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A Study of Pragmatic Markers in Talk Shows from the Perspective of Adaptation
Theory is the preliminary attempt stimulated by Prof. & Dr. Han Geling’s scholastic
wisdom in the interpretation of linguistic theories and approaches to linguistic
phenomena in communication. During the course of my preparing for the thesis toward
general acceptability, a multitude number of people including my fellow students,
friends and cousins who have assisted me with great help and the meticulous notice
should totally be entitled to my sincerest and heartfelt recognitions.
The endless gratitude from the bottom of my heart will go to Prof. & Dr. Han
Geling, my supervisor for two-and-half-year study of postgraduate at the University of
Shanghai for Science and Technology. Just as a navigator, she guides me to voyage in
the ocean of extensive knowledge. She is the erudite scholar who ingeniously ushers me
into the enthralling sphere of pragmatics and more academic domains alike. Her
intellectual inspiration, illuminating instruction, incessant concerning about my program
in the research, and numerously scholastic comments on the drafts of each chapter in
terms of content, structure, layout, and organization have contributed immensely to
grant the current study more correctness. Without her sustainable attention and
never-ending encouragement, the successful completion of the current research will not
be carried out.
My thanks also goes to Prof.& Postdoctoral. Han Shihui who is the doctoral
supervisor and the former dean of Psychology Institution of Beijing University,
selflessly and kindly offers a large amount of research data with the academic value to
me out of his heavy schedule. And he also conducts me to make many analyses and
some tentative interpretations in terms of psychological aspects among numerous
pragmatic motivations. Furthermore, he provides me with some significantly helpful
suggestion about how to write the master thesis. I am not able to extricate my research
enthusiasm of his outstanding knowledge, the scholarly erudition, and the excellent
comprehension in the research of scientific analogy.
In addition, I would express my thanks for my friends who share with me jobs and
offer me academic assistance, my would like express my sincere thanks to those
scholastic professors from College of Foreign Languages of University of Shanghai for
Science and Technology. Among them, Prof. Dai Weihua and Vice Prof. Ni Rong should
be entitled to my sincere appreciation in that they benefit me with their extensively
linguistic knowledge and marvelous lectures.
Least but not last, it is obligatory for me to tender the sincere gratitude to my
fiancé--Mr. Li Yanhua, who is my mentor not only in the academic study but also in the
daily life. Without his unfailing support and encouragement for the two and half years at
the university, I can nether persist in the two and half years of postgraduate study nor
access to the current professional progress.
Finally, the most special devoirs should be contributed to my great parents. Owing
to her tireless pursuit and scientific attainments in the study of English, my mother, my
enlightenment tutor for English, devotes all her efforts and patience to my English
learning. It is no exaggeration says that my achievement in the study of English should
benefit from the endowments inherited from my intelligent mother with her total
English-oriented genes. Besides, the ability of rational thinking and comprehensive and
systematic analysis inherited from my wise father can also help me take every solid step
and progress on the way of academic research.
The current study is the theoretical investigation concerning pragmatic markers in
talk shows within the framework of linguistic adaptation. Its aim is to prove into the
strategic application of pragmatic markers in the interactive utterances in talk shows in
order to achieve the adaptive functions of the conversational interpretation. In particular,
the current study respectively discusses how the five different types of pragmatic
markers involved in three subject matters of talk shows can facilitate the speaker to
transfer the utterance information and induce the hearer to confirm to the speakers
communicative intention, aiming at achieving the successfully conversational
In order to reveal the feasibility of the adaptive function of pragmatic markers, the
current study attempts to establish such the thinking pattern as pragmatic markers used
by interlocutors in the interactive utterance in talk shows are a type of discourse
strategies, which have the pragmatic functions of adaptation. And the adaptive function
can react in three aspects of the linguistic context constructed by utterances of talk
shows. They are the communicative context, the linguistic context, and the linguistic
structure of the speaker. Therefore, the comprehensive and systematic research for the
adaptive functions of pragmatic markers in talk shows is carried out.
First and foremost, pragmatic markers in talk shows are regarded as the highest
usage frequency and the most positive pragmatic units based on a large number of
literature reviews in terms of talk shows, the pilot studies of pragmatic markers, and
pragmatic markers in talk shows. As a result, the research of pragmatic markers in the
talk shows has the remarkably theoretic significance and the practical value.
Secondly, a tentative classification of pragmatic markers in talk shows is
undertaken combining with all audio-visual and written segments in the collection of
data within the theoretic framework of linguistic adaptation, namely order-sequencing
markers, authority-claiming markers, self-sustaining markers, turn-dominating markers,
and utterance-initiating markers. In the meanwhile, some Chinese and English examples
and their pragmatic interpretation for each type of pragmatic markers respectively are
exercised. The results indicate that the five types of pragmatic markers generate three
adaptive functions, namely communicative coherence, explicit information, and
utterance fulfillment related to the physic world, the social world, and the mental world
in the communicative context, the linguistic context, and the linguistic structure of the
Finally, pragmatic markers are put into the interactive utterances of three subject
matters of talk shows (news talk shows, finance and economics talk shows, and
personage talk shows) and made the contrast in the particularly conversational context.
In addition, statistics of the usage frequency of pragmatic markers are listed in sequence.
With two parameters concerning the social identity and gender of the interlocutors, the
pragmatic routines and the pragmatic functions of adaptation dealing with five types of
pragmatic markers in the above mentioned talk shows are investigated, aiming at
considering pragmatic markers as the best discourse strategy.
The current study facilitates to illustrate how pragmatic markers as the best
discourse strategy can render the interactive utterance into the communicative process
of interpretation in talk shows. Furthermore, it provides the magnificent reference and
practical consultation for the studies other institution interactions and language teaching
of argumentative discourses.
Key Words: Pragmatic Makers, Talk Show, Adaptation Theory,
Institutional Interaction
摘 要
关键词:语用标记语 电视访谈 顺应论 机构语言
A List of Abbreviations and Symbols
AT: adaptation theory
PM: pragmatic marker
PMs: pragmatic markers
-: a break in utterance
: a delay in utterance
A List of Figures
Figure1: Popular talk shows on China Center Television
Figure2: Statistics of the related studies of talk shows
Figure3: Researchers of pragmatic markers in a variety of languages
Figure4: Terminological diversity of pragmatic markers
Figure 5: Contextual correlates of adaptation
Figure6: Statistics of pragmatic markers of the high frequency in news talk shows
Figure 7: Statistics of pragmatic markers used by interlocutors with different genders in
news talk shows
Figure8:Statistics of pragmatic markers of the high frequency in finance and economics
talk shows
Figure 9: Statistics of pragmatic markers used by interlocutors with different genders in
finance and economics talk shows
Figure10: Statistics of pragmatic markers of the high frequency in personage talk
Figure 11: Statistics of pragmatic markers used by interlocutors with different genders
in personage talk shows


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:96 页 大小:885.02KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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