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Chapter Introduction
Chapter Introduction
1.1 The Significance of the Research
Nowadays, with the rapid development of the economy, many foreign products are
coming into Chinese markets; meanwhile, our domestic products are also facing a fierce
competition into the foreign markets. So how to make the products competitive and
attractive among the other products is of great significance for the businessmen. Except
for their excellent product quality, the publicity of the products is becoming more and
more important for many companies.
Advertisement, as one of the most effective means of publicizing the products, has
its higher commercial value. A well-translated advertisement can help set up a good
brand image among the consumers and finally promote the product sales. So the
advertisement translation, to a great extent, influences the producers’ sales volume.
However, nowadays poor advertisement translations are quite common, because of the
translators negligence of the cultural, social, physical and mental world differences
between English and Chinese. These improper advertisement translations have very bad
effect on the images of the products and destroy the good reputation of the enterprise as
well. So it is quite necessary for the producers to attach great importance to the
advertisement translation.
In recent years, many scholars have studied advertisement translations from
different perspectives, for instance, Nida’s the Equivalence Translation Theory, Skopos’
Action Theory and Sperber-Wilson’s the Relevance Theory and the like. But there is no
coherent and comprehensive perspective put forward to the advertisement translation.
Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory also provides a comprehensive and scientific
angle for pragmatics studies. Unlike other pragmatists, he neither sees pragmatics as a
branch of linguistics alongside with phonology, syntax, morphology and semantics, nor
sees it as parallel to the interdisciplinary fields as well, like the sociolinguistics,
psycholinguistics and so on. In his opinion, pragmatics is concerned about the full
complexity of linguistic behaviors. As a research approach to language use, his
Adaptation Theory tries to use a dynamic way to analyze discourse components. It is
indeed a pragmatic perspective on language use including the continuous making of
English and Chinese Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
adaptive linguistic choices at various levels of salience so as to meet the communicative
needs. Adaptation Theory studies pragmatics in a broader sense, involving the whole
range of social, cultural and cognitive aspects in constructing meanings through the
whole language use. Therefore it can provide a new and systematic perspective for
advertisement translation.
This thesis makes a tentative study of the English and Chinese advertisements
translation from the perspective of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory. It analyzes
advertisement components and the theoretical framework of Adaptation Theory as well
as the relationship between the adaptation and advertisement translation. The data used
in this paper are mainly the product advertisements in our daily life. Some data are
taken from the official website of the products; others are the printed commercial
advertisements in the products packaging from the supermarkets and the emporiums. To
some extent, this research is quite meaningful for advertisement translation.
1.2 Research Method
Jef Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory serves as the theoretical basis in this paper.
The contrastive and comparative research methods are applied in analyzing the
successful advertisement translations and some poor advertisement translations.
Finally, it uses a brief questionnaire to test the effectiveness of the research.
1.3 The Structure of the Thesis
There are five chapters in this thesis.
Chapter one is a general introduction of this paper, including the source of this
paper, the significance of this research, the research method and the structure of the
whole thesis.
Chapter two is an overview of the previous relevant studies and the current
researches. In this part, some scholars’ researches home and abroad have been
introduced. Besides it also makes an analysis of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory.
Chapter three presents a brief introduction about advertisement, including its
definition, purpose, functions and components.
Chapter four is the core part of this thesis. It makes a detailed analysis Adaptation
Theory and provides some samples of advertisement translations, including both the
successful and unsuccessful ones. Through the analysis of these samples, some
translation implications are acquired from the successful advertisement translation
Chapter Introduction
samples. For the unsuccessful ones, the author also tries to make modifications. A
questionnaire is designed mainly to test the effectiveness of the research. It includes two
parts: one part is to test whether some key factors relevant to Adaptation Theory in
advertisement translation are useful or not; the other part is mainly used to test the
effectiveness of revised version
Chapter five the conclusion summarizes the findings of this paper. It tries to sum
up several translation methods and proposes some useful suggestions for the further
advertisement translations study.
English and Chinese Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
Chapter Literature Review
Before our study, it’s quite necessary for us to make a full understanding of the
previous research on advertisement translation.
2.1 Researches in the Western Countries
In 1960s, the dominant linguistic theory of translation in western countries is the
equivalence-based linguistic approach which can be divided into two schools the
textual equivalence and the dynamic equivalence.
The textual equivalence school was founded by Catford and then it was developed
by Newmark.
The dynamic equivalence school was founded by Eugene A. Nida. He made
distinguish between the formal equivalence and the dynamic equivalence in translation:
the formal equivalence focuses on a faithful reproduction of source-text and the
dynamic equivalence concerns about the equivalence of extra-linguistic communicative
effect (Nida, 1964). The equivalence theory has been used in advertisement translation
ever since it was introduced to translation; especially Nida’s dynamic equivalence
theory gives many inspirations that the literal translation theory can’t achieve.
