
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 1MB 53 页 15积分
摘 要
的分析,建立了排污权交易市场评价指标体系,它由 4个因素层和 18 个评价指标
出结论。为了保证评价结果的客观性和准确性,我们又采用最重要和最流行的 BP
(Back Propagation)神经网络方法用于排污权交易市场有效性评价,它能较好的模
性等优点。本文对 BP 神经网络进行改进,在权值和阈值的修改中加入动量项因
子和自适应因子,对隐结点数进行优化选择,得出改进的 BP 算法可以更有效的
加快训练速度,减少误差。即采用改进的三层 BP 神经网络模型,以长三角地区
二氧化硫排污权交易市场为例,调用 MATLAB 来训练 BP 网络,并得出结论。
最后,本文将对采用多层次灰色评价法和 BP 神经网络方法得出的结论进行
关键词:排污权交易 评价指标体系 多层次灰色评价法 BP 神经网络
The rapid development of economy brings enormous pressure to domestic
environment that the emission quantity has exceeded local environment capacity in
many areas. Facing the extremely severe situation of domestic environment pollution
and extraordinary pressing status of environment capacity, it’s necessary for the
domestic environment management system, especially the innovation of environment
policy to adopt the economic policy with behavior stimulation function, and the
low-cost and high-efficiency means to control pollution. It’s not only a new solution,
but also a new exploration for Chinese environment management means in new
historical background to take emission trading means to control the total amount of
pollution. Evaluating emission trading market and finding market characterize and
existing problems, it’s significant for implementation and development of emission
trading market.
According to collected domestic and foreign literatures, the dissertation makes a
comprehensive and detailed analysis to the emissions trading market of sulfur dioxide in
the Yangtze River, and constructs evaluation index system that includes four factor
layers and eighteen evaluation indexes. Then, the multilevel grey evaluation method
that needs less data, is simply used and has less interference factors is selected to
evaluate the effectiveness of the emission trading market. When determining weight, the
analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and expert judgment methods are combined to reflect
weight distribution state exactly and transform qualitative problems to quantitative
problems. The scale method is used to determine judgment matrix and consistency test
is done to make it more effective. The method analyses emission trading market in the
aspects of theory and demonstration, and obtains the conclusions. In order to ensure the
objectivity and accuracy of the evaluation result, we adopt the most important and
popular back propagation (BP) neural network method, it can well simulate nonlinear
system and have advantages of the adaptability, self-leaning, compatibility of
information management and plasticity of structure is employed to evaluate the
effectiveness of the emission trading market that has good evaluation results and
important practical value. The dissertation improves the BP neural network, adds the
momentum factors and adaptability to weight values and threshold values, and makes
optimal selection for hidden node. The conclusions are drawn out that the improved BP
neural network can speed up the training velocity and reduce errors. The improved three
layers BP model trained by invoking MATLAB is used to evaluate the emissions
trading market of sulfur dioxide in the Yangtze River and the conclusions are obtained.
Finally, the dissertation compared and analyzed the respective conclusions from
multilevel grey evaluation method and BP neural network. The result shows that the
effectiveness of domestic emission trading market is between eligible and middling. It
basically accords with domestic emission trading market status. Also the evaluation
index system and evaluation result is effective. It’s hoped that the work of the paper can
be used for reference to evaluate the effectiveness of domestic emission trading market.
Key Word: emission trading market, evaluation index system, grey
evaluation method, BP neural network
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 选题背景和研究意义 ......................................... 1
§1.1.1 选题背景 ............................................... 1
§1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2
§1.2 国外研究与实践状况 ......................................... 2
§1.2.1 国外对排污权交易的研究 ................................. 2
§1.2.2 国外实践 .............................................. 3
§1.3 国内研究与实践状况 ......................................... 4
§1.3.1 国内对排污权交易的研究 ................................. 4
§1.3.2 国内实践 .............................................. 6
§1.4 研究内容与方法 ............................................. 7
§1.4.1 研究内容 ............................................... 7
§1.4.2 研究方法 ............................................... 7
§1.5 本课题研究的总体思路 ....................................... 8
第二章 所用评价方法简介 ............................................ 9
§2.1 德尔菲法 ................................................... 9
§2.2 层次分析法 ................................................. 9
§2.2.1 构造判断矩阵 ........................................... 9
§2.2.2 利用方根法求判断矩阵的特征向量和特征根 ................ 10
§2.2.3 一致性检验 ............................................ 10
§2.3 灰色评价法 ................................................ 11
§2.3.1 制定评价指标的等级标准 ................................ 11
§2.3.2 组织专家评分并建立评价样本矩阵 ........................ 12
§2.3.3 确定评价灰类 .......................................... 12
§2.3.4 计算灰色评价系数 ...................................... 13
§2.3.5 计算灰色评价权向量和权矩阵 ............................ 13
§2.3.6 计算综合评价值 ........................................ 13
§2.4 人工神经网络 .............................................. 14
§2.4.1 人工神经网络基本特点 .................................. 14
§2.4.2 人工神经网络的优点 .................................... 14
§2.4.3 人工神经网络模型 ...................................... 14
§2.4.4 网络拓扑结构类型 ...................................... 15
§2.5 BP 神经网络 ............................................... 16
§2.5.1 BP 算法 ............................................... 16
§2.5.2 标准 BP 网络算法 ....................................... 18
§2.6 基于 MATLAB 神经网络工具箱建立 BP 神经网络 .................. 21
§2.6.1 MATLAB 神经网络工具箱 ................................. 21
§2.6.2 MATLAB 中 BP 网络常用函数 .............................. 21
§2.7 基于 GUI 的神经网络设计与分析 .............................. 21
第三章 实例分析和指标体系的建立 ................................... 23
§3.1 长江三角洲区域概况简介 .................................... 23
§3.2 排污权交易市场评价指标的建立 .............................. 24
§3.2.1 建立指标的原则 ........................................ 24
§3.2.2 指标体系的建立 ........................................ 25
第四章 多层次灰色评价法在排污权交易市场有效性评价中的应用 ......... 29
§4.1 各评价指标权重的确定 ...................................... 29
§4.2 评价指标的评分 ............................................ 31
§4.3 确定灰色权矩阵 ............................................ 32
§4.4 计算综合评价值 ............................................ 33
§4.5 小结 ...................................................... 34
第五章 基于 BP 神经网络的排污权交易市场有效性研究 .................. 35
§5.1 网络结构的确定 ............................................ 35
§5.2 网络学习参数的确定 ........................................ 35
§5.2.1 初值的选取 ............................................ 35
§5.2.2 参数的选取 ............................................ 35
§5.2.3 传输函数的选取 ........................................ 36
§5.2.4 隐含层神经元数的确定 .................................. 36
§5.2.5 评价等级确定 .......................................... 37
§5.3 在 GUI 工具箱中建立 BP 神经网络 ............................. 38
§5.3.1 将训练样本导入 GUI .................................... 38
§5.3.2 创建神经网络 .......................................... 39
§5.3.3 神经网络的训练 ........................................ 39
§5.3.4 神经网络训练结果 ...................................... 40
§5.4 小结 ...................................................... 41
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................. 42
§6.1 结论 ...................................................... 42
§6.2 长三角地区的排污权交易市场存在的问题与对策 ................ 42
§6.3 展望 ...................................................... 43
参考文献 .......................................................... 44
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .................... 48
............................................................. 49


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:53 页 大小:1MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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