, especially from the blending of image schema in
advertising translation.
§1.2 Research objective
In the light of the views about advertising translation presented by dominate
The Blending of Image Schema in Advertising Translation
schools of linguistics; the studies of advertising translation have predominately focused
on rhetorical devices of advertising, the cultural interaction and the translation strategies
while the cognitive perspective is neglected. Although some scholars have adopted the
cognitive notions, their researches are not based on the cognitive perspectives.
The current research is an attempt to study advertising translation from a new
perspective, i.e. that of cognitive linguistics. The specific objectives of this thesis are 1)
proving that conceptual blending happens in advertising translation; 2) proving that
conceptual blending is the key principle in advertising translation.
§1.3 The rationale of the thesis
According to cognitive linguists, image schema is a condensed redescription of
perceptual experiences for the purpose of mapping spatial structure onto conceptual
structure which comes from our bodily experiences. Since it is the key point in the
conceiving process of human beings, the author adopts this notion as the basic structure
to analyze the process of advertising translation and the primary task for translation is
how to construct the original image schema into the target image schema. In order to
explain how to construct image schema, conceptual blending theory is regarded as the
Conceptual Blending theory, which is also known as Conceptual Integration theory,
is regarded as a general cognitive operation, which owns uniform structural and
dynamic principles. Mental space is an important notion in this theory, which can be
used generally to model dynamical mappings in thought and language. Consequently,
the author adopts this theory as the theoretical foundation of this paper.
In advertising translation, the translation version is often constructed according to
the target image schema because of the reader-oriented character of advertising genre.
However, there are lots of examples which are constructed by original image schema. In
addition to it, plenty of versions can not be easily judged that which sides of image
schema it comes from. Actually, the versions have blended image schematic elements.
Through the analysis of these versions by conceptual blending theory, the author
tries to make the research on advertising translation from the new perspective.
§1.4 An overall structure of the thesis
The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 includes the brief introduction about
the research background, the objective of this paper, and the rationale of research. The
Chapter 1 Introduction
literature review will be shown in the chapter 2. The study of advertising translation will
be traced back from both English and Chinese scholars. Through the review of their
study, the inadequacy of the former study can be represented so as to make further
research of this subject. Chapter 3, the key component of the paper, is concerned with
the main theoretic framework of this paper. The notion of image schema is adopted to
analyze the advertising translation. Moreover, conceptual blending theory is adopted as
the theoretical basis for this framework. Four categories are classified in order to make
the analysis more clearly. Chapter 4 will concentrate on the analysis on the advertising
language. In this chapter, definition and function of advertising will be introduced
briefly. Besides, the features of advertising language will be demonstrated in details,
which demonstrate the common and the different characters in English and Chinese
advertising languages. Chapter 5 puts emphasis on the case study of specific advertising
translation from the four categories one by one. These translation examples are used to
testify that conceptual blending also happens in advertising translation, and it is useful
to explain some creative translation versions. Meanwhile, these versions are the strong
illustrations for blending theory. Chapter 6 is characterized by the conclusion of the
research. In this chapter, it includes a summary of the primary findings, the new
perspective of the research, the limitation of this research and the suggestion for the
further studies on this subject.


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:48 页 大小:439.74KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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