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The study to metaphor starting from Aristotle 300B.C., has experienced more than
two thousand years. There are mainly three periods, the stage of rhetorical study, of
semantic study and of the study from various views. The main theories concerning
metaphor are “Comparison Theory”, “Substitution Theory”, “Interaction Theory”,
“Conceptual Metaphor Theory”, “Conceptual Blending Theory” and some pragmatic
views on metaphors.
This thesis analyzes metaphors in accordance with cognitive linguistics. As a new
branch of linguistics and new way of researching, cognitive linguistics emerged a few
years ago. It treats language as a cognitive action, and studies how the meaning and the
use of language are affected by the way people experience the world. With the
Experiential Realism as the philosophical base, there are mainly conceptual metaphor
theory, cognitive categorization theory, image-schema theory and idealized cognitive
model theory in cognitive linguistics.
Conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) studies metaphors
cognitively. According to this theory, a metaphor is a way of thinking, and most of our
concepts are metaphorical. These metaphorical concepts reflect and determine
ourselves and our cognition to the world, because it is originated from experience and
transmitted by culture. This thesis analyzes the main content of conceptual metaphor
theory, the metaphoric cognitive model, the experiential basis and the cognitive
functions of conceptual metaphors.
The corpuses in this thesis are the American presidential inaugural speeches.
Belonging to political public speeches, presidential inaugural speeches are very
important in the American society, culture, and political life. Within the limited span of
time, these speeches should explore some important political issues, attract the
audience, motivate their enthusiasm, persuade and gain support form the public.
Because of all these features, there are large quantities of metaphors used in speeches,
which can serve as the corpus of metaphor analysis. Furthermore, the American
presidential inaugural speeches bear some unique features. As the U.S.A. is the most
developed country in science and economy in the world, at the same time, its culture is
particular, because of the people is composed of various immigrants.
The analysis follows the five-step procedure from Steen in identifying metaphors.
Conceptual metaphors are summarized according to conceptual metaphor theory and
classified according to target domains into four groups, the groups of metaphors with
economy, religion, politics and law as target domains. The main structures, cognitive
features and experiential basis are analyzed systematically. At last, based on the
speeches themselves and the social cultural background, the cognitive functions of
conceptual metaphors in reaching the persuasion aim are discussed, and the practical
implications of cognitive study on conceptual metaphors are discussed. The main
cognitive functions of conceptual metaphors in realizing the persuasion aim are
emotional motivating, evaluating, analogizing, bridging, simplifying, filter, and so on.
In the practice of teaching and learning English, this study helps students a lot in using
and understanding metaphor, in reading comprehension, writing and translation. It also
has great significance in cross-culture communication teaching.
Key Words: Conceptual Metaphor, Cognitive Analysis, the American
Presidential Inaugural Speeches
本文首先根据 Steen 的五步法确认隐喻,又根据概念隐喻理论从中概括出概
关键词:概念隐喻 认知分析 美国总统就职演说
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... II
摘要 ................................................................................................................................ IV
Chapter One Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
§1.1 A Brief Review of Metaphor Study ................................................................... 1
§1.2 The Motivation and Significance of This Study ................................................ 3
§1.3 The Corpus and Methodology Used in This Thesis ...........................................4
§1.4 The Organization of This Thesis ........................................................................ 6
Chapter Two Literature Review ........................................................................................ 7
§2.1 An Overview of Cognitive Linguistics .............................................................. 7
§2.2 The History of Cognitive Linguistics .................................................................9
§2.3 The Philosophical Base of Cognitive Linguistics: Experientialism .................10
§2.4 The Theoretical framework for this research ................................................... 11
§2.4.1 Cognitive Categorization Theory ........................................................... 11
§2.4.2 Image schema .........................................................................................13
§2.4.3 Idealized Cognitive Model .....................................................................14
Chapter Three Conceptual Metaphors ............................................................................ 16
§3.1 The Conceptual Metaphor Theory ................................................................... 16
§3.1.1 The Theory Origin ..................................................................................17
§3.1.2 The Main Components of Conceptual Metaphors ................................. 18