In 1970s, functional approach to translation appeared in Germany. There are two
main representatives Hans J. Vermeers Skopostheorie and its extensions; and Justa
Holz-Manttari’s theory of translational action. According to the functional approach,
translation type is not determined by the source text but by the purpose of translation
process—any translation process is determined by the overall translational action (Nord,
1997, p.37). The promotion purpose decides that advertisement translation is quite
different from other types of translation. In advertisement translation, the source text
serves only as an information offer from which the translators choose some interesting
and important information to satisfy the intended readers. Functional approach provides
the translators much more room for creating the target text; therefore nowadays it is
very popular among the advertisement translations. But due to its high purpose and
strong creativity, the translator may sometimes neglect some original rhetorical and
stylistic features in the original advertisement.
Guy Cook (1992) has made great contribution to advertisement development,
Chapter Literature Review
especially in terms of context classification. But there are still some limitations about
his opinions, which mainly focus on the semantic aspects. Besides, he thinks that
communication can be achieved first by the speakers who encode the information and
then by the listeners or readers who decode it. But Cook ignores the role of the
interpreter, nor takes the reader or the hearers emotions and feelings into consideration.
Cord Christina studies advertisement translation strategies through analyzing some
reception factors, for instance, the target audience, new products, target culture habits
and phonetic factors and so on.
In 2004, the translator proposes a special issue about the advertisement materials,
which stimulates contributors much more observations from different angles.
2.2 Researches in China
In China, there is a long history about translation and also a large number of
translation theories. The most influential and long lasting one may be Yan Fu’s
three-word criterion “faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance”. In addition, there are
some other scholars such as Lin Yutang’s translation criteria “faithfulness, coherence
and beauty” and Qu Qiubai’s “faithfulness and accuracy”. They are all the
representatives of the literal translation school, which pays much more attention to the
faithfulness to the source text.
Due to the special purpose of advertisement, especially its persuasive function,
only these criteria cant meet the need of advertisement translation development. The
translator should consider more factors related to the target audiences—the consumers.
Therefore, during the translating process, the advertisement translators should not only
consider the accuracy and faithfulness of the translation, but try their best to make the
advertisement translations attractive and interesting. A successful advertisement
translation can easily attract the audiences’ attention, and stimulate their buying desire
and at last persuade them to take action to buy.
In 1980s, some scholars had done a lot of research on advertisement translations.
Such as: Fan Yanbo (1987) discusses some problems existing in the brand name
translation from Chinese to English. Liu Xinlin (1990) discusses the problems existing
in commercial advertisement translations and proposes some solving methods. At the
same year, Li Xiangde discusses how to translate the four-character brand name from
Chinese to English.
In 1990s, some scholars and translators had begun to study the translation
English and Chinese Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
procedures and some advertisement translation principles. The studies mainly focus on
the advertisement language, the psychology of the consumers. Jiang Lei (1994) studies
the equivalence between English and Chinese commercial advertisement translation and
does some research on the translation procedure.
Nowadays, the advertisement translation research has had a big development.
There appear some new research views. For instance, Zheng Qiufang (2003) makes a
detailed analysis of advertisement translation on the basis of Skopos theory. Tan
Weiguo’s the Rhetoric Translation in English and Chinese Advertisement studies
advertisement translation based on some rhetorical features. Zeng Wenxiong proposes
some new views on advertisement translation in his new book, the Pragmatic
Approaches of Translation Studies. Guo Guilong (2008) analyzes the features of
advertisement and some advertisement translation strategies in his new book English
Advertisements: Style and Translation.
The precious studies have made great contributions, but there are still some
limitations left. Those researches mainly focus on the surface level, while the
extra-linguistic aspects, like context, culture, cognition or aesthetics are not fully
explored. Some researches on advertisement translation are based on Eugen Nida’s
equivalence translation theory and some others are on the basis of Sperber and Wilson’s
Relevance Theory or Skopos’ Action Theory. Most of the researches, however, only
explore certain aspects of translation. No complete and systematic pragmatic
perspective is offered to advertisement translation studies. Therefore these theories on
advertisement translations are far more than satisfying. In 1999, Verscheueren put
forward his Adaptation Theory which is a new and broad perspective for advertisement
2.3 Theoretical Background—Adaptation Theory
Adaptation Theory, or in its full name, pragmatics as a Theory of Linguistic
Adaptation, was first proposed by Jef Verschueren, the general secretary of the
International Pragmatics Association in the 1980s.
Through years of modification and enrichments, Verschueren finally put forward
his new view on pragmatics Adaptation Theory, in his new book Understanding
Pragmatics in 1999. Adaptation Theory, as a new approach to language study, provides
a new, comprehensive and scientific perspective for pragmatics research. It takes into
account the cognitive, social and cultural aspects of the linguistic phenomena. In order


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:62 页 大小:556.22KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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