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摘 要
scanning calorimetry, DSC根据细胞在降温过程中的放热量来评估其在特定低温
采用差示扫描量热法测定红细胞在 0.9 % NaCl 渗溶液中以 5/min 温时
的渗透参数,即 Lpg 0.1032 μm/min-atmELp 82.59 kcal/mol (R2=0.936),这与
先期 Han 的测定结果相近。
同样方法测定红细胞在渗透性保护剂中对水的渗透参数,红细胞在 20 % 二甲
基亚砜(DMSO)中,其 Lpg[cpa]0.0173 μm/min-atmELp[cpa]16.49 kcal/mol
(R2=0.913)20 % 甘油中 Lpg[cpa]0.0185 μm/min-atmELp[cpa]23.02 kcal/mol
(R2=0.987)10 % 甘油中 Lpg[cpa]0.0111 μm/min-atmELp[cpa]19.99 kcal/mol
中细胞失水情况,依据细胞束缚水含量推算其对应的最佳冷冻速度,细胞在 20 %
DMSO 中,其最佳降温速度为 37 /min,而在 10 % 甘油及 20 % 甘油中则分别
78 /min 44 /min
利用低温显微镜观察细胞以 5/min 降温时的形态变化,实验表明:细胞在
0.9 % NaCl ,随着温度逐步下降而不断缩小,直至完全溶血消失。渗透性保
剂的添加20 % DMSO10 % 甘油及 20 % 甘油)能延缓胞内水分流失,DMSO
会使细胞表面出现棘突,甘油在维持细胞形态上效果优于 DMSO
将载有低温保护剂的细胞悬液以 20 /min40 /min60 /min80 /min
100 /min 冷冻,根据红细胞回收率及血红蛋白回收率来考量保存效果。结果显示:
细胞在 20 % DMSO 中以 40 /min 降温,细胞回收率及血红蛋白回收率达到最高,
分别为 63.31±1.05 %80.41±3.07 %10 % 甘油则是在 80 /min 速度降温时保存
效果最佳,红细胞回收率及血红蛋白回收率分别达到 71.72±3.18 %
91.10±4.29 %;当甘油浓度提高20 %时,细胞的最佳降温速度为 40 /min,对
应的红细胞回收率及血红蛋白回收率分别为 73.60±2.24 %93.47±5.44 %冷冻解
冻去甘油红细胞的甘油含量符合质量要求(<10 g/L
实验结果与先前 DSC 热分析法给出的预测值相比较为接近,验证了用 DSC
关键词:红细胞 差示扫描量热法 水分迁移 最佳冷冻速度
Long-term storage of red blood cells (RBCs) ensures a readily available supply for
clinical demand. Nowadays, cryopreservation can extend storage periods. However,
damages occur during freezing and thawing, reducing RBC viability. Therefore, a lot of
improvements in media, cooling rates and temperatures were carried out for
optimization of cryopreservation with tedious examinations. On the other hand,
measurements on water transport (membrane permeability) characteristics can predict
the biophysical response of cells during freezing, which is a promising approach for
optimization of cryopreservation protocol.
In our study, volume shrinkage during freezing RBCs can be obtained by using a
shape-independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique. By fitting the
water transport model to the experimentally obtained DSC data, the best-fit membrane
permeability parameters (reference membrane permeability to water, Lpg and the
activation energy, ELp) were determined. Afterwards, optimal cooling rates can be
figured out from theoretical model, dramatically reducing the experiments.
Cell suspensions were frozen to -50 at a slow cooling rate (5 /min) in the
presence of extracellular ice and 4 different media, 0.9 % NaCl, 20 % dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO), 10 % and 20 % glycerol. The combined best-fit paramters of water
transport in 0.9 % NaCl were Lpg=0.1032 μm/min-atm and ELp=82.59 kcal/mol with a
goodness-of-fit parameters R2=0.936, in agreement with Han’s report.
The corresponding parameters in 20 % DMSO were Lpg[cpa]=0.0173 μm/min-atm
and ELp[cpa]=16.49 kcal/mol with R2=0.913. Those in 10 % glycerol were
Lpg[cpa]=0.0111 μm/min-atm and ELp[cpa]=19.99 kcal/mol with R2=0.960, while those
in 20 % glycerol were Lpg[cpa]=0.0185 μm/min-atm and ELp[cpa]=23.02 kcal/mol with
R2=0.987. The membrane permeability decreased with the introduction of CPAs,
preventing osmotic lysis of RBCs.
By incorporating these membrane permeability parameters in water transport
model, optimal cooling rate for erythrocytes were ~37 /min, ~78 /min and
~44 /min in the 20 % DMSO, 10 % and 20 % glycerol respectively.
Cell morphology were examined in various media at a cooling rate of 5 /min by
cryomicroscopy. Cell volume declined with the decreasing temperature in 0.9 % NaCl
until lysis. After the introduction of permeating agents, RBCs retained intact membrane
and reasonable shape. Addition of DMSO resulted in spinous cells, implying glycerol
exerted a superior protection during biopreservation.