§3.1.3 The Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphors ............................. 18
§3.1.4 The Classification of Conceptual Metaphors .........................................19
§3.1.5 The Systematic & Coherent Features of Conceptual Metaphors ...........21
§3.2 The Cognitive Features of Conceptual Metaphors .......................................... 23
§3.2.1 The Experiential Basis of Conceptual Metaphors ..................................23
§3.2.2 The Metaphoric Cognitive Model ..........................................................26
§3.2.3 The Cognitive Functions of Conceptual Metaphors .............................. 26
Chapter Four A Cognitive Analysis to Conceptual Metaphors ....................................... 29
§4.1 The Identification of Conceptual Metaphors in the Corpus .............................29
§4.2 A Cognitive Analysis to Features of Conceptual Metaphors in the Corpus .....32
§4.2.1 Conceptual Metaphors Concerning Politics ...........................................33
§4.2.2 Conceptual Metaphors Concerning Law ............................................... 39
§4.2.3 Conceptual Metaphors Concerning Economy ....................................... 43
§4.2.4 Conceptual Metaphors Concerning Religion .........................................46
§4.3 The Cognitive Functions of Conceptual Metaphors in Realizing Persuasion . 50
§4.3.1 Motivating and Provoking Function ...................................................... 51
§4.3.2 Evaluating Function ............................................................................... 52
§4.3.3 Analogizing Function .............................................................................53
§4.3.4 Bridging Function .................................................................................. 54
§4.3.5 Simplifying Function ............................................................................. 56
§4.3.6 Miscellaneous Functions ........................................................................58
§4.4 The Implications of This Study in Langue Teaching and Learning Practice ... 59
§4.4.1 The Implications of This Study in Reading, Writing and Translation ... 59
§4.4.2 The Application of the Cognitive Metaphor Theory to the Cross-culture
Communication Teaching ................................................................................. 60
Chapter Five Conclusion .................................................................................................63
§5.1 Summary of the Findings. ................................................................................ 63
§5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study .................................................65
Appendix .........................................................................................................................66
References .......................................................................................................................67
在读期间公开发表的论文 .............................................................................................71
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
Metaphors are very common in all languages and also in our daily life. According
to Lakoff and Johnson (1980), metaphors are pervasive not just in language but also in
our thought and action, and 70% of the expressions in daily language originates from
conceptual metaphors. English is also full of the metaphorical expressions, which are
derived from conceptual metaphors (Zhao Yanfang, 1995). This phenomenon attracted
the attention of many scholars and experts two thousand years ago. Since Aristotle’s
books Poetics and Rhetoric, the study of metaphor has never stopped, and various
theories have come out.
§1.1 A Brief Review of Metaphor Study
According to Shu Dingfang(2000), the study of metaphors in western countries
has undergone several stages with mainly five schools, “Comparison Theory” by
Aristotle(300B.C.), “Substitution Theory” by Quitilian(1000), “Interaction Theory” by
Richard(1936) and M. Black(1962), pragmatic study on metaphors by Searl (1979) and
others, Cognitive study of metaphors, including “Conceptual Metaphor Theory” by
Lakoff and Johnson(1980), and “Conceptual Blending Theory” by Fauconnier and
Comparison theory, by Aristotle in his books Poetics and Rhetoric, treats a
metaphor as a shortened form for simile, an implicit comparison of similarity based
on analogy and simile(Yu, 1998, p. 110). The analogical relations are derived from
the presupposition that the two terms in each metaphor share similar attributes, or
meanings. The similarities are conceived existing before the discovery of the more or
less hidden analogy (Chaitin, 1996). To percept similarity out of dissimilarity is treated
as a sign of genius. Thus, metaphors are not used by common people, but by talented
persons. Metaphors have the ornamental function.
Substitution Theory, is also by Aristotle, but is developed by Quintilian.
According to Aristotle, in his books Poetics and Rhetoric, a metaphor is the
transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to
species, or on grounds of analogy (Shu Dingfang, 2000). The analogical type develops
into the Comparison theory. Based on the first three types, Quintilian develops the
substitution theory in his book Institutio Oritoria. As what he argues, a metaphor is a


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:75 页 大小:693.99KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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