
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 515.45KB 58 页 15积分
Chapter 1 A Brief Review of Previous Studies of Willa
§1.1 The Pioneer Spirit and the American Dream…………………………….6
§1.2 Myths and Archetypes in Cathers Works………………………….........8
§1.3 Feminist Criticism of Cathers Works……………………………….......8
§1.4 Eco-criticism of Cathers Works……………………………………….10
Chapter 2 Human-nonhuman Relationship……………………………………........12
§2.1 Brief Introduction to Land Ethic and Deep Ecology…………………...12
§2.1.1 Aldo Leopold and the Land Ethic……………………………….......12
§2.1.2 Arne Naess and Deep Ecology………………………………………13
§2.2 Human-nonhuman Relationship of Today’s China…………..................14
§2.2.1 Human Attitude toward the Land……………………………………15
§ Man – Designer of the Wilderness……………………………….15
§ Man – Abuser of the Land……………………………………….15
§ Man – Destroyer of the Land…………………………………….16
§2.2.2 Human Attitude toward Animals……………………………………17
§ Man – Slaughter of Animals…………………………………......17
§ Man – Conqueror of Animals……………………………………18
§ Man – Friend of Animals?.............................................................19
§2.2.3 Ecological Crisis of Our Day……………………………………......19
§ Symptoms of the Ecological Crisis………………………………20
§ Root of Our Ecological Crisis……………………………………21
§2.3 Ecological Instructions from Willa Cather…………………………......22
§2.3.1 Lover of the Land: Alexandra……………………………………….22
§2.3.2 Friend of the Animals: Ivar………………………………………….24
§2.3.3 Daughter of Nature: Antonia…………………………………….......26
§2.3.4 A New Ecological Worldview……………………………………….28
§ Conservation of the Land………………………………………...29
§ Affinity with Mother Nature…………………………………......30
§ From Material Life to Spiritual Life…………………………......30
Chapter 3 Interpersonal Relationship……………………………………………….32
§3.1 Interpersonal Relationship of Our Day…………………………………32
§3.1.1 A World of Indifference and Estrangement………………………….32
§3.1.2 A World of Pride and Prejudice………………………………….......34
§3.2 Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship in Cathers Artistic World……36
§3.2.1 Understanding of, Respect for and Tolerance to Each Other………..36
§3.2.2 Caring for and Learning from Each Other…………………………..39
Chapter 4 Relationship between Man and His Self…………………………………42
§4.1 People’s Spiritual State in Our Day…………………………………….42
§4.1.1 The Lost Modern People…………………………………………….42
§4.1.2 The Spiritual Crisis of Our Society…………………………….........44
§4.2 Spiritual Beauty in Cathers Artistic World…………………….............46
§4.2.1 Optimistic Attitude toward Life: to Make the Most Out of it….........46
§4.2.2 Courage and Imagination in Pursuit of Self-identity and
Works Cited………………………………………………………………………........54
Willa Cather (1873-1947) was a talented woman writer in the first half of the 20th
century. She is best known for her depiction of the trying yet inspiring frontier life of
the pioneers in the Midwestern America. Her writing style is fresh and genuine, natural
and spontaneous. The public has embraced her works warmly ever since the publication
of her first novel Alexanders Bridge in 1912. With her triptych O, Pioneers! (1913),
The Song of the Lark (1915) and My Antonia (1918), she successfully established
herself as a first-rate regional writer in American literature. In 1922, she won Pulitzer
Prize for a less-known novel dealing with war experiences One of Ours, with more of
other awards to follow.
Cather was born in Virginia, outside Winchester. At the age of nine her family
went west and settled in south-central Nebraska, near Red Cloud. The section had
previously been peopled, soon after the opening of the Union Pacific and Burlington
Railways, in the late 1860s, by Norwegians, Swedes, Russians, and Czechs. Much of
the country was still raw prairie (Schroeter 130). The melting pot of the country offered
young Cather a chance to observe and absorb various cultures of the immigrants, which
became the wellspring of her writing career.