As an independent test of this prediction, cell and hemoglobin recovery rates were
obtained after freezing at 5 different cooling rates (20 /min, 40 /min, 60 /min,
80 /min and 100 /min) in the CPA media. When RBCs were frozen in 20 % DMSO
at 40 /min, the maximal cell and hemoglobin recovery rates reached 63.31±1.05 %
and 80.41±3.07 %. When RBCs were frozen in 10 % glycerol at 80 /min, the
maximal cell and hemoglobin recovery rates reached 71.72±3.18 % and 91.10±4.29 %
respectively. Optimal cooling rate reduced to 40 /min in 20 % glycerol, the maximal
cell and hemoglobin recovery were 73.60±2.24 % and 93.47±5.44 %. These theoretical
cooling rates were found to be in close conformity with experimentally determined
Key Wordred blood cell, DSC, water transport, optimal cooling rate
目 录
第一章 论 .................................................... 1
§1.1 红细胞概述 ................................................ 1
§1.1.1 红细胞的结构及功能 .....................................1
§1.1.2 红细胞输注 .............................................1
§1.2 红细胞的保存现状 .......................................... 2
§1.2.1 4 ℃低温保存 ...........................................2
§1.2.2 深低温保存 .............................................3
§1.2.3 玻璃化保存 .............................................4
§1.2.4 改善红细胞保存的研究进展 ...............................4
§1.3 红细胞低温损伤的热学机理 .................................. 5
§1.3.1 传热强于传质的过程 .....................................5
§1.3.2 传质强于传热的过程 .....................................5
§1.4 细胞的渗透现象 ............................................ 6
§1.4.1 渗透现象 ...............................................6
§1.4.2 渗透作用引发的低温损伤 .................................6
§1.4.3 细胞膜渗透特性的测量方法 ...............................7
§1.5 差示扫描量热法在细胞保存中的应用 .......................... 7
§1.5.1 功率补偿型 DSC 技术的工作机理 ...........................7
§1.5.2 差示扫描量热法在细胞保存上的应用 .......................8
§1.6 研究任务 ................................................. 11
第二章 红细胞在等渗溶液中对水分渗透性质的研究 .................... 13
§2.1 细胞膜的渗透现象 ......................................... 13
§2.1.1 细胞在渗透压作用下的体积变化 ..........................13
§2.1.2 水分跨膜转运的数理模型 ................................13
§2.1.3 细胞体积变化的测定方法 ................................15
§2.2 DSC 测定细胞体积变化的原理 ................................ 15
§2.3 测定红细胞的非渗透性体积 ................................. 18
§2.3.1 材料与方法 ............................................18
§2.3.2 实验结果 ..............................................19
一.红细胞的等渗体积(V0) ..................................... 19
二. 红细胞在不同溶液中的体积变化 ...............................19
三.确定红细胞非渗透性体积(Vb) ............................... 20
§2.4 DSC 测定红细胞在等渗溶液中的渗透参数 ...................... 21
§2.4.1 材料与方法 ............................................21
§2.4.2 实验结果 ..............................................24
一.细胞悬液的热流曲线 .........................................24
二.计算细胞体积变化 ...........................................24
三.确定红细胞的渗透参数(Lpg 及 ELp ............................ 26
§2.5 讨论 ..................................................... 26
§2.6 本章小结 ................................................. 27
第三章 红细胞在渗透性保护剂中对水分渗透性质的研究 ................ 28
§3.1 渗透性保护剂的保护机制 ................................... 28
§3.2 测定红细胞在渗透性保护剂中对水分的渗透参数 ............... 29
§3.2.1 实验步骤 ..............................................29
§3.3.2 实验结果与讨论 ........................................30
一.测定保存液的熔融温度 .......................................30
二.细胞在不同溶液中的热流曲线 .................................31
三.细胞在不同溶液中的体积变化 .................................33
四.红细胞在不同保存液中的渗透参数 .............................34
五.确定最佳降温速度理论值 .....................................36
§3.3 本章小结 ................................................. 38
第四章 红细胞在不同保存液中的低温保存实验 ........................40
§4.1 最佳降温速度 ............................................. 40
§4.2 在不同保存液中冷冻红细胞的形态观察 ....................... 41
§4.2.1 材料与方法 ............................................41
§4.2.2 实验结果与讨论 ........................................43
§4.3 红细胞在不同保存液中的最佳降温速度 ....................... 47
§4.3.1 材料与方法 ............................................47
§4.3.2 实验结果与讨论 ........................................49
一.测定细胞悬液未冻前的参数 ...................................49
二.测定细胞在不同降温速度下冻结融解后的参数 ...................50
三.测定细胞悬液中的甘油含量 ...................................50
§4.4 本章小结 ................................................. 50


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:70 页 大小:3.04MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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