
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-19 4 4 596.78KB 57 页 15积分
English Abstract
Chapter One Trademark and Advetisement..............................4
§1.1 Trademark……………………………………………………………………………........4
§1.1.1 Definition of Trademark…………………………………………………….........4
§1.1.2 The Categorization of Trademark…………………………………………..……..5
§1.2 Advertisement……………………………………………………………………….........6
§1.2.1 The Figures of Speech in Ad………………………………………………….........7
§1.2.2 The Linguistic Features of Ad…….. .……………………………………………...9
§1.3 Trademark, Advertisement and Translation……………………………………………….11
Chapter Two Equivalence Theory of Translation.........................13
§2.1 Equivalence at Word Level…………………………………………………………….....13
§2.1.1 The Definition of Word…………………………………………………………..13
§2.1.2 Lexical Meaning……………………………………………………………........13
§2.1.3 Difficulties of Word-level Equivalence .…………………………………………15
§2.1.4 Strategies for Word-level Equivalence…………………………………………...17
§2.2 Equivalence at Above-word Level……………………………………………………….17
§2.2.1 Collocation………………………………………………………………………..18
§2.2.2 Collocational Range, Markedness and Meaning.………………………………...19
§2.2.3 Idioms and Fixed Expressions……………………………………………………20
§2.2.4 Interpretation of Idioms and Fixed Expressions………………………….............21
§2.2.5 Strategies for Translation of Idioms and Fixed Expressions……………………..21
§2.3 Pragmatic Equivalence…………………………………………………………………..22
§2.3.1 Coherence………………………………………………………………………...22
§2.3.2 Implicature and Co-operative Principle…………………………………………..22
§2.3.3 Context and Culture………………………………………………………………24
Chapter Three Word-level Equivalence of Trademark and Advertisement
§3.1 The Comparison of English and Chinese Word…………………………………………..25
§3.2 Word-level Equivalence of Trademark and Ad Translation….………………………….26
§3.2.1 Word-level Equivalence of Trademark Translation……………….……………..26
§3.2.2 Word-level Equivalence of Ad Tanslation …………………………....................30
Chapter Four Above-word-level Equivalence of Trademark and Advertisement
§4.1 Above-word-level Equivalence of Trademark Translation...………………………….34
§4.2 Translation of Ad Idioms……………………………………………………………..37
§4.2.1 The Origin of Idioms………………………………………………………….37
§4.2.2 The Difficulties in Translating Ad Idioms…………………………………….39
§4.2.3 Strategies for Translating Ad Idioms……………………………………….....41
Chapter Five Pragmatic Equivalence of Trademark and Advertisement
§5.1 Coherence, Implicature,Trademark and Ad Translation………………………... ........45
§5.1.1 Coherence, Implicature and Trademark Translation….……………………......45
§5.1.2 Coherence, Implicature and Ad Translation……………………………………46
§5.2 Trademark and Ad Equivalence in Cultural Context...……………………………......48
§5.2.1 Trademark Equivalence in Cultural Context……………………………………49
§5.2.2 Ad Equivalence in Cultural Context……………………………………………50
With the rapid growth of world economy, numerous products are invented and
produced every day. Each of them has a name, by which people can refer to the product.
This involves trademark, which is also called brand name. Shakespeare ever said, “A
rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” It is true that rose still smells fragrant
even if it is called something else. But it is not the case of trademark in modern times.
Trademark is considered as the face or passport of a product. There are quite a lot of
products which failed to achieve success at first because they did not have a good
trademark. Generally speaking, a famous brand always has a good trademark. Besides a
good quality, the trademark also contributes a lot to the success of a product. In brief, a
good trademark is of great function and significance to a product. Trademark is always
unique and creative, so it is a demanding job to do its translation.
However, it is just not enough to have a good trademark. Supposing that the
producers want to convince people of the good quality of their products, they have to
turn to advertising. Actually, we are now in an era of salesmanship and ad has become a
part of our life. We are bombarded with thousands of ads (more and more bilingual ads)
everywhere, on TV, on bus, on metro, on the streets, so on and so forth. Ad is not just a
commercial, but also a cultural phenomenon, or has even become a kind of culture in
As a language learner, the author is very sensitive about the diction of bilingual
trademarks and ads, and also takes great interest in their translation. However, the
author had only ambiguous or simple idea about trademark and ad translation before. It
was not until the author came to USST and took translation as her major that she got a
deep understanding of trademark and ad translation. Needless to say, there are thousands
of translation scholars with thousands of translational theories. But the equivalence
theory is particularly applicable for trademark and ad translation. After reading the
translation book “In Other Words” by Mona Baker, the author achieved a systematic and
comprehensive understanding of trademark and ad translation. This thesis is just based
on the equivalence theory. This dissertation is to explore the trademark and ad
translation and make a comprehensive research on the base of equivalence theory.