Cather did not attend primary school, but she obtained a comprehensive family
education, including appreciation of music, study of Latin and Greek and an extensive
reading of English classics. In 1890, she entered the University of Nebraska, turned a
new leaf of her life and made her first step into the domain of letters with her dramatic
criticisms of theatre reviewing for the Nebraska State Journal, she herself being a
regular theatre-goer and showing a fine taste for plays, concerts and the like.
After graduation in 1895, she took the job in 1896 as assistant editor of a new
Pittsburgh magazine the Home Monthly for a year and then as telegraph editor on the
Pittsburgh Leader. During this period she wrote a large amount of journalism and
continued writing book and theatre reviews for several magazines. Early at that time it
was quite clear to everyone who knew and read her that “she is unquestionably destined
to be among the foremost of American literary women” (Lee 41). During her teaching
career from 1901 to 1906, Cather published her first collection of pastorals April
Twilights (1903) and her first collection of stories The Troll Garden (1905), which
helped her win a post as editor for the McClures, one of the most famous publications
Eulogizer of the Ecological Harmony, Defender of the Spiritual Beauty:
On the Resurgence of the Realistic Significance of Willa Cather Study
in the country. Willa Cather, the immigrant girl from Nebraska, thus made a further step
into the outer world.
Diligent as she was, Cather could not find much leisure for writing at the
McClures. Following a famous woman writer Sarah Orne Jewett’s advice, Cather
turned a full-time writer in 1912, shortly after the completion of her first novel
Alexanders Bridge. From then on, she went from the “parish” to the “world”, found her
“quiet center of life” and began trying to “write to the human heart” (qtd. in Randall III
60-61), leaving the world 16 novels, 55 short stories, 2 collections of poems, 1
collection of essays and 8 other relevant works ( 朱炯强,精选集 5), enjoying great
fame and winning many awards including Pulitzer Prize (1923), Howells Medal (1930),
Prix Femina Americaine (1932), Gold Medal of the National Institute of Arts and
Letters (1944), and honorary degrees from University of Nebraska, University of
Michigan, University of California, Columbia University, Yale University, Princeton
and Creighton (http://gustavus.edu/academics/english/cather/awards.html).
The major themes of Cathers works can be roughly divided into three categories:
the spirit of the frontier in both modern and ancient times; the threat to that spirit in the
encroachment of materialism and selfish acquisitiveness; and the nature of the artist (qtd.
in 27-8). Critics have also found a noticeable change in the tone of her writing since
the 1920s, and Cather once admitted that: “the world broke in two about 1920, and I
belonged to the former half” (Bennett 148). Due much to WWI and its aftermath, her
works after the war, e.g. A Lost Lady (1923), Professors House (1925), My Mortal
Enemy (1926) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) were tinged with a sense of
loss and nostalgia, and a touch of anxiety and unease in an ever materialized and
industrialized society.
In retrospect, the early critiques of Cather and her works were quite positive and
appreciative. Maxwell Geismar, a famous critic, acclaimed Cather as “an aristocrat in an
equalitarian order, an agrarian writer in an industrial order, a defender of the spiritual
graces in the midst of an increasingly materialistic culture” (qtd. in 199-200). In
1924, when Sixteen Modern American Writers was published, Cather was the only
woman writer chosen in it (24). According to Stephanie Vaughn, Sinclair Lewis is
reported to have said in 1930 that his Nobel Prize should have gone to Cather (qtd. in
Cather, Antonia x). In the heyday of her career, she could not pass the Central Park
without being asked for signature (ibid). However, from the 1930s till the 1950s, a
period which first witnessed the Great Depression and then a relatively rapid
development of capitalism, due to their inability to reflect the American reality, her
works went gradually out of favor and her voice was at one time silenced. In the 1960s,
with the rise of feminist movement, feminist criticism emerged and flourished. The
successful characterization of female antagonists in Cathers works once more arrested
the attention of the critical circles. Meanwhile, as the worldwide ecological crisis
becomes severer, eco-criticism has come into being and provided a new perspective for
Cather study. Today, critics sing high praise for Cather and her works, listing her as one
of the greatest novelists in American literary history together with the most outstanding
figures such as Henry James, Hemingway and Faulkner (炯强,76). In October
1973, an international seminar entitled “The Art of Willa Cather” was held in Lincoln,
Nebraska. At present, the International Cather Seminar is held biennially, attracting lots
of participants to explore and appreciate the diversity and beauty of Cathers art. Cather
study, after its first stage of popularity and then a long period of negligence, is now
experiencing a vigorous resurgence and making lots of inspiring achievements.
