Ad hoc网络无载波感知的功率控制MAC协议的研究及退避算法的改进

3.0 侯斌 2024-11-19 4 4 885.04KB 71 页 15积分
第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1
§1.1 Ad hoc 网络概论 ........................................... 1
§1.1.1 Ad hoc 网络简介 ......................................1
§1.1.2 Ad hoc 网络的特点 ....................................2
§1.1.3 Ad hoc 网络的应用 ....................................4
§1.1.4 Ad hoc 网络的关键技术 ............................... 5
§1.2 MAC 协议研究的背景 ........................................ 7
§1.3 论文的主要工作 ............................................ 8
第二章 Ad hoc 网络的 MAC 协议介绍 ................................... 9
§2.1 Ad hoc 网络的体系结构 ..................................... 9
§2.1.1 Ad hoc 网络的拓扑结构 ................................9
§2.1.2 Ad hoc 网络的协议栈结构 .............................10
§2.2 MAC 协议解决的主要问题 ................................... 12
§2.2.1 MAC 层协议需要解决的无线接收问题 ....................12
§2.2.2 几种不同的信道共享方式 ..............................12
§2.2.3 隐藏终端问题 ........................................13
§2.2.4 暴露终端问题 ....................................... 15
§2.2.5 移动节点的影响 ..................................... 16
§2.3 Ad hoc 网络的 MAC 协议分类 ................................ 16
§2.4 Ad hoc 网络几种 MAC 协议的简述 ............................ 17
§2.4.1 多址接入冲突避免协议 MACA ...........................17
§2.4.2 无线多址接入冲突避免协议 MACAW ......................18
§2.4.3 采用功率控制的多信道协议 DCA-PC .....................19
§ 信道模型 ...................................... 19
§ 完整的协议过程 ................................ 20
第三章 自组网中的节能协议 ......................................... 23
§3.1 能量消耗源和节能协议 .....................................23
§3.2 Ad hoc 网络中的节能协议 .................................. 25
§3.2.1 MAC 层的节能协议 ....................................25
§ 功率控制协议 ..................................25
§ 动态关闭无线接口协议 ..........................26
§3.2.2 2.5 层的节能机制 ....................................32
§3.2.3 网络层的节能协议 ................................... 34
第四章 无载波感知的自组网功率控制节能协议 ......................... 37
§4.1 一种支持功率控制的无线自组网节能 MAC 协议 .................37
§4.2.1 概述 ............................................... 37
§4.2.2 几个相关的自组网异步 MAC 协议 ....................... 37
§4.2 协议的具体实现过程 .......................................39
§4.2.1 信道分配策略的确定 ................................. 39
§4.2.2 ACK 报文的处理 ......................................40
§4.2.3 实现无载波感知的功率控制 ........................... 40
§4.2.4 实时数据传输的实现 ..................................42
第五章 Ad hoc 网络中 IEEE802.11MAC 协议退避算法的改进 .............. 44
§5.1 BEB 算法 ................................................. 44
§5.2 MILD 算法 ................................................ 46
§5.3 MIMLD 算法 ............................................... 47
§5.4 基于 MIMLD 的改进型算法 EMIMLD ............................ 48
§5.5 本章小结 .................................................51
第六章 基于 Opnet 的网络仿真及结果分析 ............................. 52
§6.1 无线局域网仿真技术简介 ...................................52
§6.2 Opnet 仿真平台的介绍 ..................................... 52
§6.2.1 Opnet 的用途 ........................................52
§6.2.2 Opnet 的建模机制 ....................................53
§6.2.3 Opnet 模拟机制 ......................................54
§6.3 对新算法 EMIMLD 的仿真 ....................................55
§6.3.1 基于 EMIMLD 算法的 MAC 层仿真建模分析 ................ 55
§6.3.2 基于 EMIMLD 算法的仿真结果分析 ...................... 57
§6.3.3 新算法 EMIMLD 的不足之处 .............................59
§6.4 新改进的无载波感知 MAC 协议的仿真结果分析是 ...............60
第七章 总结展望 ................................................... 62
参考文献 .......................................................... 64
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成.................... 67
致谢 .............................................................. 68
移动 Ad hoc 网络是由一组移动节点(带有多个终端的路由器、移动通讯设
具有泛的应用前景。近年来 Ad hoc 网络日益成为一个非常活跃的研究领域。
MAC 协议都要求物理层具备载波感知能力。但在一些以小型手持设备为终端的
自组网应用系统中物理层无法提供载波感知。MACA 协议提供了无需载波感
的能力,MACAW 协议对 MACA 协议进行了改进,比较好的解决了隐藏终端和
暴露终端的问题。DCA-PC 协议结合了多信道策略和能量分级控制功能。为此,
MACAMACAW 以及 DCA-PC 的基础上,提出了一种不需要载波感知的支
持功率控制的自组网多信道 MAC 协议,通过调整发射功率实现节能,并在一定
之后文章对 Ad hoc 网中的 MAC 协议 MACA 使用的退避算法 BEB
协议使用的退避算法 MILD MIMLD 进行了研究。本文研究的 Ad hoc 网络 MAC
层采用 IEEE802.11 作为其标准。DCF 802.11MAC 协议的基本媒体访问方法,
起不同节点之间的不公平性。MILD 算法以及 MIMLD 算法在不同的方面改善了
E[CW]的概念,通过动态调整时间间隔和窗口大小,减轻了 IEEE802.11 中遇
为验证提出的算法,我们分析了 Opnet 仿真模拟系统中 MAC 层的实现,
究了 BEB 算法的实现过程,并用改进算法替代了 BEB 算法。并对这两个算法的
公平性和网络吞吐量分别进行了对比。仿真模拟结果表明提出的算法对提高 Ad
hoc 网络的吞吐量和降低接入平均时延有明显的效果,具有很好的应用潜力。
关键词:Ad hoc 网络 MAC 无载波感知 功率分级 实时传输 退
避算法 公平Opnet
Wireless Ad hoc network is a multi-hop and temporally self-rule system
composed by a group of mobile nodes such as router with many terminals and mobile
communication equipments. It can be used in many environments, for example,
military, law executing, and disaster rescuing fields. Ad hoc has increasingly become
a very active research field in recent years.