On the Equivalence of Trademark and Advertisement Translation
Generally speaking, trademark is on the word level or above-word level. As to ad,
there are also a lot of words, collocation and idioms worth noting. So the dissertation
will explore the equivalence of trademark and ad translation at word level and
above-word level. It is not complete to study language just from the lexical level and
linguistic point. As a communicative tool, the trademark and ad translation should also
be studied from textual level and the point of pragmatics. So the dissertation will also
explore the pragmatic equivalence of trademark and ad translation. In this dissertation,
there are five chapters in total. The following is a brief introduction of each chapter.
Chapter One consists of three parts. Firstly, it is about the definition and
categorization of trademark, which are useful for the translation. Secondly, it is about
the figures of speech and linguistic features of ad. Thirdly, it is a brief explanation about
the relationship among trademark, ad and translation.
Chapter Two is the explanation of equivalence theory. It is made up of three parts.
Part One mainly discusses the equivalence at word level. Part Two deals with the
equivalence at above-word level. It introduces collocation, relevant collocational
theories, idioms and fixed expressions, and the interpretation of idioms and fixed
expressions. All of this knowledge contributes to the study of above-word-level
translation. Part Three is about pragmatic equivalence. It is involved with coherence,
implicature and co-operative principle, context and culture. Besides the introduction of
relevant theories, each part provides the translation strategies.
Chapter Three is about the application of the word-level theory in trademark and ad
translation. It has two parts. Part One is about the comparison of English and Chinese
word. Part Two is about the word-level equivalence in trademark and ad translation.
Chapter Four goes into above-word-level equivalence of trademark and ad
translation. Firstly, it introduces three ways of above-word-level translation in
trademark. Secondly, since idioms are an important and problematic part in
above-word-level ad translation, it is necessary to introduce the origin of idioms and
their difficulties in process of translation. Thirdly, it provides the strategies of
translating ad idioms.
Chapter Five expounds the pragmatic equivalence of trademark and ad translation.
It contains two parts. According to Mona Baker, the coherence and implicature are most
useful for dealing with the cross-cultural problems in translation. So Part One discusses
the relationship among coherence, implicature, trademark and ad translation. Cultural
context influences the trademark and ad translation. So Part Two probes into the
trademark and ad translation in cultural context.
At the end of the dissertation, concluding remarks have been made according to the
previous research and what research will be done in the future.
To maintain the validity, persuasiveness and liability of this dissertation, all the
data cited in the dissertation come from quite a few sources.
To sum up, the dissertation has two aims. Firstly, it is hoped that this research will
provide a comprehensive and systematic theoretic description of trademark and ad
translation on the base of equivalence theory. Secondly, it is hoped that this research
will shed some light on the trademark and ad translation, and make some contributions
to it.
On the Equivalence of Trademark and Advertisement Translation
Chapter One Trademark and Advertisement
§1.1 Trademark
§1.1.1 Definition of Trademark
Just like everyone has his own name, every product has a trademark. As to the
definition of trademark, there are some different ideas if it is defined from different
angles. “Technically speaking, a trademark is any word, design, slogan, sound or
symbol (including nonfunctional unique packaging) that serves to identify a specific
product brand” (Attorney Stephen Elias, 2003: 1/3-1/4). This definition elaborates on
the forms of trademark from a technical angle.
However, it is not complete. Even if a manufacturer uses a word or design to name
his product without registration, the word or design can not be entitled as a trademark.
And the worse is that it will not belong to manufacturer of the product if only others
have it registered beforehand. Thus a more accurate definition of trademark goes on like
this: “A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and
legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer”. (Quoted from PowerWord)
So firstly, the name, symbol or design, etc, which is used to serve as a trademark, should
be registered officially. Then its right of use can be restricted to the relevant owner or
The registered trademark is protected by trademark law all over the world even
though the laws of different countries may differ from each other more or less. Whereas
a trademark is registered in one country, it may still be owned by others in other
countries. Because the official registration and restriction are effective solely in the
relevant country. Therefore, on one hand, it means a product owner or manufacturer can
possess the trademark overseas supposed that he has it registered again in the relevant
country. On the other hand, the product owner or manufacturer should have the
trademark registered overseas before it is registered by others. Otherwise, he will not be
entitled to use his own trademark overseas. There are so many cases of this kind. For
example, the domestic manufacturer of “Peony” TV set is forbidden to use the
trademark in the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Luxemburg because it is
registered there by the Netherlands first. (Yu Fulin, 2003:101 )


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:57 页 大小:596.78KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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