
3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 1.14MB 46 页 15积分
摘 要
基于肝脏 CT 及其灌注图像序列进行肝脏功能评估是当前临床和应用研究的
针对肝脏 CT 及其灌注图像序列的基本特点,本论文着重对肝脏 CT 图像的
自动分割及灌注图像序列中感兴趣区域的跟踪问题进行了研究。结合 Mean Shift
论文所提供的肝实质分割方法首先对 CT 图像进行 Mean Shift 滤波以在保持
图像不连续性的基础上滤除噪声影响,然后通过 Mean shift 迭代自动寻找种子点,
论文结合 Mean shift 方法的基本原理,基于灰度直方图特性对肝脏 CT 灌注
关键词:医学图像分割 CT 肝脏灌注序列图像 Mean Shift 跟踪
With developments of digital hospital and medical information technology,
medical image processing has become one of the most important fields of biomedical
engineering with the fastest growing speed in recent years. With help of medical image
processing techniques, clinicians can diagnose pathological tissues inside human body
directly and accurately. Imaging techniques of CT, MRI, ultrasonic, digital rays and
radionuclide have further promoted researches of medical image processing.
It is a hotspot in fields of current clinical and applied researches to evaluate liver
function based on perfusion sequences of CT liver images. Segmenting liver image
effectively based on image processing technique and the tracking regions of interest
are of great sense, which can help doctors improving clinical diagnosis accuracy and
evaluation efficiency.
This paper focuses on studies of liver segmentation and tracking of ROI in image
sequences based on main characteristics of liver CT perfusion image sequences. The
automatic segmentation method of liver parenchyma based on regional growth and
tracking method of the liver ROI based on gray histogram statistical characteristics is
proposed following the basic principle of mean shift method.
For the liver segmentation method presented in this thesis, preserving
discontinuity, the mean shift smoothing method is applied to remove the noise at first,
then the initial seed point is selected automatically based on mean shift iterations, and
further the traditional region growing approach is utilized to perform growing of the
seed. Finally, fast, automatic and accurate liver parenchyma segmentation can be
achieved from the original CT image.
Based on basic principle of mean shift method and gray-level histogram
characteristics, tracking of ROI is performed through liver CT perfusion sequences. By
an offset correction algorithm of the tracking center, issues of instability or object
losing during tracking caused by the big difference of gray intensity of the ROI before
and after perfusion imaging can be solved effectively.
The algorithms presented in this paper can lay foundations for researching and
developing advanced computer-aided diagnosis or evaluation system for the liver
function based on image processing technique.
Key Word: Medical image segmentation, CT liver perfusion image
sequences, Mean shift, Tracking
目 录
第一章 ...................................................... 5
§1.1 选题背景以及意义 ........................................... 5
§1.2 医学图像分割和跟踪技术的研究现状 ........................... 3
§1.3 研究内容以及论文安排 ....................................... 4
第二章 医学图像分割方法概述 ....................................... 6
§2.1 图像分割的定义 ............................................. 6
§2.2 图像分割系统结构概述 ....................................... 6
§2.3 医学图像分割的经典算法与评价 ............................... 7
第三章 Mean Shift 方法研究 ........................................ 10
§3.1 Mean Shift 基本原理 ....................................... 10
§3.2 Mean Shift 算法的收敛性分析 ............................... 14
§3.3 Mean Shift 算法中常用的核函数 ............................. 15
§3.4 Mean Shift 核函数窗口带宽的计算 ........................... 16
§3.4.1 自动计算带宽 .......................................... 16
§3.4.2 自适应计算带宽 ........................................ 16
§3.5 Mean Shift 算法在图像处理中的应用 ......................... 17
§3.5.1 聚类 .................................................. 17
§3.5.2 图像滤波 .............................................. 17
§3.5.3 图像分割 .............................................. 18
§3.5.4 目标跟踪 .............................................. 18
§3.6 本章小结 .................................................. 19
第四章 基于 Mean Shift 算法的肝脏自动分割 .......................... 20
§4.1 基于 Mean Shift 算法的肝脏平滑 ............................. 20
§4.2 基于 Mean Shift 迭代的区域生长种子点的自动选取 ............. 22
§4.3 基于区域生长的肝脏分割自动算法流程 ........................ 24
§4.4 实验结果及分析 ............................................ 25
§4.4.1 中值滤波和 Mean Shift 平滑滤波的比较 ................... 25
§4.4.2 Mean Shift 与区域生长相结合与单纯区域生长的分割结果比较 26
§4.5 本章小结 .................................................. 25
第五章 基于 Mean Shift 方法和灰度直方图特性的 ROI 运动跟踪 .......... 27
§5.1 引言 ...................................................... 27
§5.2 非参数密度估计理论 ........................................ 27
§5.2.1 核密度估计函数的原理 .................................. 28
§5.2.2 核函数的选择条件 ...................................... 29
§5.3 基于灰度直方图的 Mean Shift 算法 ........................... 30
§5.3.1 Mean Shift 算法中直方图计算 ........................... 30
§5.3.2 匹配系数的计算 ........................................ 30
§5.3.3 迭代寻找新的匹配中心 .................................. 31
§5.3.4 跟踪算法描述 .......................................... 31
§5.4 实验结果及结论 ............................................ 32
§5.5 本章小结 .................................................. 37
第六章 结论与展望 ................................................. 38
§6.1 总结 ...................................................... 38
§6.2 今后研究方向 .............................................. 39
参考文献 .......................................................... 40
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .................... 43
............................................................ 44
第一章 绪 论
§1.1 选题背景以及意义


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:46 页 大小:1.14MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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