Internationally Cather study is blooming and flourishing, but back in China, it has
rather a late start and enjoys but a brief history of about two decades, beginning with the
translation of Cathers fictions in the early 1980s. Until recently, with so much going on
centered on Cather internationally, Cather study is rapidly gaining popularity among
scholarship and readership in China, witnessing the publication of an increasing number
of essays and dissertations on Cather and her works from various perspectives. Sun
Hong, a famous professor and Ph. D. supervisor in Renmin University, has been
undertaking a project of “The Historical Evolution and Critical Experience of Cather
Studies” sponsored by the National Fund of Philosophy and Social Sciences, and has
published several instructive essays concerning Cather study. Generally, the focus of the
Chinese scholarship is on the analysis and appreciation of Cathers works from different
angles, for instance, representation of the pioneer spirit and the American dream in
Cathers works, myths and archetypes in her works, feminist criticism, eco-feminist
criticism and the newly-rising approach: ecological criticism. Also, there are some
essays illustrating Cathers narrative techniques and her employment of art forms such
as music and painting in her works. However, books particularly on Cather and her
works remain quite few. And what is more, up to now research into the realistic
significance of the resurgence of Cather study in today’s China is little. And the author
Eulogizer of the Ecological Harmony, Defender of the Spiritual Beauty:
On the Resurgence of the Realistic Significance of Willa Cather Study
of this thesis believes that the resurgence of Cather study is of great significance to the
present society of China. Interested in and inspired by the achievements of Cather study
in China, the author of this thesis makes an attempt to probe into the realistic
significance of the resurgence of Cather study on the basis of an analysis of the major
concerns in Cathers two early novels O, Pioneers! and My Antonia, which roughly deal
with three major themes: the relationship between man and nature, between man and
man, and between man and his self. The author sincerely hopes that this thesis will
show the positive impact of Cathers works on the reality in China, and dig out the
cause of the resurgence of Cather study as well.
This thesis includes five chapters altogether. Chapter 1 is a literature review, in
which a brief survey of the previous studies of Cather and her works is made, and the
major findings and achievements are provided. The following three chapters serve as
the body of the thesis, exposing the ecological harmony and spiritual beauty in Cathers
O, Pioneers! and My Antonia from three aspects: the relationship between man and
nature, the relationship between man and man, the relationship between man and his
self, in the hope of shedding some light on the natural and spiritual ecology during the
course of China’s modernization. Chapter 5 comes as the conclusion, pointing out the
necessity and realistic significance of the resurgence of Cather study.
Witnessing the deterioration of our living environment, we are forced to
retrospect on our attitude toward Mother Nature. Cather, a nature-lover, gives her
ecological imagination full expression in her works. In the above mentioned novels, the
harmonious co-existence between human and non-human worlds is almost a common
voice of all people in all places nowadays. The ecological philosophy consciously or
unconsciously revealed in these novels admirably agrees with many principles of
Leopold’s “Land Ethic” and Arne Naess’ deep ecology theory, for instance, man is only
a member of a biotic team, and man should respect his fellow-members and the
community as such (Leopold 254); every form of life is entitled a right to live and to
prosper (Sessions 26). Ironically enough, up to now many of our practices still go
against these principles. Therefore, it is necessary to read Cather, to listen to her and to
learn the lesson she teaches.
While we are heading proudly toward an industrialized and urbanized society,
fierce competition and fast-paced life are exerting a great impact on our interpersonal
relationship and the well-being of our inner world, causing estrangement among people


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:58 页 大小:515.45KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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