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Yin Si, the Chinese equivalence of privacy, began to be used frequently only
recently but has now become an important legal issue, and is used more and more in
Chinese people’s daily life.
Privacy is a cultural phenomenon. The philosophical and cultural traditions
behind the concept of privacy determine its formation and development. To
understand the phenomenon of privacy in Chinese culture, we must put it under the
context of the cultural tradition of China, most importantly, Confucianism.
The author compares the Confucian understanding of privacy in Chinese culture
with what it means in the American culture under the influence of Individualism
conceptualized by Emerson. The comparative study leads to the conclusion that
Confucianism believes that moral ethics is prior to privacy, and privacy is a hinder in
maintaining harmony of society and social development, while Emerson’s privacy
insists that privacy is superior to moral ethics and there would be no moral ethics and
social development without privacy.
These philosophical understandings of privacy influence actual communication
models when privacy is involved in the communication, which are illustrated in this
research by some cases on the basis of pragmatic theories. This illustration leads to the
conclusion that people in Chinese culture use different pragmatic principles from those
used by Americans when privacy is involved and these communicative principles will
act as lubricant to facilitate the harmony of interpersonal communication.
Key Words:Privacy, Confucianism, Individualism, Communication
摘 要
关键词:隐私 儒家思想 个人主义 交际原则
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................ii
............................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter1 Introduction ....................................................................................................1
1.1 Motivations and Objects of the Thesis .................................................................1
1.2 Significance of the Thesis .................................................................................... 1
1.3 Organization of the Thesis ................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review on Privacy ...................................................................... 3
2.1 Denotation and Connotation of Privacy ...............................................................3
2.1.1 Types of Privacy .........................................................................................5
2.1.2 Functions of Privacy. ..................................................................................7
2.2 Studies about Privacy home and abroad ............................................................ 10
2.2.1 Studies about Privacy at home ................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Studies about Privacy abroad ...................................................................10
Chapter3 A Comparative Approach to Privacy ......................................................... 13
3.1 Individualism and Privacy in America ...............................................................13
3.1.1 Understanding of Individualism .............................................................. 14
3.1.2 Emerson’s Individualism and Privacy ..................................................... 14 Individual soul and Privacy ............................................................ 14 Personality and Privacy ...................................................................17 Personal right and Privacy .............................................................. 18
3.2 Confucianism and Privacy in Chinese Culture ............................................. 21
3.2.1 Ren and Privacy ....................................................................................... 21 What is Ren .....................................................................................22 Ren & Privacy .................................................................................23
3.2.2 Li and Privacy .......................................................................................... 26 What is Li ........................................................................................26 Li & Privacy ....................................................................................28
3.2.3 Zhong Yong and Privacy ..........................................................................30 What is Zhong Yong ........................................................................30 Zhong Yong & Privacy ................................................................... 30
3.3 The Analysis of the Comparison ........................................................................ 33
Chapter4 Privacy and Pragmatic Principles .............................................................. 35
4.1 Privacy and Politeness Principle ........................................................................ 35
4.1.1 Confucian thoughts on Politeness Principle ............................................ 36
4.1.2 Western Politeness Principle .................................................................... 38
4.1.3 Case Studies ............................................................................................. 42
4.2 Privacy and Cooperative Principle. ....................................................................46
4.2.1 Confucian thoughts on Cooperative Principle ......................................... 46
4.2.2 The definition of CP .................................................................................48
4.2.3 Conversational Implicature ...................................................................... 49
4.2.4 Case Studies ............................................................................................. 50
Chapter5 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 54
5.1 Major findings of this study ............................................................................... 54
5.2 Theoretical and applied values of the study .......................................................54
5.3 Limitations of this study and prospects for future research ............................... 55
Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 56
在读期间公开发表的论文 ............................................................................................ 59
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations and Objects of the Thesis
As a social phenomenon, privacy can be observed in all languages and cultures
and it has long been an important object of study in inter-cultural communication.
There are various understandings and definitions about privacy in different cultures,
but what are the causes of such differences?
Awareness of the differences of privacy in different cultures is important for
effective communication.
This paper is to apply the theories about privacy both home and abroad and
probe into Chinese traditional philosophical thought which has dominated Chinese
culture for thousands of years-Confucianism, with the analysis of conversations
dealing with privacy in works about Confucianism, making a contrast of Western and
Eastern privacy. Furthermore, the author finds out the impact of Confucianism and
individualism on the pragmatic principles when dealing with privacy. So, we can know
the differences through the whole process, from the concept of privacy to the
communication of privacy.
There are a lot of studies about privacy in inter-culture communication from the
perspective of law, but there is rarely any study of privacy from the point of view of
philosophy, this paper focuses on the philosophical differences by applying
Confucianism and Individualism in the process of analyzing privacy. After a lot of
studies have been done, the author gives some suggestions about the fundamental
differences of privacy between Chinese and Westerners under the impact of
philosophical thoughts. So, when privacy is involved in the process of inter-cultural
communication, we can breakout the barrier of privacy, and achieve the
communicative objects.
1.2 Significance of the Thesis
People in different cultures are paying more and more attention to privacy.
Although Chinese are more aware of the concept of privacy than before, there are still
a lot of differences from American. Figuring out the causes by analyzing Confucianism
A Comparative Approach to the Impact of Confucianism on Privacy in Chinese culture
which has dominated Chinese culture for thousand years, we can get the fundamental
reasons and get rid of the barriers in inter-cultural communication when privacy is
Privacy is a very important issue in Western countries, especially in America.
There have been various studies about privacy in Western culture, but little even no
studies about privacy has been conducted under the impact of Confucianism. The
author holds a relative new point of view from Confucianism, and figure out the
underlying philosophical reasons for the differences between Chinese privacy and
American privacy.
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
The paper consists of five chapters.
Chapter one is an introduction, in the first part, the author briefly introduces the
motivations and the significance of analyzing the impacts of Confucianism on privacy
Chapter two is the literature view on privacy: concept of privacy, connotation
and extension of privacy, functions of privacy, and studies about privacy home and
Chapter three discusses about the impact of Confucianism on privacy, and it is
the main part of the whole paper.
Chapter four will come to the impact of Confucianism on pragmatic strategies
from which we can see the dynamic differences between Chinese culture and American
The last part naturally comes to the conclusion that it is important to note the
differences of privacy in inter-cultural communication, and people should minimize the
negative effects of privacy in communication.


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:62 页 大小:542.91KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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