The media access control (MAC) protocol of mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs)
is closely-related with its physics layer; most MAC protocols request the capability of
carrier sense in physical layer. But the physics layer of some small hand-hold
equipments can not provide carrier sense.
MACA can provide carrier sense. MACAW makes some improvements based on
MACA and has a better solution to the problems caused by hidden or exposure
terminal.DCA-PC combines with multi-channel strategy and energy control by levels.
Based on MACAMACAW and DCA-PC, a multi-channel MAC protocol with
radio power control for MANETs is put forward, which can economize energy by
adjusting radio power, and real-time traffic delivery is supported.
Then article studied the backoff algorithm BEB MILD and MIMLD.BEB is
used in MACA.MILD and MIMLD is used in MACAW in Ad hoc networks. In this
paper we research on IEEE 802.11 which adopted as a standard of MAC level in Ad
hoc network. At the basis of any access to the channel in IEEE 802.11 is the so-called
distributed coordination function (DCF) which adopted BEB algorithm.DCF has an
advantage in increasing the network throughput, but it can bring unfair among
different nodes. MILD and MIMLD improve the network in different parts, and
improve the fair channel access. But the throughput of the network should be
improved. So we bring forward a new backoff algorithm(EMIMLD),insert an new
concept which named Average Contention Window(E[CW]).This algorithm aims to
achieve fair channel without knowledge of the topology, self adapting to changes in
the traffic load as well as topological changes in the network. Through adjust time
interval and window size, decrease the issue encounted in IEEE 802.11.
To validate the algoritm, we analyze the implementation of MAC layer in Opnet
simulation system and pay more attention to the implementation of BEB algorithm.
We change BEB algorithm with improved algorithm, simulate the two algorithms
respectively and implement the simulation work. Based on the simulation results, we
analyze and compare two performance parameters of network, fairness index and
throughput. The analysis presents that this algorithm improves the throughput and
decrease the delay in Ad hoc network. And maybe this algorithm has more
implements in future.
Key wordsAd hoc Network, Medium Access Control, No Carrier
Sense, Energy Classification, Real-Time Transfer, Backoff Algorithm,
Equitableness, Opnet
第一章 绪论
第一章 绪论
§1.1 Ad hoc 网络概论
§1.1.1 Ad hoc 网络简介
方法就是移动设备组成 Ad hoc 网络。
Ad hoc 的英文原意是“特别的,特定的”Ad hoc 网络是建立在特定场合的
者接入到 Internet。它区别于现有无线网络的最显著特点是自治、多跳。自治是
说在 Ad hoc 网络中无中心管理节点,譬如基站,所有节点都处于对等的地位。
所有管理功能如资源分配,路由管理等等由所有节点协调分担。多跳是指 Ad hoc
Ad hoc 网络的应用场合非常广泛,早期应用于军队、警察、救护等系统中,
这些场合情况紧急,时常伴有灾难和危险。1972 DARRA(Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency)就启动了分组无线网(PRNET,Packet Radio
下数据通信中的应用。项目完成之后,DAPRA 1993 年启动了高残存性自
应网(SURAN, Survivable Adaptive Network)何将 PRNET
果加以扩展,以支持更大规模的网络,还要开发能够适应战场快 速变化环境下
的自适应网络协议。1944 年,DARPA 又启动了全球移动信息系统(GIoMo,Globle
Mobile Information Systems)项目。在分组无线网己有成果的基础上对能够满足军
随着信息化和数字化的发展,家庭、教室、会议室等场合,Ad hoc 无线


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:71 页 大小:885.04KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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