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I would like to thank all the people whose intellectual and personal supports have
made it possible for me to undertake the research and complete this thesis.
Among those to whom I am indebted, special thanks first and foremost go to
Professor Lv Le, my respectable supervisor, who has patiently helped me with my thesis
writing and provided me with valuable advice and inspiration of new ideas. Her careful
guidance and instructions throughout my study as well as her consistent encouragement
contributes a great deal to the completion of the thesis.
I would also like to express my deep appreciation to Professor John Read, the
distinguished language testing expert from Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand, who has offered me the latest information and helped me a lot with the test
designing for my thesis.
Thanks also go to all the distinguished professors in the College of Foreign
languages, USST. All the academic knowledge they have imparted me is of great help
to my research as well as to my future career.
I am also thankful for the help from my former associates and their students for
their contribution to this study. They have offered invaluable information to me in the
Last but not the least, I would like to express my gratitude to my dear parents and
my husband who are always behind me and give me constant encouragement and
support whenever I am in difficulties.
With the renewed research interest in vocabulary teaching, the importance of
vocabulary knowledge to reading comprehension has been widely recognized.
Drawing on the framework of vocabulary knowledge by Nation, Qian’s framework
of in-depth vocabulary knowledge and his reading model, the present research has
explored correlations between Chinese intermediate-level EFL learners’ vocabulary
knowledge (in both breadth and depth dimensions) and their reading performance, and
especially the effects of in-depth vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension.
The breadth of vocabulary knowledge (BVK) of the 40 subjects from Anhui
University of Science and Technology is measured by VST, their depth of vocabulary
knowledge (DVK) by a revised WAT and a self-designed MKT, and their reading
proficiency by the reading test in CET 6. The scores are computed and analyzed by
The empirical findings indicate significant correlations between BVK and DVK,
each of which has a great influence on readers’ reading performance, and both
dimensions can predict reading proficiency. To intermediate-level EFL learners, DVK is
a stronger predictor of their reading proficiency. Within the depth dimension, the two
subcomponents, lexical meaning and collocation, affect reading comprehension
significantly, with the former having greater impact, while the morphological
knowledge does not influence reading comprehension to a significant extent.
The present research has both theoretical and practical significance. Testing
instruments of in-depth vocabulary knowledge are revised or designed to better assess
vocabulary knowledge of Chinese intermediate-level ESL learners. It is also hoped that
the findings shed light on further research on vocabulary teaching in relation to the
enhancement of reading proficiency at all levels of English language learning.
Key Words: breadth of vocabulary knowledge, depth of vocabulary
knowledge, reading comprehension
摘 要
借鉴前人的研究成果,本研究基于著名词汇研究专家 Nation 建立的词汇知识
框架、Qian 建立的词汇深度知识框架和阅读理解模式,从词汇的广度和深度两个
本研究以安徽工程科技大学英语专业的 40 名二年级学生为受试者,通过词汇
原始数据,利用 SPSS 13.0 进行处理分析。
关键词:词汇知识广度 词汇知识深度 阅读理解
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 VLT Test Format (Nation, 1990)................................................................................ 14
Figure 2.2 VKS by Wesche & Paribakht (1996)..........................................................................15
Figure 2.3 WAT by Read (1998................................................................................................17
Figure 3.1 Hu & Nation’s Triangle Model (2000).......................................................................24
Figure 3.2 Reading Model proposed by Qian (1998) .................................................................. 25
Figure 4.1 A Test Item From VST ................................................................................................33
Figure 4.2 A Test Item form WAT................................................................................................35
Figure 5.1 Interrelations among Vocabulary Breadth, Depth and Reading Comprehension ...... 55
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Nation’s Elaborated Framework of Vocabulary Knowledge (2001, p. 26)................... 7
Table 3.1 Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Testing (Read, 2000, p. 9)......................................28
Table 4.1 Description of the 40 Subjects..................................................................................... 31
Table 4.2 MKT Target Words and Frequency Distribution......................................................... 36
Table 5.1 Descriptive Statistics of VST, WAT, MKT and RC ..................................................... 40
Table 5.2 Reliability of WAT and MKT .......................................................................................41
Table 5.3 Independent Samples Test ............................................................................................41
Table 5.4 Correlations between scores on VST and DVK...........................................................43
Table 5.5 Correlations between scores on VST, DVK and RC ................................................... 44
Table 5.6 Correlations between LM, COL, MKT and RC ...........................................................44
Table 5.7 Model Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis of VST, DVK and RC................. 46
Table 5.8 Coefficients of Multiple Regression Analysis of VST, DVK and RC.........................46
Table 5.9 Model Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis of DVK, VST and RC.................47
Table 5.10 Coefficients of Multiple Regression Analysis of DVK, VST and RC.......................47
Table 5.11 Model Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis of DVK (LM, COL, MK) and RC
.............................................................................................................................................. 48
Table 5.12 Coefficients of Multiple Regression Analysis of DVK (LM, COL, MKT) and RC. 48
List of Abbreviations
BNC: British National Corpus
BVK: Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge
CET 6: College English Test Band 6
COL: Collocation
DVK: Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge
EFL: English as a Foreign Language
ESL: English as a Second Language
L1: First Language
L2: Second Language
LM: Lexical Meaning
MKT: Morphological Knowledge Test
RC: Reading Comprehension
SLA: Second Language Acquisition
TEM 4: Test for English Majors Band 4
VLT: Vocabulary Levels Test
VKS: Vocabulary Knowledge Scale
VST: Vocabulary Size Test
WAT: Word Association Test


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:92 页 大小:803.38KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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