
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 3.97MB 65 页 15积分
摘 要
据发动机的工作环境和工作状况,对 PID 控制的各个控制参数进行调整,可以实
现怠速的控制。但是 PID 控制很难同时满足超调量小、过渡过程时间短、控制精
本文分别采用了 PID 控制算法和模糊控制算法对汽车发动机的怠速转速进行控制,
PID 控制方式相比,模糊控制可以很好地削弱暖机过程及稳定怠速时的转速波动。
1. 以桑塔纳 AFE 发动机为对象构建了汽车发动机怠速控制系统试验台,借助
原机的传感器和执行器,自行设计了怠速控制系统 ECU,实现了怠速空气量、喷
2. 将数字 PID 技术应用于发动机的怠速控制过程,设计了数字积分分离式发
动机怠速 PID 控制算法,并对 PID 控制器的参数进行了整定。
3. 将模糊控制理论应用于发动机的怠速控制过程,设计了发动机怠速模糊控
4. 从硬件和软件两个方面对控制系统进行了抗干扰设计,基本解决了控制系
5. 通过发动机台架实验,对桑塔纳 AFE 发动机的怠速 PID 控制算法和模糊控
关键词:汽车发动机 怠速控制 PID 控制技术 模糊控制技术
The control of the intake air amounts at idle mode is the key and idling control is
one of the most important contents of the electronic control on gasoline engines used in
automobiles, and also is a necessary step to reduce fuel consumption and exhaust
emission in automobiles. Meanwhile, the characteristics of gasoline engine showed at
idling, such as nonlinearity, frequent variation with time, and indetermination make it
difficult to deduce its exact mathematical model. Therefore, investigation on idling
control has been attached widespread importance to.
The PID control is the widespread control method adopted in practice, and the
structure and parameters of the system can be decided according to the experience and
by debugging. In idle control system, according to the work environment and conditions
of the engine, through the adjustment of control parameters for PID controller, the idle
mode can be controlled. But it is very difficult to satisfy the smaller overshoot, shorter
transition time, higher control precision commands for the PID control at the same time,
and to confirm best parameters of system, a great deal of experiments must be done to
get precision mathematical model.Contrarily, fuzzy control method has the advantage
of not requiring the knowledge of a mathematical model of the controlled object and is
also more robust and flexible than traditional control approaches. Idling control is to
control the flow rate of intake air to achieve the target engine speed in idling state.
In this paper, a control system including hardware and software has been
developed. The composition of the system, the fuel injection and ignition signal
generation, and the gasoline quantity injected and ignition advance angle are also
discussed in detail and the output parameter is PWM signal supplied on the bypass air
valve. The system uses a 80C196KC single chip microprocessor as the Central
Processing Unit to process sensor signals and to control fuel injection, spark timing and
the open angle of the bypass air valve, etc.
In the PID control algorithm, through the separation value setted, which makes the
control effects have the bigger improvement, on one hand, the integral function still
work, on the other hand, the overshoot was reduced. The fuzzy control algorithm has
been designed according to the steps of Fuzzification, Rule Reference, and
Defuzzification. In the Fuzzy model, continuous triangular functions are used for input
membership functions to enlarge input information, and a number-combination data
structure is used for Rule reference to save running time.
The experimental data obtained by PID control are compared with those obtained
by fuzzy control. The results show that, compared with the PID control algorithm, the
fuzzy control has better control effects.
Key Words
Engines, Idle Speed Control, PID Control, Fuzzy Control
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 汽车发动机电子控制技术发展简介 .............................. 1
§1.2 汽油机电控系统的发展趋势 .................................... 2
§1.3 国内外汽车发动机怠速控制的研究状况 .......................... 3
§1.4 怠速控制的立题依据 .......................................... 5
§1.5 本文主要工作内容 ............................................ 6
第二章 怠速控制系统的总体设计 ........................................ 8
§2.1 汽油多点喷射系统 ............................................ 8
§2.1.1 概述 ..................................................... 8
§2.1.2 汽油多点喷射系统的组成和工作原理 ........................ 10
§2.1.3 怠速空气流量控制方案 .................................... 15
§2.2 点火控制系统 ............................................... 16
§2.2.1 点火系统的组成 .......................................... 16
§2.2.2 点火线圈的控制 .......................................... 16
§2.2.3 点火提前角的控制策略 .................................... 17
§2.2.4 点火闭合角的控制策略 ..................................... 19
§2.3 信号采集和控制器 ........................................... 20
§2.3.1 信号采集 ................................................ 20
§2.3.2 执行机构 ................................................ 21
§2.3.3 控制器 .................................................. 21
§2.4 怠速控制方案 ............................................... 21
§2.5 小结 ....................................................... 22
第三章 发动机怠速 PID 控制算法研究 ................................... 23
§3.1 PID 控制简介 ................................................ 23
§3.2 数字式 PID 控制器的设计 ..................................... 24
§3.3 数字式 PID 控制算法的改进 ................................... 26
§3.4 PID 控制器的参数整定 ........................................ 27
§3.5 小结 ....................................................... 28
第四章 发动机怠速模糊控制算法研究 ................................... 30
§4.1 系统配置 ................................................... 30
§4.2 输入变量的模糊化 ........................................... 31
§4.2.1 输入隶属函数的定义 ...................................... 31
§4.2.2 输入变量实时值的计算 .................................... 32
§4.2.3 模糊子集隶属函数的计算 .................................. 33
§4.2.4 输出隶属函数的定义 ...................................... 33
§4.3 模糊推理 ................................................... 34
§4.3.1 控制规则总结 ............................................ 34
§4.3.2 模糊推理合成算法 ........................................ 34
§4.4 反模糊化 ................................................... 37
§4.5 小结 ....................................................... 37
第五章 控制系统的硬件设计 ........................................... 38
§5.1 单片机系统 ................................................. 38
§5.2 信号采集系统电路设计 ....................................... 39
§5.3 功率驱动电路的设计 ......................................... 41
§5.4 小结 ....................................................... 44
第六章 控制软件设计 ................................................. 45
§6.1 上位机软件介绍 .............................................. 45
§6.2 下位机软件介绍 .............................................. 45
§6.2.1 主控程序 ............................................... 45
§6.2.2 喷油、点火中断子程序 ................................... 46
§6.2.3 电磁阀控制中断子程序 .................................... 46
§6.2.4 数据处理模块程序 ......................................... 47
§6.2.5 怠速处理模块 ............................................ 47
§6.3 模糊处理程序 ................................................ 48
§6.3.1 输入变量模糊化 .......................................... 49
§6.3.2 规则推理程序 ............................................ 49
§6.4 小结 ....................................................... 50
第七章 控制系统的抗干扰设计 ......................................... 51
§7.1 干扰分析 ................................................... 51
§7.2 系统的抗干扰设计 ........................................... 51
§7.2.1 系统硬件抗干扰设计 ....................................... 51
§7.2.2 控制系统的软件抗干扰 .................................... 52
§7.3 小结 ....................................................... 52
第八章 实验结果及分析 ............................................... 53
§8.1 实验用主要仪器设备 ......................................... 53
§8.1.1 桑塔纳 AFE 发动机的主要参数指标 .......................... 53
§8.1.2 所用测试仪器和设备 ...................................... 53
§8.2 实验结果及分析 ............................................. 54
§8.3 小结 ....................................................... 56
第九章 全文总结 ..................................................... 57
参考文献 ............................................................ 58
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 60
............................................................... 61


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:65 页 大小:3.97MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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